Chemical Mechanisms Underlying the Whitening and Anti-Aging Functions of Pearls
Spicy Chemistry in the Three Peppers
Project-Based Teaching of Colloid Dispersion System in Physical Chemistry
Mathematical Ideation Adopted to Solve the Bottleneck in Clapeyron Equation Teaching of Phase Equilibrium
Faraday’s Law and Its Application Based on the Anodization of Iron
Comprehensive Experimental Design of Copper Doped Titanium Dioxide Electrocatalytic Reduction of Nitrate to Ammonia
Design of Comprehensive Physicochemical Experiment:Electrocatalytic Reduction of Oxygen on Porphine Derivative Functionalized Graphene Oxide with Enzyme Entrapmentthe
Scientific Evaluation of Yield Calculation for Purification of Crude Salt
Application of HTML5 Technology in Project-Based Teaching: Comprehensive Experiment on the Extraction and Determination of Orange Essential Oil
Comprehensive Experimental Teaching Design for Preparation of Nano Flower Like Al-MOF and Fluorescence Detection of Oxytetracycline
Practical Teaching Reform of Chemistry Normal Students Under the Background of Professional Certification
Design and Teaching Practice of Innovative Analytical Chemistry Experiment Based on Rapid Determination Method of Artemisinin
Numerical Software-Driven Effectiveness in Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Teaching:Quantitative Analysis
Exploration on Instrumental Analysis Center Established by University with Industry Characteristic and Enterprise:North China Electric Power University
Innovative Application of Machine Learning in Computational Chemistry Education: High-Throughput Screening Study on Perovskite Materials
Teaching of the Docking Experiments Between Quercetin and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Based on Autodock Software
Discussion on the State Change and Enthalpy Change of Combustion Reaction System in Adiabatic Constant Volume Reactor
Study on the Application of Benchtop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer in Chemical Teaching Overseas
Discovery of “Twin Elements” Praseodymium and Neodymium and the Development of Their Concepts