Zinc and Society
LB Membrane and Molecular Device
Emphasizing the Foundation.Stressing the Ability——Analysis of Chemical Test Problems for the National University Entrance Examination in 1991
Moderate Level in Difficulty,High Level in Differentiation——A Statistical Analysis on the Chemical Test Paper(Ⅱ) of national University Entrance Examination in 1991
Discussion on the Contents.Form and Method of the Teaching History of Chemistry in Middle Schools
The Language Used for Chemical Teaching
Quick-preparing Methane by Incorporating Fe2O3
Shaking Test-fube for Simplifing the Procedures of Organic Experiment
Airtight Cover
Amount of Substance and Elementary Unit
The Relation in Molecular Structure between NO2 and N2O4 Molecules
Wby is the Colour of Iodine Different in Different Organic Solvent
The Problems for the ⅩⅩⅢ International Chemistry Olympiads
Nobel and Nobel Prizes