Analysis and Suggestion on Chemical History Contents Compiling in Grade Nine Chemistry Textbooks
LIU Chun-Hua1,2, JIAO Huan1
1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China;
2. Sanhe No.2 Experimental Middle School, Langfang 065201, China
Abstract This paper expounded the statistics and analysis of the content selection and arrangement of chemical history in four versions of grade nine chemistry textbooks, and found that the number of teaching materials of chemistry history was increasing with the deepening of the new curriculum reform, and their educational value had been widely recognized. Although contents arrangement of chemical history in textbooks were well illustrated, but there still had room for improvement:The introductions of chemists were too simple, and introduction perspectives were not comprehensive enough; the descriptions of chemistry development were confined to the contributions of individual scientists and isolated scientific events; the learning form of chemical history was single. In order to play the educational function of chemical history better, this paper suggested that chemists' images should be more plentiful, chemical research processes should be more complete and true, and we should design rich learning activities of chemical history to make students to pay more attention to learning chemical history.
LIU Chun-Hua, JIAO Huan. Analysis and Suggestion on Chemical History Contents Compiling in Grade Nine Chemistry Textbooks[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2016, 37(15): 77-81.