Analysis of Chemistry History of “Frog Leg Debate” and Its Teaching Value
SHAN Yuan-Yuan1, ZHENG Chang-Long2*
1. Faculty of Education, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China;
2. Institute of Chemistry Education, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China
Abstract “Frog Leg Debate” is a classic event in the history of science. The long-lasting scientific debate ended with Volta’s invention of “Volta’s Pile”, which marked that human beings have since entered the era of “dynamic electricity” from “static electricity”. At the same time, it is also considered as a sign of electrochemical establishment. This paper thoroughly combs the process of putting forward the theory and its value in the “Frog Leg Debate” and analyzes its teaching value. The “Frog Leg Debate” fully embodies the interdisciplinary perspective and promotes the understanding of the nature of science.
SHAN Yuan-Yuan, ZHENG Chang-Long. Analysis of Chemistry History of “Frog Leg Debate” and Its Teaching Value[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, 2021, 42(7): 108-112.