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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2015, 36 (8)   Published: 18 April 2015
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 0-0.
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Biomineralization, Biomimetic Synthesis and Morphological Control

CAI Ai-Jun, ZHANG Ying-Feng, MA Zi-Chuan, ZHAO Lin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 1-8. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014030039
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This article introduced the types,structural characteristics and principles of morphological control of biological minerals, and biomimetic synthesis of biological minerals based on crystal growth modifiers such as microorganism, protein, polypeptide, amino acid, DNA, etc., and summarized the development in the field of biomineralization and biomimetic synthsis.

Course Development of "Design and Practice of High School Chemistry Teaching"

WANG Lei, HU Jiu-Hua, LIU Ke-Wen, WEI Rui, ZHOU Yao, ZHOU Dong-Dong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 9-15. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014110144
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This paper introduced the characteristics and development of "design and practice of high school chemistry teaching" course for pre-service chemistry teachers in Beijing Normal University, including original one-to-one teaching mode to offline to online teaching mode with examples, and the resources and frameworks of two types of network courses on "icourse" website and BNU MOOC.

Small Thematic Teaching Method of Organic Chemistry

CHEN Yi-Ping, YANG Jian-Xin, WANG Bo, XU Jing, YUAN Wen-Bing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 16-19. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014070059
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This article explored the reform and practice of the small thematic teaching method in the course of organic chemistry, and discussed basic conceptions and advantages, the design of the special theme, and the practice and effects of this teaching method. Moreover, gave many new themes and analyzed over thirty themes. The results indicated that the small thematic teaching method was feasible, adjustable and beneficial to develop the comprehensive capacity and quality of students.

Teaching Chemistry English Vocabulary based on Cognitive Theories

MIAO Su-Qin, SHAN Yong-Kui, YANG Ping, YANG Fan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 20-23. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014120008
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Vocabulary of special English of chemistry is generally considered as an obstacle for Chinese learners in interdisciplinary study. This article imported cognitive theories such as meaningful learning, conceptual metaphor theory, category theory, frame semantics into vocabulary teaching of special English of chemistry in order to facilitate students' understanding, create stronger retention of the vocabulary and arouse students' interest.

Preservation Conditions of Orange Juice in Experiment of Determination of Vitamin C

WANG Xiao-Lei, WANG Jing-Zheng, TONG Li-Li, CHEN Zhen-Zhen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 24-27. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014070095
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This paper used coulometric titration to study the changes of Vitamin C (VC) concentration in standard solution and orange juice with the prolongation of storage time in different preservation conditions such as room temperature and natural light, darkness and low temperature, nitrogen environment and adding EDTA, formic acid and EDTA-formic acid respectively. The results showed that the changes of VC concentration were within 5% in a month while the standard solution and the orange juice stored in darkness, at low temperature and in the presence of EDTA, so that errors caused by instability of VC can be effectively avoided.

Experimental Devices for Extraction of Caffeine from Teas

PAN Yu-Zhen, CAI Jing-Wen, ZENG Min, FAN Wen-Jie, TAN Da-Zhi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 28-30. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014070025
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This article introduced an experimental method for extracting caffeine from teas by automatic extraction apparatus and rotary evaporator, provided an improved sublimation device instead of the traditional method based on funnel evaporating dish, discussed the relationships and differences between modern chemical experimental means and conventional laboratory methods. The new method was useful to understand the characteristics of modern chemistry instruments such as convenient, fast and accurate. The combination of traditional and modern methods could enrich the connotation and technical means of organic chemistry experiment, enhance students' interest of learning chemistry, and therefore achieved good teaching effects.

Qualitative Detection of Iron, Calcium and Protein in Teas

QIAO Jin-Suo, LI Gai-Xian, WU Yan-Feng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 31-33. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013010116
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Students can deeply understand that daily life keeps close contact with chemistry through analyzing nutrient components in teas. Protein and calcium in teas can be detected in their extraction liquid via concentrated nitric acid and calcon in alkaline condition respectively, and iron can be detected in extraction liquid by 3 mol/L hydrochloride via saturated potassium thiocyanate solution.

Micro-scale Chemical Experiment of Natural Diffusion of Liquid Membrane

YANG Xing, ZHANG Heng-Qiang, WANG Xiao-Zhong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 34-38. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014100137
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Experiment of natural diffusion of liquid membrane is the reaction in liquid membrane, in which contrast phenomena of natural and continuous change from reactants to resultants through intermediates can be observed easily and clearly. This article studied the changes of reaction of KMnO4 and Na2SO3 with the acidity and alkalinity of solutions, reactions of FeCl3 and KSCN, K4[Fe(CN)6] and NaOH, the formation process of the complex of Co2+ and SCN- and the phenomena of the diffusion process of litmus solution in acid and alkali solution in self-made drip pans. The experiment is green, simple and less dosage, and its phenomena can be demonstrated by projector or recorded as teaching materials.

Problems of Bilingual Teaching in Organic Chemistry Experiment

BAI Ming, MA Qing-Lin, MENG Fan-Jun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 39-43. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014060091
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Based on practice and experience of bilingual teaching in organic chemistry experiment in the past few years, this paper summarized some problems such as the undefined objective of curriculum, the excessively important position of English and the absence of enthusiasm of students for study, which could be resolved through the elaborate design and strict implementation of experiments.

Analysis of Determination of Total Acids in Vinegar for Higher Vocational Education

TANG Ming-Yu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 44-46. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014070155
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This paper analyzed chemical knowledge involved in the preparation and standardization of NaOH standard solution, preparation of vinegar samples and determination of total acids in vinegar, which could improve students' ability to analyze and solve practical problems and teachers' teaching levels.

Simulation and Analysis of Distillation Experiment of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering Principles by Aspen Plus Software

WANG Xian-Shu, CAO Yang, WU Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 47-51. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014070179
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This paper discussed the application of Aspen Plus, a simulation software of chemical process, in analysis of operating problems in distillation experiment of principles of pharmaceutical and chemical engineering. The practice showed that the utilization of process simulation software can make the graphic process and the calculation of distillation experiments more simple, intuitive, accurate, efficient and easy for students to understand, and help to promote the learning initiative of students, deepen students' comprehension of distillation principles, and cultivate students' abilities to solve practical engineering and scientific problems by simulation software of chemical process.

Construction and Practice of Ability Cultivation Oriented Experiment Teaching System for Chemistry-related Specialties

SHEN Hao-Yu, MAO Hong-Lei, WANG Yong-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 52-57. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014060076
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In order to improve students' ability, the chemistry experiment teaching system for chemistry-related specialties have been reformed and practiced. A multi-level, multi-module, named "one main line, two combinations, and three levels" experiment teaching system for the chemistry-related specialties has been initially established in the concept of integrating teaching, learning and research, constructing the virtual laboratory and open laboratory simultaneously, and combining in and out class teaching. Theory application, skills and innovative ability training have been emphasized, experiment contents and organization forms have been enriched, and professional knowledge, practical skills and comprehensive talents have been organically combined, which reflects the characteristics of strong basis and good application in talent cultivation.

Comprehensive Experiment of Green Drilling Fluid Additive Preparation using Discarded Fruit Peel

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 58-60. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014070046
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This paper designed a comprehensive experiment of green drilling fluid additive preparation using discarded fruit peel, and evaluated the effects of the additives on the drilling fluid performance. This experiment integrates the basic theories, experimental techniques and the field practice of oilfield chemistry, which can improve students' professional experimental skills and abilities of analysis and problem-solving. Using discarded peels as experimental materials can improve students' awareness of environmental protection, and help to put ideas of environmental protection into oil production in the future.

Teaching of "Single Crystal Structure Analysis" for Postgraduates

GAO Yuan-Zhe, WU Yin-Su, MA Zi-Chuan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 61-65. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014080044
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This paper introduced the background and necessity to set up the course "single crystal structure analysis" for graduate students, and elaborated its orientation, contents, teaching methods and assessing system. The teaching practice showed that paying equal attention to theory and practice improved the students' comprehensive quality and single crystal structure analysis ability, flexible teaching methods inspired postgraduates' learning initiative, and multimodal formative assessing system improved the teaching quality.

Application of Gaussian Software in Teaching of Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds with Example of the IR Spectrum of o-Xylene

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 66-68. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014100139
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This paper introduced the application of Gaussian software in teaching of spectrometric identification of organic compounds with example of the IR spectrum of o-xylene. Visualization of molecular structure and molecular vibration by Gaussian software can help students understand molecular space structure, vibration mode, the assignment of absorption peak and innate character of IR spectrum, improve students' interests and initiatives of study, broaden students' insights and knowledge, and develop students' ability to analyze and solve practical problems.

Error Sources of Determination of Sulfur Dioxide in Atmosphere

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 69-72. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014070114
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This article analyzed error sources such as the stability of instruments and standard solutions, pararosaniline solutions with different pH and the conditions of chromogenic reaction in the determination of sulfur dioxide in atmosphere by spectrophotometry using formaldehyde and pararosaniline hydrochloride, and provided corresponding solution methods. The combination of practical operation and theoretical analysis can guides students to solve actual problems by professional theories, which is beneficial to the education quality.

Keeping Pace with the Times in Chemistry Teaching and Research:Attention to New Rules of IUPAC

CHEN Chao-Yue, HE Jie, SHI Jian-Jun, TAN De-Xin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 73-80. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014110093
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In the past decade, a series of technical reports and recommendations were published by IUPAC. In those important documents, many new definitions, nomenclatures, rules, standards, methods were renewed, modified and recommended for chemists all over the world. Those new rules of IUPAC should be introduced to chemistry teaching and applied to chemical research. At the same time, Chinese chemists need to be much more engaged in IUPAC activities and turn from a rule-taker to a rule-maker, so that we can keep pace with the times in chemistry teaching and research.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 36 (8): 81-81.
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