Why can Silver Iodide be Used for Artificial Rainfall
Research and Practice in Improving the Quality of Chemical Teaching at Rural Junior Middle Schools
Introducing the Occupational Education Factor into Chemical Teaching at Junior Middle Schools
Deepening the Construction Reform of Chemical Teaching,Serving the Economic in Locality
Research and Practice on the Examination for Large——scale Chemicai Experiment Operations
Considerations on the Reform of Chemical Experiment Teaching
How do Organize the Student's Chemical Experiments
A Discussion on the Articte “Experiment for Reductibility of the Ammonia Gas”
20 Methods for Identification
The Universal Bursh
A Desigh for a Chemical Apparatus Rack
Discussion on the Properties of Isoelectronic Species——NH3 and PH3
What Colour should CuCl2-Ion Have?
Problems (Theory Part) aad Their Keys for the 1991 National Chemical Competition
Problems (Experiment Part) and Their Keys for the 1991 National Chemical Competition
Shen Kuo's Contributions to Chemistry
A Humble Opinion for the Function of Science History in the Education of the People