The Comprehensivc Exploitation and Utilization of Human Urine
The Photochromism and Thermochromism
Some Problems on the Reform of Middle School Chemistry Course
A Brief Introduction to the New Chemistry Textbook of Middle Schools
Some Problems and Data on The National Condition Education in Chemical Teaching at Middle Schools
Application of "Set" in Chemical Teaching
A Primary Research On Environmental Education inChemical Teaching at Junior Middle Schools
A New Method for Preparation of Hydrosul furic Acid and Full一Sealed Experiment for its Properties
The Preparation of Etber by Intermolecular Dehydration of Ethyl Alcohol
Disposal of the "Three-Wastes" in Chemical Experiments at Middle Schools
Making Permanent labels on the Dropping Bottles
How Does the Thick Dlectron Cloud bettveen Nuclei in Covalent Molecules Form?
Does the Iodination Reaction of Benzene Take Place?
The Problems and Keys for the National Chemistry Contest in 1992
The Discovery of Hafnium