Explore Transformations Between Aluminum Compounds by Hand-held Technology
XU Wen-Hui1,2, QIAN Yang-Yi2, WANG Li-Xin3, LIN Jian-Fen4, TANG Wen-Xiu2
1. Dongguan Senior Middle School, Dongguan 523000, China;
2. Institute of Chemistry Education and Resources, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China;
3. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China;
4. Shenzhen Baoan Middle School(Group) Experimental School, Shenzhen 518101, China
Abstract In the process of learning elements in senior high school,the interaction of the compounds (aluminous triangle) involved 7 reaction equations,belonging to college entrance examination high frequency examination point. Because most of the students' cognition was on the memory level,the mutual transformation relationship of aluminum was more chaotic for them. Started from a college entrance examination question,this paper designed 4 solution titration experiments with digital hand-held technology,using conductivity,pH sensor to gain the curves of conductivity and pH with time,combining macroscopic,microscopic,symbolic and curvilinear characterization multi angle to analyze. Four dimensional characterization analysis methods were utilized. The purpose was breaking through the double hydrolysis reaction equation and providing some reference suggestions to improve the teaching of aluminum,enriching the case of hand-held technology in teaching.
XU Wen-Hui, QIAN Yang-Yi, WANG Li-Xin, LIN Jian-Fen, TANG Wen-Xiu. Explore Transformations Between Aluminum Compounds by Hand-held Technology[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2018, 39(21): 54-62.