Abstract Organic chemistry is a basic compulsory course for the national first-class undergraduate major,chemical normal majorand polymer materials and egineering major,and for non-normal majors,such asapplied chemistry,pharmaceutical engineering,etc. Due to the different training objectives ofchemistrynormal and non-normal majors,the precision teaching of organic chemistry is also different. This paper mainly explores and practices the differentiated precision teaching of organic chemistry for chemistry normal majors and non-normal majors from three aspects of theoretical teaching,experimental teaching and multimedia teaching. The precision teaching of organic chemistry for chemistry normal majors focuses on cultivating students' teaching ability,while the precision teaching of organic chemistry for non-normal majors focuses on cultivating students' application ability.
LI Wan-Mei, YUE Xiao-Guang, OU-YANG Ya-Ni, ZHANG Peng-Fei. Exploration and Practice of Precise Teaching of Organic Chemistry Under the Double First-Class Background[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2022, 43(4): 33-38.