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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2020, 41 (19)   Published: 02 October 2020
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 0-.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 74-74. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020020145
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 13-13.
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Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Analysis of Illustration Characteristics of Current Japanese Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks and Its Enlightenment

LIU Yu-Rong, WANG Yang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 1-13. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019060014
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The 2018 edition of senior high school chemistry textbooks published by Japan Shuyan Publishing House have many unique features in illustration design, realizing the illustration design concept of changing from “textbook” to “learning materials”. Based on the existing research on the scientificity of textbook illustration,this paper uses text analysis method to analyze illustrations in textbooks from five dimensions:layout of illustrations,expression forms of illustrations,degree of integration of illustrations,selection of illustration materials and multi-dimensional information integration with illustrations,and provides reference opinions for the compilation of textbook illustrations in China.

Interdisciplinary Content Analysis and Teaching Suggestions of Chemistry and Biology Based on New Curriculum Standard

NIAN Min-Hui, CHEN Ling-Ying, ZHENG Liu-Ping
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 14-19. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019080027
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Interdisciplinary integration is the general trend. At present, there are still some problems in the interdisciplinary teaching of chemistry and biology, such as separating the links between the two disciplines. This paper selects 2007 and 2019 textbooks and 2017 senior high school curriculum standards of the above two disciplines, compares and analyzes the cross part of textbook, curriculum content and core literacy, and puts forward the following teaching suggestions: Strengthen teachers' interdisciplinary quality and attach importance to the research of cross content; Carry out effective cross-content teaching and build systematic knowledge network; Pay attention to the evaluation design of cross-content learning.
Excellent Lesson

Teaching of Solution Concept Based on Development of Chemistry Core Literacy

QIU Yong-Hong, WANG Chun, LIU Xiao-Juan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 20-24. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019090133
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The concept of chemistry is not only a part of basic knowledge, but also carries the function of developing students' thinking ability. This paper takes “knowledge solution” in chemistry teaching in junior middle school as an example. According to the learning situation and teaching content, it integrates rich materials such as experiments, media and society, from macro to micro, from evidence to reasoning, from scientific spirit to social responsibility, which promotes the coordinated development of students' thinking and consciousness in subjects and achieves good teaching effect.

Large Unit Teaching Design and Practice Under Real Situation: Topic Review of Sodium Percarbonate

ZHU Ru-Qin, WANG Feng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 25-31. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019060145
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Taking the large unit teaching of “special review of sodium percarbonate” as an example, this paper expounds the review stage of middle school entrance examination from the aspects of situation selection, content determination, unit goal, activity design, etc. Through the teaching design of situational situation, diversified teaching methods and scientific teaching evaluation in the teaching of “unit design”, it can effectively practice the quality education of building morality and cultivating people, as well as the reality of integrating learning with application, knowledge and practice study.

Teaching Practice of Inquiry Learning Based on STEM Mode: ABS Surface Electroless Copper Plating

LI Zhi-Xin, PU Jin-Feng, MA Xiu-Ping
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 32-38. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019090077
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Taking the research teaching of “electroless copper plating on surface of ABS plastics” as an example, the STEM teaching mode is explored by applying the “science-engineering” integrated project learning process, which is suitable for students' development. In the real problem situation, the students finally assign the best technological conditions through knowledge pre-learning, project-based activities designing, experimental exploration and achievement exhibition. In the research learning based on STEM mode, students integrate theoretical knowledge into specific engineering technologies, and the integration of disciplines was realized.

Problems Existing in the Lesson Paper and the Writing Framework and Content Requirements to Improve the Quality

ZHU Yu-Jun, WANG Xiang-Feng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 39-42. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020070251
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In view of the difficulties in sharing and disseminating the research results of the first-line teachers, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the writing of the current lesson paper: the lack of teaching objectives, the emphasis on teaching design and the neglect of teaching practice, the lack of reflection on teaching, the lack of literature review, and the disconnection between teaching theory and teaching practice. Furthermore, puts forward the writing framework and content requirements to improve the quality of lesson papers, which pays attention to inheritance and development, emphasizes the presentation of teaching practice data, emphasizes the replicability and operability, and is easy to be accepted by front-line teachers.
Teaching Research

The Teaching Logic of “Molecule and Atom” in Junior High School Chemistry: Literature Analysis Based on 2011—2018

PAN Liu-Yin, PAN Huan-Kun, CHEN Jing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 43-49. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019070119
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Based on 19 teaching and research literatures about “molecule and atom” in junior high school chemistry from 2011 to 2018, two main teaching logics are summed up based on the analysis of teaching concept and strategy: “evidential reasoning” and “model cognition”. From the three dimensions of “initial establishment of particle view”, “development of particle view” and “initial formation of particle view”, the author sums up and comments on the two kinds of teaching logic. Based on teaching practice, the author puts forward a new “model cognitive” teaching logic.

Teaching of “Optimization and Production of Battery” Based on Technological Literacy

WANG Xiu-Hong, LIU Yan, WANG Chun-Jiao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 50-57. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019080130
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The implementation and technical education in the chemistry discipline plays an important role in developing students' technological literacy and forming the basic concept of “chemistry, technology and society”. This paper deeply explores the technical literacy value of galvanic cells, and carries out the teaching of galvanic cell based on technological literacy, in order to expand and deepen students' understanding of the essence of galvanic cell, form a general way of thinking to analyze battery problems, and develop students' ability to explain analysis, design and evaluation, and to make and optimize batteries, leading to the ultimate development of students' technological literacy.

Teaching Improvement Based on Students' Cognitive Development: Influencing Factors on Ionization Equilibrium

SU Hui-Xian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 58-64. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019070123
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Discipline compound cognition is the nuclear mechanism of discipline competence. Students tend to use certain thinking patterns when thinking about and dealing with chemical problems, there are differences in students' cognitive development and the level of students' compound cognition. Therefore, testing and evaluating students' cognitive development level is an important part of teaching to promote students' discipline competence literacy. After the teaching of chemical equilibrium, by testing and evaluating students' cognitive development in the core topics of “chemical equilibrium”, determine the key points and development points of the next stage of teaching, and select influencing factors on ionization equilibrium as the teaching carrier, implemented teaching designs of promoting students' cognitive development,through student survey data, it is found that teaching improvement based on students' cognitive development is an effective means to improve teaching efficiency.

Backward Design Based on the Theory of “VSEPR” in the Guided Inquiry Teaching of AP Curriculum

XIAO Li-Jie, LU Yi-Wen, ZHENG Qian, PAN Rui, HE Shu-Yin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 65-69. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019080036
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In “AP Chemistry Guided Inquiry Activities for the Classroom” handbook, the learning target and the assessment evidences are essential in the guided inquiry teaching with UbD model based on the backward design method, which can avoid misleading and overemphasizing on activity itself in designing process. The introduction of the backward design and its application in VSEPR teaching activities is expected to provide a guideline for innovation of inquiry teaching in domestic middle schools.
Information Technology and Chemistry

Application of Digital Technology in the Teaching of Electrochemical Corrosion of Metals*

SHI Zhi-Bin, YANG Shang-Xing, LIN Pin-Zeng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 70-73. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019110001
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Digital technology such as digital microscopy and time-lapse photography can be applied to the oxygen absorption corrosion experiment of iron to help students observe the detailed phenomenon and change process. In the teaching of “probing into the mystery of corrosion rate curve of steel pipe pile in ocean engineering”, oxygen absorption corrosion experiment supported by digital technology can promote students to build cognitive models of uniform corrosion and local corrosion, so as to achieve the teaching objectives of the subject.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Integrated Training for Handheld Technology Digital Experiment Subjects: Seven-Day Concentrated Training of Provincial Teacher Training Plan

QIAN Yang-Yi, LIN Hui-Mei, CHEN Liu-Qing, SHI Guang, LAN Hai-Hang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 75-82. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019110055
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What are the pain points, difficulties and breakthrough points of the most regional secondary school teachers' special training? The pain points lie in the generalization of the training theme, the content of the product, the weakening of the assessment, leading to fewer results, poor consequent, less sense of acquisition and other painful results; the difficulty lies in how to find the “prescription” of adults' short-term training. The design of the theme training integrated in this paper is to break through the above problems. On the basis of the previous years of training experience of the “National Training Program” and the “Provincial Training Program”, the design concepts, the overall design framework, the specific practical plans for the design of the theme training “integration” were put forward. Taking the seven-day concentrated training of the handheld technology digitization experiment of the high school chemistry class of South China Normal University as an example, the practical effect of the training integrated design was tested. Based on this, a “1+1+4” teacher training paradigm based on the integration of themes was developed. The survey results show that the integrated design of handheld technology digital experiment theme training has good application effect and promotion value in practice.

Analysis of Handheld-Based Digital Chemistry Experiment Under Multidimensional View: Articles of QIAN Yang-Yi's Studio in 20 Years

MAI Yu-Hua, QIAN Yang-Yi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 83-89. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018120124
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From three dimensions of experimental theme, experimental design and the value of experiment, content analysis was used to explore the handheld-based digital chemistry experimental cases, taking 36 journal articles researched and published by QIAN Yang-Yi's studio of South China Normal University for 20 years as an example. The results were found as follows: (1) The experimental cases had a total of 28 experimental themes, including the important contents of each grade and each knowledge module, and focusing on 22 important core conceptions, which were inspiring for students' cognitive development. (2) Twenty-nine experimental cases were designed for mutual controlled experiments, 27 experimental cases used 1 sensor, and the 7-link experimental case development method was summarized. (3) The values of experiment include “curve representation”, “concept formation” and “conceptual change”, mainly taking “concept formation” as its orientation and promoting students' understand of conceptual cognition difficulties. The future trend of experimental case study is discussed.

Improving Understanding of Hess's Law with Handheld Technology

ZHANG Hui-Min, QIAN Yang-Yi, LI Qi-Lin, LIN Dan-Ping, FAN Wan-Zhen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 90-97. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018080124
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This research measured the thermal effects of three experiments, learning from the determination of neutralization heat experiment in the textbook, based on the multi-transformation and comparative construction cognitive model, with the help of handheld technology and improved device. This paper analyzed the research results based on quadruple representations theory and successfully verified Hess's law with experiments. The method not only overcomes the conventional method's faults such as complex operation, poor visual effects and high experimental error, but also helps to improve students' chemical key competencies. This research is a good supplement to the textbooks, and it provides a reference for the teaching of Hess's law.

Applying Handheld Technology-Based Experiment to Explore the Influence of Molarity of Chlorid Ion on Chlorid Ion Effect: Reaction of Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid

MAI Yu-Hua, QIAN Yang-Yi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 98-102. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019070002
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The existence of chlorid ions could accelerate the rate of some chemical reactions involving metal, which is called “chlorid ion effect”. Taking the reaction of magnesium and hydrochloric acid as an example, the influence of molarity of chlorid ion on chlorid ion effect was explored by applying handhold technology-based digital experiment. They are found that: (1) The chemical reaction rate and the chloride ion effect increase while molarity of chlorid ion is enlarged in the range of 0.03~0.83 mol/L. (2) Molarity of chloride ion is one of the factors that affect the chemical reaction rate. Some suggestions for teaching and research regarding this experiment in the future are given.

Study on Effects of Acidity and Alkalinity on the Oxidability of Potassium Permanganate by Handheld Technology

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 103-106. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019080060
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Potassium permanganate is a common oxidizing agent, and its oxidizing strength is related to the acid base of the system. The effects of system acidity and alkalinity on the oxidability of potassium permanganate were investigated by using the REDOX potential (ORP) sensor and pH sensor with handheld technology. The results showed that the oxidation of potassium permanganate solution was significantly enhanced under acidic conditions, and continued to increase with the decrease of pH value. Under alkaline conditions, its oxidizability decreased obviously, and with the increase of pH value, its oxidizability continued to decrease. In the actual experiment, potassium permanganate solution suitable for acid and base should be selected as oxidizer according to various comprehensive factors.

Influence of Temperature on the pH of Salt Solutions Based on Hand-Held Technology

GUO Yu-Lin, SHI Wen-Jie, LI Ran
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 107-110. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019040180
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Inspired by question 11 of the 2018 Beijing College Entrance Examination Chemistry Question, this paper chooses 0.1 mol·L-1 Na2SO3, Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 solutions as representatives, using the hand-held technology to measure the data of the pH changes of the three salt solutions with temperature respectively. Based on the analysis results of the experimental data, the comprehensive influence of salt hydrolysis, water ionization, oxidation-reduction reaction and heat stability on solution pH due to temperature changing are discussed.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Study on the Stability of Sodium Bicarbonate Solution

WU Qiang, JIN Li-Xin, TANG Yu, CAI Yi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (19): 111-113. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019070087
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A standard curve of solution pH and sodium bicarbonate decomposition rate was plotted. The decomposition rate of sodium hydrogen carbonate in the case of a sodium hydrogen carbonate solution at room temperature and in the boiling water bath was measured. It is pointed out that the container for the sodium bicarbonate solution should be filled as much as possible and must be sealed when it is stored; the sodium carbonate solution which is removed of the sodium bicarbonate is not suitable for heating.
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