Let Students Deeply Experience and Understand the Real Occurrence of Ion Reaction: Application of Conduct Metric Titration in the Study of Acid-Alkali-Salt Reaction Law
LIU Chen1*, LI Fu-Gang2
1. Beijing Guangqumen Middle School, Beijing 100062, China;
2. Basic Education Teaching Research Center, Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences, Beijing 100036, China
Abstract Focusing on students’ experience and perception in learning process and cultivating students’ scientific inquiry ability is the focus of the new round of chemistry curriculum reform. With the aid of digital experiments, classroom teaching creates problem situations and conduct metric titration is used to study the rule of double decomposition ion reaction among acid, alkali and salt. Based on the digital experimental results, the experimental results are analyzed and explained from the perspective of four representations of macro-micro-symbol-curve, so that students can experience and perceive the real occurrence of ion reaction in the demonstration, and reflect on teaching.
LIU Chen, LI Fu-Gang. Let Students Deeply Experience and Understand the Real Occurrence of Ion Reaction: Application of Conduct Metric Titration in the Study of Acid-Alkali-Salt Reaction Law[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2020, 41(13): 48-53.