Analysis of Handheld-Based Digital Chemistry Experiment Under Multidimensional View: Articles of QIAN Yang-Yi's Studio in 20 Years
MAI Yu-Hua1, QIAN Yang-Yi2**
1. School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China; 2. School of Chemistry and Environment, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Abstract From three dimensions of experimental theme, experimental design and the value of experiment, content analysis was used to explore the handheld-based digital chemistry experimental cases, taking 36 journal articles researched and published by QIAN Yang-Yi's studio of South China Normal University for 20 years as an example. The results were found as follows: (1) The experimental cases had a total of 28 experimental themes, including the important contents of each grade and each knowledge module, and focusing on 22 important core conceptions, which were inspiring for students' cognitive development. (2) Twenty-nine experimental cases were designed for mutual controlled experiments, 27 experimental cases used 1 sensor, and the 7-link experimental case development method was summarized. (3) The values of experiment include “curve representation”, “concept formation” and “conceptual change”, mainly taking “concept formation” as its orientation and promoting students' understand of conceptual cognition difficulties. The future trend of experimental case study is discussed.
MAI Yu-Hua, QIAN Yang-Yi. Analysis of Handheld-Based Digital Chemistry Experiment Under Multidimensional View: Articles of QIAN Yang-Yi's Studio in 20 Years[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2020, 41(19): 83-89.