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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2016, 37 (7)   Published: 02 April 2016
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 0-0.
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Special Topics

Significance and Problems of Localized Study on Learning Progressions

TONG Wen-Zhao, WANG Hou-Xiong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 1-5. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015090062
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Based on important position and significance of learning progressions (LPS) in the new round of science education reform in the United States, combined with the progress and reflection of the new curriculum reform of science education in China, this paper elaborated the significance of learning progressions localization study on cognitive development of students, teaching and evaluation of teachers, amending and improving curriculum standards and textbooks, training of scientific literacy, etc., analyzed some urgent problems faced by the "localization" process of learning progressions study, such as integrating into the domestic curriculum and instruction, research ideas and methods of "localization", etc.

Research Progress in Application of SOLO Taxonomy in High School Chemistry Education: 2006-2014

MAI Yu-Hua, XIAO Xin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 6-12. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015010062
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This paper reviewed 46 articles published from 2006 to 2014 on applying SOLO taxonomy in high school chemistry education in China. The study summarized four typical applications of SOLO taxonomy: (a) analysis and preparation of test questions and scoring criteria, (b) analysis of the SOLO level of the college entrance examination questions, (c) guidance of classroom teaching design and practice, (d) guidance of empirical studies on high school chemistry learning psychology. The four typical applications of SOLO taxonomy were detailed reviewed and commented, and these applications should be continued to perform in-depth theoretical and practical studies in the future. It suggested that chemistry teachers should improve their knowledge of SOLO taxonomy and researchers should carry out more empirical studies focused on students' real SOLO levels.
Investigation on Courses and Teaching Materials

Analysis of American High School Textbook:The 6th Edition Chemistry in the Community

PENG Shu-Jin, LIU Rui, FU Xing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 13-19. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015030097
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American high school textbook Chemistry in the Community (6th edition), was revised and published in June 2011. The unit"getting to know chemistry in the community"was added, which turned 7 units to 8 units in total, and the order and details of some units were adjusted. The new edition concentrated more on chemistry related to society, life and environment, took the patterns of combination of problem-orientated and learning goal orientation, which not only kept the characteristic of close connection of chemistry and society but also paid attention to the study of chemistry conception and inquiry skills.

Comparative Study of Graphic System Between Chinese and Foreign Chemistry Textbooks: Taking Chemical Bond as Example

GAO Miao, ZHAO Shu-Yu, ZHOU Qing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 20-24. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015030019
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A quantitative comparison was made on the amount, the density and the categories of graphic system in chemical bond between Chinese and foreign chemistry textbooks. This study found that the categories of graphs were relatively abundant in every country chemistry textbooks and the use of the model class graphs were the most. In addition, graphs were mainly distributed in the core concepts of covalent bond. The amount and the density of Chinese chemistry textbooks were in the center of ten ranking, and the categories of the graphs were slightly deficient.
New Curriculum Forum

Study on Consistency Between Teaching Objectives Required by Teachers' Books for Senior High School Compulsory Chemistry 2 and Curriculum Standard

KONG Ling-Yu, DU Hai-Li, MIAO Shen-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 25-33. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014120097
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This paper studied the consistency between chemistry curriculum standard and teaching objectives required by teachers' books for senior high school compulsory chemistry 2 published by People's Education Press and Shandong Science and Technology Press, and judged the consistency degree. This study further analyzed the consistency of teaching objectives and their corresponding contents in two versions of teachers' books from the distribution of themes and objective levels through the column chart, and evaluated them based on the curriculum standards. Finally, this paper summarized the process and results of the above analysis, and put forward some suggestions.
Teaching Research

Design Model for New Teaching Contents of Elements and Compounds with Phenol as an Example

BAI Yue-Ming, HAN Lin-Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 34-37. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014050150
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This paper constructed design model for new teaching contents of elements and compounds knowledge, applied this design model in the teaching contents design process of "phenol" in Organic Chemistry Foundation for senior high school, and gave suggestions and considerations for the use of this design model.
Rcform of College Entrance Examination

Analysis of Consistency Between Senior High School Chemistry Academic Proficiency Test in Jilin Province and Curriculum Standard

WANG Xiu-Hong, WANG Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 38-42. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015040035
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Based on localized Webb consistency analysis mode, this paper studied the consistency of cognitive contents between senior high school chemistry academic proficiency test papers and curriculum standard from types, breadth, depth and distribution balance of knowledge. On the basis of attribution analysis and reflection of research results, some suggestions were provided to the research of achievement evaluation.
Review Guide

Review of Substance Unit From the Perspective of Deep Learning

FU Ai-Qin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 43-48. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015090113
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From the perspective of deep learning, this paper designed unit review teaching with the theme of "substance", reflected the teaching practice from three aspects: the matching of cognitive goal and learning content; level of students' participation in classroom learning; features of deep learning.

Teaching Design and Implementation of Theme-Based Review on Properties of Iron and Copper

WU Bing, WANG Wei-Qun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 49-52. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014100152
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This paper combined review on properties of iron and copper with introduction of cultural relics of iron and bronze. Students not only reviewed the chemical knowledge, but also obtained some knowledge of cultural relics during this process. Then they constructed knowledge actively, their horizon was broadened, and their learning interests was stimulated.
Teacher Education

Case Study of Technological Pedagogical Chemistry Knowledge Under TPACK Perspective

LOU Po-Yu, LI Hong-Juan, RAN Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 53-58. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015030065
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Based on the abroad study of TPACK, this paper selected high school chemistry as a starting point, proposed structural model of "Technological Pedagogical Chemistry Knowledge (TPCHK)" and analyzed its connotation. Meanwhile, this paper analyzed the teaching case of "ammonia" and discussed the structure of TPCHK which chemistry teachers should have in detail.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Innovative Experiments of Series Electrolytic Cells

JIANG Lan, XIA Li-Jun, DUAN Chang-Ping
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 59-61. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014040112
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When the city underground transmission line was disconnected, it would be in line with the track (pipeline) on the ground or underground in wet soil to form a circuit, and sped up the corrosion of tracks (pipelines). The principle was equivalent to the combination of electrolyte solution of series electrolytic cells in which two electrodes without connecting power supply were as a conductor laied between the two electrodes connecting power supply, then formed a special series electrolysis cell. Based on the above principle, this paper designed innovative experiments.

Analysis of Completion and Problems of Chemistry Experiments in Elementary School Science Classroom

WANG Qiang, ZHOU Jing, GUO Ming, SUN Gen-Ban
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 62-65. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014060039
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The teaching of chemical knowledge in elementary school science class is mainly based on chemistry experiments, whether chemistry experiments can be completed in the class is the prerequisite for experiments playing three-dimensional teaching function, which also affect the effective access to chemical knowledge of primary school students. This paper analyzed the completion and problems of chemistry experiments in elementary school science class, put forward suggestions for implementation and improvement of chemistry experiments in future elementary school class.

Experiment Design for Showing Light Blue Flame of Hydrogen Combustion

YE Yong-Qian, ZHANG Xian-Jin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 66-68. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014070054
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Based on the designed experimental device for reaction of sodium and water, this paper designed experiment of hydrogen combustion showing a light blue flame, which eliminated two interferences of flame reaction of glass tip tube and kerosene vapor. Students intuitively understood that the generated gas was hydrogen through observing experimental phenomena.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Ferrous Ion and Ferrous Hydroxide Which is More Easily Oxidized in the Air

WANG Shu-Zhi, WANG Yi-Xia
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 69-71. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014050175
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This paper analyzed ferrous ion and ferrous hydroxide which was more easily oxidized in the air, based on comparing the standard equilibrium constants of the oxidation reactions, standard electrode potential of negative electrode pair and electromotive force of primary battery formed by the relevant reactions.

Comparison of pH Size of Sodium Bicarbonate Solution and Sodium Acetate Solution Under Same Concentration

ZHANG Xin-Yang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 72-74. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014040118
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This paper used Excel to calculate the concentration of ions in sodium bicarbonate solution and sodium acetate solution under the same concentration, and showed that the degree of hydrolysis of bicarbonate was greater than that of acetate, and the pH size of these two solution depended on both the hydrolysis degree and the solution concentration.

Question About Water Ionization in College Entrance Examination of Chemistry

LI Zhou-Ping
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 75-76. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014040072
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This paper analyzed 13th question about water ionization in 2013 college entrance examination of chemistry in Shandong province, and found that the given options were not very comprehensive, and the reference answer was not in detail.

Tyndall Phenomenon of Colloidal Sol Under Different Concentrations

LI Wan-Jun, ZHANG Jing, GU Xiao-Yuan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 77-81. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015050106
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In order to investigate the effect of amount-of-substance concentration of colloidal sol on Tyndall phenomenon, the red laser was adopted to form the optical paths at nine concentrations of ferric hydroxide colloid. HSV color mode was used to analyze the images of optical paths. The results showed that the hue and saturation had no relation to the process position of optical paths, on which the intensity value was dependent. Intensity values always decayed along with optical paths when the concentration of colloidal solution was in the range of 0.0846~0.0617 mol/L, and the degree of decaying was proportional to the concentration. However, the intensity values firstly decayed and then elevated along with optical paths when the concentration of colloidal solution was in the range of 0.0555~0.0364 mol/L. The interdependency was periodical between average value of hue and saturation and concentrations of colloidal sol. The variation trend of mean intensity value was reducing, rising and reducing again with the decrease of concentration, and the peak value and valley value of mean intensity value emerged at 0.0405 mol/L and 0.0617 mol/L respectively.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2016, 37 (7): 74-74.
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