A Review of The NSTA/ASTE 2020 Science Standards for Teacher Preparation in the United States
CHEN Kai1**, LIN Jia-Yi1, CHEN Bo2
1. School of Environmental Science, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 211171, China;
2. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, China
Abstract American The NSTA/ASTE 2020 Science Standards for Teacher Preparation was revised for the implementation of the New Generation of Science Education Standards, based on the latest research results of science education, with particular emphasis on the importance of subject content knowledge, and supplementing the requirements for the essence of science and scientific culture, It also strengthens the understanding of engineering and technology, cross-concepts, and subject concepts, highlighting the application of the law of learning advancement in the training of science teachers. In addition, corresponding changes have been made in the dimensions of subject teaching methods, learning environment, safety, and the impact on student learning. Therefore, it enlightens us that the standard for science teacher preparation which needs to refer the international reform trend and have Chinese characteristics should be issued. Content knowledge is important for science teachers’ professional development. Science teacher training should be based on the regular of learning progressions and pre-service teacher training should pay more attention to build learning environments.
CHEN Kai, LIN Jia-Yi, CHEN Bo. A Review of The NSTA/ASTE 2020 Science Standards for Teacher Preparation in the United States[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2021, 42(17): 76-84.