Construction and Practical Exploration of General Elective Courses Based on Interdisciplinary Integration: Taking the Course of Chemistry and Archaeology as Example
BAI Feng-Hua*, XUE Hui, GUO Yan
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010021, China
Abstract Under the construction background of “double first-class”, how to cultivate interdisciplinary talents through curriculum implementation has become the goal of first-class undergraduate talent training. In this paper, takes the course of chemistry and archaeology as an example to summarize the experience and methods of the construction of the interdisciplinary general elective course, in particular, this course makes students exposed to different interdisciplinary literacy form rely on interdisciplinary content, so as to help train interdisciplinary talents with comprehensive innovative ability. Therefore, the practical exploration of this course can provide experience for the construction of general elective courses of interdisciplinary integration.
BAI Feng-Hua*,XUE Hui,GUO Yan. Construction and Practical Exploration of General Elective Courses Based on Interdisciplinary Integration: Taking the Course of Chemistry and Archaeology as Example[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2021, 42(8): 17-22.