Comparison of Coagulant Water Purification Effect and Study on Water Purification Mechanism Based on Digital Hand-Held Technology
XU Min-Shan1,2, QIAN Yang-Yi2**, WANG Li-Xin3, CHEN Bo-Yin4, FAN Wan-Zhen5
1. Conghua District Second Middle School, Guangzhou 510920, China;
2. Institute of Chemistry Education and Resources, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China;
3. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China;
4. Guangzhou No. 7 Middle School, Guangzhou 510080, China;
5. Guangdong Guangya High School, Guangzhou 510106, China
Abstract Digital hand-held technology was used to compare the coagulant water purification effect and study the water purification mechanism. That was, through the colorimeter and pH sensor from four major aspects the amount of coagulant input, water purification rate, pH adaptation and corrosion compared the water purification effect of three coagulants. The following conclusions were drawn: the water purification effect of PFS was better than that of ferric sulfate and alum; the optimal alum dosage was about 125 mg/L, and the optimum dosage of ferric sulfate and PFS were both about 75 mg/L. Finally, based on the tetra-representation teaching model, analyzed the pH curve of the water purification process and obtained the general mechanism of coagulant water purification.
XU Min-Shan, QIAN Yang-Yi, WANG Li-Xin, CHEN Bo-Yin, FAN Wan-Zhen. Comparison of Coagulant Water Purification Effect and Study on Water Purification Mechanism Based on Digital Hand-Held Technology[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2020, 41(11): 89-97.