Analysis of Microscopic Characterization Illustrations of “Principle of Chemical Reaction” Module in Chinese and American Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks
TAN Yu-Ling, QIAN Yang-Yi*, YUAN Li-Juan, CHEN Jun-Ming
College of Chemistry, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Abstract Illustration of microscopic characterization is an important material, and it is an important understanding medium of the triple characterization of processing and internalization in students' mind. In order to give full play to the value of the microscopic characterization illustrations, the illustrations of “principle of chemical reaction” module in the textbooks of China and the United States have been carried on the comparative analysis by the way of content analysis. Results show that the number of the microscopic characterization illustrations account for a small proportion in the two textbooks, and the most content is the theme of “process”. Moreover, it lacks the microscopic characterization illustrations of the theme of “the direction, limit and rate of chemical reaction”. Representation in the form of both levels is higher, but the textbook of the United States makes a better integration of three representations. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the design and use of the microscopic characterization illustrations of “principle of chemical reaction” module in the two textbooks.
TAN Yu-Ling, QIAN Yang-Yi, YUAN Li-Juan, CHEN Jun-Ming. Analysis of Microscopic Characterization Illustrations of “Principle of Chemical Reaction” Module in Chinese and American Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2022, 43(17): 24-31.