Corrosion and Protection of Ancient Bronze Wares
Advantages and Disadvantages of Preservative Film
Chemistry in Costumes
Investigation of Photolysis of Water for Production of Hydrogen
Blood Chemistry
Application of Hypothesis In Inquiry Study
Horizontal Bridging of Chemistry Course Structure and Innovative Thinking
Design and Implementation of Portfolio Assessment for Chemistry Learning under New Course Ideas
Exploration and Practice on Evaluation of Senior Middle School Chemistry Teaching under the New Curriculum
Investigation on Training Models for Developing Strdents’metacognition Ability in Science Inquiry
Practice and Thinking on Introduction of Cooperative Group Learning to Chemistry Classroom
Investigation on Middle School Students’ Interest of Learning Chemistry and Thinking about Interest Cultivation
Experimental Investigation on Middle School Students Solving Chemistry Quantitative Problem by Hand-held Technology
Innovation and Improvement in Demonstration Experiment of Ethanol Oxidation Yielding Acetaldehyde
Discussion on the Reaction between CuSO4 Solution and Sodium Metal