Abstract Based on the analysis of the connotation of “social responsibility” literacy and the current situation of research, this paper has formulated the goal of “social responsibility” literacy of junior high school chemistry “fuel and its utilization” review teaching course. It also designed the teaching process with the “change of comprehensive utilization of straw” and the “history of evolution” of fuel for the “historic fuelwood fuel- easy to use fossil fuels- clean and environmentally friendly new fuels”. From the perspective of “fuel and its utilization” review teaching, junior high school chemistry teaching can make students obtain social responsibility“experience to form social responsibility”literacy through real situations, innovative experiments and meaningful learning experiences.
YANG Lin-Quan. Cultivation of “Social Responsibility” Literacy in Junior High School Chemistry Teaching: Fuel and Its Utilization[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2020, 41(11): 18-22.