Research Progress in Application of SOLO Taxonomy in High School Chemistry Education: 2006-2014
MAI Yu-Hua1, XIAO Xin2
1. Guangzhou Xiehe Middle School, Guangzhou 510160, China; 2. School of Chemistry and Environment, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Abstract This paper reviewed 46 articles published from 2006 to 2014 on applying SOLO taxonomy in high school chemistry education in China. The study summarized four typical applications of SOLO taxonomy: (a) analysis and preparation of test questions and scoring criteria, (b) analysis of the SOLO level of the college entrance examination questions, (c) guidance of classroom teaching design and practice, (d) guidance of empirical studies on high school chemistry learning psychology. The four typical applications of SOLO taxonomy were detailed reviewed and commented, and these applications should be continued to perform in-depth theoretical and practical studies in the future. It suggested that chemistry teachers should improve their knowledge of SOLO taxonomy and researchers should carry out more empirical studies focused on students' real SOLO levels.