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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education  
  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2022, 43 (17)   Published: 02 September 2022
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 0-0.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 129-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022030110
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 40-40.
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Discussion on “Red” Appearance of Blood Oranges

QIAN Feng-Qing, FAN Min
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 1-6. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090160
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Blood orange is named for its blood-red flesh color. The color of blood orange flesh depends on the content of anthocyanin. The content is easily affected by temperature, light, air humidity, pH and other factors and changes. This article discusses the “redness” of blood oranges from three aspects: the formation of “red” flesh, the degree of “redness” and the impact of blood oranges on human health. It is hoped that readers will experience the chemical knowledge contained in the blood orange and feel the close connection between chemistry and life.
Theoretical Perspective

Development of Understanding of Nature of Science in Modern China and Its Influence on Middle School Chemistry Education

WANG Qun-Sheng, MO Zun-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 7-13. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022010032
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Forming a good understanding of the nature of science is one of the important goals of modern chemistry education. However, since science was introduced into modern China,a localized understanding of the nature of science has been gradually formed under the influence of traditional thoughts and other factors, which makes the nature of science advocated in chemistry education not blindly pursue the same as that in the west. The understanding of the nature of local science in modern China has gone through three stages from the nature of utensils to the nature of methods and then to the nature of culture. It further changes the teaching goal of chemistry education from mastering technology to paying attention to thought, the teaching content from learning concrete knowledge to surpassing ontology, the teaching method from single teaching to diversified teaching, and the subject status from the appendage of traditional education to necessary subject education. The modern understanding of the nature of local science has played a guiding role in the development of chemical education. In addition, its outstanding characteristics of material value and national salvation further point out the importance of balancing the material and spiritual values and optimizing the understanding of the nature of local science. Western philosophy of science in chemistry education has an important reference to our country's chemistry education development, but we should pay attention to the differences in the development path and time background of chemical education in China, which not only makes the development of chemical education fit the needs of society, but also reflects the idea of learner-centered.
Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Interpretation of Chemistry Curriculum Standard (2022 Edition) for Compulsory Education of China: Composition and Structure of Substance

BI Hua-Lin, WANG Yu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 14-18. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022kb0002
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“Composition and structure of substance” is one of the five learning themes of the Chemistry Curriculum Standard For Compulsory Education (2022 Edition) of China, which has unique educational value and function. This paper analyzes the literacy development function of the “composition and structure of substance”, systematically explains the characteristics and changes of its content requirements and academic requirements, and puts forward teaching strategies in combination with teaching tips and the current teaching situation of junior high school chemistry related substance composition and structure content, provides guidance for in-depth understanding and implementation of the new curriculum standard.

Interpretation of Chemistry Curriculum Standard (2022 Edition) for Compulsory Education of China:Properties and Applications of Matter

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 19-23. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022kb0003
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This paper interprets the learning theme of “the properties and applications of matter” in the Chemistry Curriculum Standard (2022 Edition) for Compulsory Education of China, this theme embodies the specific requirements for core literacy development, includes the theme content structure and requirements led by big ideas, the academic requirements to clarify the performance expectations of core literacy, and the teaching tips and suggestions oriented by core literacy.

Analysis of Microscopic Characterization Illustrations of “Principle of Chemical Reaction” Module in Chinese and American Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks

TAN Yu-Ling, QIAN Yang-Yi, YUAN Li-Juan, CHEN Jun-Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 24-31. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070141
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Illustration of microscopic characterization is an important material, and it is an important understanding medium of the triple characterization of processing and internalization in students' mind. In order to give full play to the value of the microscopic characterization illustrations, the illustrations of “principle of chemical reaction” module in the textbooks of China and the United States have been carried on the comparative analysis by the way of content analysis. Results show that the number of the microscopic characterization illustrations account for a small proportion in the two textbooks, and the most content is the theme of “process”. Moreover, it lacks the microscopic characterization illustrations of the theme of “the direction, limit and rate of chemical reaction”. Representation in the form of both levels is higher, but the textbook of the United States makes a better integration of three representations. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the design and use of the microscopic characterization illustrations of “principle of chemical reaction” module in the two textbooks.
Excellent Lesson

Project-Based Teaching of Properties of Carbon Dioxide and Its Transformation: Exploring Industrial Capture Schemes of Carbon Dioxide

LIN Qiong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 32-39. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080267
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This paper takes exploring the industrial capture scheme of carbon dioxide as the project theme, and carries out the teaching of the nature and transformation of chemical carbon dioxide in junior high school. Students understand the relationship between “composition, properties, and change ”of matter through three projects subtasks of the “valence of material classification two-dimensional model and design the ideal of carbon dioxide conversion path” “experiments to explore the practical transformation of carbon dioxide” “to solve the industrial transformation of carbon dioxide”. The absorption efficiency of carbon dioxide in different alkali solutions is investigated by digital experiment with handheld technology, develop the ability of experimental inquiry, construct the cognitive model of material transformation in the field of chemical production, and improve the ability of thinking transfer. The advanced problem-solving mode from “carbon capture” to “carbon utilization” is conducive to the internalization of students' core literacy.

Micro-Project Teaching Practice and Reflection on “Formation of Solution” in Junior High School Chemistry Based on Real Situations

ZHANG Jun, WU Yong-Cai
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 41-46. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070118
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The paper takes the “formation of solution” as an example for the micro-projects teaching,chooses the hand cream as the theme which is familiar to the students and design six micro-project activities:“the dispersion of raw material” “the exploration of micro perspective” “the discrimination of concept” “the improvement of concept” “the production of hand cream” “the perception of application”.The students are guided to reflect, revise and form a more complete concept finally by setting up cognitive conflicts through situations continuously, in this way, construct structured knowledge autonomously through these interlocking inquiry activities. The students can connect the dissolution with emulsification and feel the solution and emulsification and perceive the harmony and the sustainable development between humans, nature and the society by making the hand cream.

Project Teaching of “Primary Battery” in High School Chemistry: Mystery of “Hydrodynamic” Salt Water Lamp

ZHANG Si-Fang, HUANG Pan-Pan, ZHOU Chen-Shuang, LI Xiao-Nan, WENG Sen-Xiang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 47-52. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070131
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In this paper, with the use of “Philippine Energy Saviors” to create the situation of inquiry, we carry out the journey of project-based learning and inquiry design with the mystery of “hydrodynamic” salt water lamp, deeply explore the principles and influencing factors of “hydrodynamic” salt water lamp in the project tasks, and reconstruct students' model cognition of the original battery; design and produce “family version” hydrodynamic lamps, and finally return to social scenes such as earthquake resistance and disaster reduction, strengthen the combination and application of disciplines and real scenes, enhance and improve students' understanding of scientific spirit and sense of social responsibility, and develop students' chemical core literacy.

Project-Based Teaching of “Iron and Its Compounds” in Senior High School Chemistry: Reasonable Application of Iron Fertilizer

LIU Dong-Fang, LI Wen-Yu, KANG Xin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 53-61. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022010223
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To explore the rational use of iron fertilizer as the theme, carry out the teaching of “iron and its compounds” in high school chemistry. By completing the three sub-tasks of “determining the main components of iron fertilizer”, “checking whether iron fertilizer is metamorphic” and “rational use of iron fertilizer”, students learn the transformation and inspection methods of different valence iron element compounds, forming the thinking of exploring the substance properties from the two perspectives of elemental valence state and substance category. It has preliminarily cultivated experimental inquiry ability, improved innovation consciousness, and developed model cognitive literacy based on the “valence-classification two-dimensional model of iron and its compound”. Students have gained real and novel, hands-on practice, group cooperation, exchange and display of achievement experience, the production of iron fertilizer reasonable use manual reflects the essential characteristics of project-based teaching, to achieve visibility, sharing, communication of learning results.

Enhancing Core Literacy and Appreciating Scientific Value in Teaching of Organic Chemistry in Senior High School: Chemical Properties of Acetylene

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 62-72. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021040190
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This paper introduces the design idea of blended teaching of “chemical properties of acetylene”, which mainly involves the following aspects: (1) through grouping experiments in class, it is found that the structure and properties of acetylene and ethylene are similar, which enriches the sensitive cognition of acetylene properties, and it is also found that “acetylene can not make acidic K2Cr2O7 solution fade”;(2) starting from trying to explain the phenomenon, the differences of properties and structures between acetylene and ethylene were discussed from the perspectives of bond energy, addition ratio and main chain structure after polymerization, and a cognitive model of the relationship between functional groups and properties of organic compounds was established;(3)using the model to explain the structure, properties and application of “conductive polymer” and “AIE aggregation induced luminescent material”, the understanding and construction of cognitive model are improved.
Teaching Research

Big Ideas Teaching of “Material Composition” Based on Subject Understanding

LIU Jian, ZHENG Chang-Long, KANG Bo, NING Xiao-Qiang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 73-79. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021060092
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Taking the teaching of the big concept of “material composition” as an example, based on subject understanding,and taking relevant chemical history as a clue, this teaching plan is designed to enable students to gradually form the macro, micro and macro-micro perspectives of material composition in the process of tracing the development of relevant concepts and theories of “material composition”. In the process of solving real problems, students are trained to have the ability of scientific reasoning based on evidence. Through the development of cognitive perspective, students can realize that scientific theory is constantly developing and advanced, then the scientific development concept is established.

Instructional Design for Integration of Micro-Project and Activity Element: Research on Vehicle Fuels and Airbags

MA Hou-Yong, YANG Fan, DENG Yu-Hua, WU Yong-Cheng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 80-86. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070125
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This paper selected Shandong Science Press version of the micro-project “research of vehicle fuels and airbags” as the study content, integrating project-based learning and activity element teaching. The understanding and summary of the core knowledge were completed by means of consulting data and drawing handwritten newspaper in group cooperation. In class, students' experiments were the main line, and three “activity elements” were used for deep learning of core knowledge to help students construct a cognitive model of chemical reaction, and to analyze and solve real problems by using the cognitive model.

Chemistry Micro Topic Teaching in Senior Three Based on Real Situation

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 87-93. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070236
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Taking Guangdong college entrance examination in 2021 as an example, this paper studies the situation and types of test questions, and finds out the characteristics of situational test questions. This paper analyzes the research status of situational teaching, puts forward a teaching design model based on real situation, and summarizes its elements and general process. Based on the case study, from the perspective of returning to textbook knowledge, deeply mining test questions, creating cognitive conflict, creating teaching situation, combining with the ternary integration strategy, this paper puts forward the perspective of creating classroom problems, in order to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching and put forward teaching suggestions for the review of micro topics in senior three.
Teacher Education

Improving the Subject Understanding Ability of Teachers:Origin, Significance and Strategies

JIANG Xian-Guang, ZHENG Chang-Long, ZHAO Hong-Jie
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 94-99. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070106
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In 2017, a new round of basic education curriculum reform program was promulgated and implemented. Subject core literacy falls into the classroom, which must improve teachers' the subject understanding ability. Origins: Subject integration is the general trend of international basic education development in the future. Content knowledge is the premise of the development of pedagogical content knowledge. The new round of educational reform attaches importance to the process experience of content knowledge learning. Subject understanding ability is one of the core items to measure teachers' teaching ability. Subject knowledge understanding affects teachers' teaching and students' learning. Significance: To accurately grasp the connotation of subject core literacy, to deepen the understanding of the connotation of subject knowledge, to deepen the understanding of the connotation of chemical teachers' core literacy, and to provide the basic guarantee for literacy-based classroom teaching. Strategies: teaching idea: To keep pace with the times, to stand at the forefront of curriculum reform; disciplinary teacher: from point to face, to realize the whole promotion; scientific concept: to divide the structure, to endow the subject function; understanding method: to condense the original, to draw the angle of view of cognition.
Investigation Report

Latent Class Analysis and Apriori Algorithm for Grade Eleventh Students' Mastery of Propositions Regarding Chemical Equilibrium

MAI Yu-Hua, QIAN Yang-Yi, LAN Hai-Hang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 100-107. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021100004
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How high school students understand chemical equilibrium is an important research issue that still has to be deeply explored. Latent variable modeling and data mining are beneficial for researchers to understand students' concept learning of chemical equilibrium from a new perspective. With the self-made chemical equilibrium proposition test, this study utilized the latent class analysis and Apriori algorithm to represent 722 grade eleventh students' mastery of the propositions regarding chemical equilibrium. The findings showed that students were appropriate to be divided into three groups, which groups were named high level of mastery group, intermediate level of mastery group, and low level of mastery group. Based on the conditions of parameters set in this study, no association rule was found in the responses of the high level of mastery group but a few association rules were found in those of the other two groups. Latent class analysis and Apriori algorithm can be utilized to study the learning of chemistry concepts and other issues.

Using Four-Tier Diagnostic Instrument to Test Misconceptions of “Amount of Substance” of Senior One Students

CHEN Yong-Rong, DENG Feng, LIN Ying
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 108-113. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080065
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A four-tier test was administered to 116 students of grade 10 to explore the misconceptions on “amount of substance”, and 10 genuine significant misconceptions were identified. The results indicated that students lack full understanding of the amount of substance and its related concepts, especially in the definition of the amount of substance. Despite students showed overconfidence in the test, but they could clearly realize their insufficient conceptual understanding. Confidence rating index played an important role in estimating the nature of the misconceptions and understanding the students' metacognition.
Information Technology and Chemistry

High School Chemistry Teaching Design Based on PhET Virtual Simulation Experiment: Saturated Solution

HU Bo-Kai, HU Bao-Chuan, XUE Song, ZHAO Lei-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 114-118. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080156
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To address the shortcomings of teaching saturated solutions traditionally, this study designed an innovative teaching design for saturated solutions by integrating the PhET virtual simulation experiments and POE teaching strategy based on qualitative and quantitative perspectives. In the teaching sequences, students will get through predicting feasible solutions, observing visual macroscopic representations, interpreting data changes to learn related concepts of saturated solutions. The proposed teaching design may provide an insight into how to teach chemistry by PhET and contribute to students learning saturate solution.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Inquiry on Hydrolysis Experiment of Ethyl Acetate Based on Handheld Technology

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 119-122. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080241
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The hydrolysis experiment of ethyl acetate is an important experiment in the current organic chemistry teaching content of senior high school. The textbook proposes to judge the difference of hydrolysis rate by observing the time difference of ester layer disappearance. The experimental effect is not ideal in the actual operation process. With the help of handheld technology, the hydrolysis rates of ethyl acetate under neutral, acidic, alkaline and different temperatures were explored, and the differences of hydrolysis rates of ethyl acetate under acidic and alkaline conditions were analyzed with the help of relevant knowledge theory, in order to help teachers and students deeply understand the conditions and laws of ethyl acetate hydrolysis.

Improved Experiment of “Measuring Oxygen Content in Air”

CHENG Xing-Can
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (17): 123-128. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022020007
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In view of the shortcomings of the experiment of “measuring oxygen content in air” in the ninth-grade chemistry textbook of Shanghai. On the basis of the literature research, this paper designed and optimized the experiment, and made an improved plan based on the principle of oxygen absorption corrosion and communicating vessel. It had the advantages of cheap raw materials, environmentally friendly, simple device, easy operation, obvious phenomena, dynamic visibility, scientific and efficient, safe and reliable.
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