Combining Online and Offline Blended Teaching with “Flip Classroom” to Teach Ester Condensation Reaction
PENG Xiao-Xia1**, LI Nan2, REN Li-Lei1, YU Jia-Xin1, LI Yan-Fang1
1. Faculty of Chemistry and Material Science, Langfang Normal University,Langfang 065000, China;
2. Faculty of Computer Science, North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Langfang 065000, China
Abstract “Online and offline blended teaching” is widely used in the organic chemistry teaching with the help of a new APP “Superstar”. Taking the section of ester condensation reaction for example, this paper mainly introduces the teaching process and teaching effect of this type of instruction. The practice results show that the combination of online and offline blended teaching mode and flipped classroom can expand the knowledge of chemistry students, improve their self-learning ability and learning initiative, which achieves good teaching results.
PENG Xiao-Xia, LI Nan, REN Li-Lei, YU Jia-Xin, LI Yan-Fang. Combining Online and Offline Blended Teaching with “Flip Classroom” to Teach Ester Condensation Reaction[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2021, 42(16): 38-42.