Courses Group Construction for Pre-service Chemistry Teacher Education
LIU Bao1, NONG Ying2, CHEN Yan-Yuan1, LUO Wei-Qiang1, TAO Qiang1, LU Hong-Qing1
1. Deparmtent of Chemistry, Guangxi University for Nationnalities, Nanning 530006, China; 2. Deparmtent of Politics and International Relations, Guangxi University for Nationnalities, Nanning 530006, China
Abstract This paper discussed the meaning, characteristics and setting ideas of pre-service chemistry teacher education courses group, proposed four construction and implementation plans of the courses group of pre-service chemistry teacher education from multi-levels, multi-dimensions and multi-modules such as teaching theory courses group, teching skills courses group, teaching practice courses group and teaching research courses group.
LIU Bao, NONG Ying, CHEN Yan-Yuan, LUO Wei-Qiang, TAO Qiang, LU Hong-Qing. Courses Group Construction for Pre-service Chemistry Teacher Education[J]. , 2015, 36(22): 45-49.