Influence of Environmental Hormone on Human Health
Environment-friendly Antibacterial Disinfectant Agent:DBDMH
Chemical Function in Weigh Lifting
The Necessary Nutriment for Human:Carnitine
Reflection on the Construction and Development of Chemistry Didactics Subject in China
Analysis and Compiling Proposal of Chemical History Contents in Senior Middle School Chemistry Textbook
Investigation of the Correlation between Number and Quality of Students’Questions in Inquiry-type Experiment
Experimental Investigation of Strengthening Students’Metacognition Ability in Chemistry Teaching
Some Comments on Chemical Education
Report of Investigation on the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning of Chemistry in Senior Middle School
Drawing Flow Chart using Chem Window6.0
Micromation and Integrated Design of Preparation and Property Experiments of Carbon Dioxide
Exploration on the Series Experiments of Copper and its Compounds
Why the Reaction Rate of Sodium and Phenol Less than that of Sodium and Ethanol