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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education  
  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2014, 35 (14)   Published: 18 July 2014
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How are Atoms, Electron Clouds and Covalent Bond “Seen” by Scientists

LIN Shui-Xiao, LIN Mo-Jun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 1-6. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3870hxjy.2014020035
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The method for scientists to "see" atoms, molecules and electron clouds through scanning tunneling microscope(STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) is introduced in this paper. By the method, the manipulation of single atom and single molecule is achieved, which makes it possible to observe the structure of the covalent bond before and after a chemical reaction on a molecular level.

Exploration and Practice of “3+1” Talent Training Mode for Applied Chemistry Major

LIU Qiang, WANG Xiu-Yan, LI Kai
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 7-9. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013100112
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To meet the social demands for students of applied chemistry major under the new situation, educators should renew their ideas and take more flexible measures. This article explored "3+1" talent training mode for applied chemistry major containing three years class teaching and one year internship. It also discussed the formulation of talent training target, optimization of course system, cultivation of experimental and scientific research ability and formulation of internship plans in order to accumulate experience for higher education teaching reform.

Reform and Practice of Talent Training System in Applied Chemistry Major Based on the Employment-oriented Target

CAO Xiao-Hua, YAN Ping, XU Chang-Long
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 10-14. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013100048
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For improving the employability of students in applied chemistry major, strategies of optimizing educational idea, teaching methods, curriculum system and assessment approaches were given aiming at problems such as more attention to theory than practice, more attention to academic than application and lack of integration of science and technology.

Practice and Experience in the Research Course of Introduction to Nanomaterials and Functional Devices

ZHANG An-Qi, ZHENG Geng-Feng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 15-17. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014010104
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"Introduction to Nanomaterials and Functional Devices" is a specialized optional course for senior undergraduate students majoring in chemistry and materials science at Fudan University. This article discusses the course content, student presentation, class discussion and grading method based on our teaching practice.

Reform of Inorganic Chemistry Teaching in University on the Background of New Curriculum Reform in Middle School

WANG Fu-Li, LIU Pu, XUE Hong-Dan, WANG Ke, BAI Yong-Qing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 18-20. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014040035
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New curriculum reform in middle school brings a revolutionary change to the teaching content and teaching form of chemistry, so inorganic chemistry teaching in university must be reformed. Based on the practical of inorganic chemistry teaching, the article summarized experiences of teaching reform in inorganic chemistry including knowledge and methods, and pointed out several realistic problems should be urgently solved.

Practice of Organic Chemistry Teaching based on Maintaining the Education Balance between Instruction and Learning

HOU Shi-Cong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 21-24. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013110154
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Developing students' learning and thinking ability in organic chemistry teaching is the main object in our university. The multiform teaching activities were integrated into practice. Under the atmosphere beneficial to learn, students begin their own learning exploration in writing the course topic paper. Team-lead lecture, students' concepts changing and teacher guided interaction, are the three-step classroom teaching and learning activities,which help students construct their own knowledge network for each chapter study. Their initiative, creativeness and sociality were mobilized after the integration of independent inquiry, collaborative learning and teacher's lecture in and out of the classroom. And good teaching results have been achieved in the practice in recent years.

Discussion on How to Prepare Good Lessons of Structural Chemistry

BAO Yu-Min, XU Liang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 25-28. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013100212
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Structural chemistry is one of the compulsory courses of students who major in chemistry. Abstract contents make students feel it difficult to understand, which put forward higher requirements for teachers of structural chemistry. Some issues about teaching attitude, preparation of lessons, teaching methods, summarization after lessons were discussed with young teachers.

Improvement for the Molecular Weight Determination of Partially Hydrolyzed Polyacryamide by Viscometry

CAO Jie, SUN Ming-Bo
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 29-31. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013120183
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The molecular weight of partially hydrolyzed polyacryamide (HPAM) is determined by viscometry in most cases without considering the hydrolysis degree difference, the result deviation might be very large between different HPAM samples. This paper suggest that the hydrolysis degree of HPAM sample should be measured by acid-base titration in the experiment, and proper constant values for molecular weight calculation can be selected according to its hydrolysis degree.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 32-33. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014010107
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Reform of Teaching Mode of Organic Chemistry Experiment for Enhancing Independent Creativeness of Undergraduate Students

WU Hong-Mei, GUO Yu, ZHANG Zhen-Bin, ZHANG Qi-Jian, LIN Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 34-36. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013120101
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Based on the current problems in teaching of organic chemistry experiment, some reform measures were explored. Prior to carrying out the experiment, the mind map was introduced to enhance the effect of preview. Moreover, the student's experimental ability and spirit of innovation were significantly improved with the diversified experiment's contents, and the student's ability to analyze and solve problems could be evaluated objectively by the perfect assessment system.

Innovation of Experiment Projects of Inorganic Chemistry with Example of “Preparation of Sodium Carbonate”

ZHOU Xian-Ya, NIE Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 37-38. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3870hxjy.2014010100
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Some shortcomings such as the insignificant precipitation of sodium hydrogen carbonate were analyzed in preparation of sodium carbonate. Based on teaching practice, some optimizing schemes of feeding mode, feeding order and determination of sodium carbonate in product were proposed to improve effectiveness of experiment teaching and promote development of students' interest and experimental skills.

Green Improvement of Teaching Contents of Organic Chemistry Experiment

BAO He-Bin, YAN Hua, WANG Xue-Mei, XIANG Xue-Mei, XIAO Chu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 39-42. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3870hxjy.2014030137
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Green chemistry has been studied intensively because of its advantages in less consumption of resources, waste reduction and minimization of toxicity and hazards. On the basis of analysis of present situation of organic chemical textbooks and experimental courses, it is suggested that in addition to the twelve principles of green chemistry, three criteria consisted of green and inexpensive reagents, less time and the latest technology of synthesis should be introduced to the preparation experiments which were regarded as the focal points of organic experimental teaching. Some typical green reactions are recommended.

Implementation of Argumentation Teaching in Pre-service Chemistry Teacher Education

LUO Xiu-Ling
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 43-45. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3870hxjy.2014050050
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Argumentation teaching is a new inquiry teaching method that referenced argumentation skills in science research and has become one of the research focuses in international science education. There are several benefits to apply the teaching method in pre-service chemistry teacher education. It can improve pre-service teachers' understanding of nature of science, enhance their scientific reasoning ability, and help them learn how to implement it in the future. Strategies of argumentation teaching include the creation of open problem situation,integration of alternative conceptions and design of scoring rubric criteria.

Development of Pyrolysis Furnace Design for Ethylene Production

LI Chang-Yan, YUAN Guang-Jin, CHEN Xiao-Xia, LV Jun, ZHANG Ju, HU Rui-Sheng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 46-50. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3870hxjy.2013120039
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Through comparison and analysis of structural design of pyrolysis furnace of Lummmus, KBR, Linde-Seals company, the students know not only the close relationship between the structural design of pyrolysis furnace and the pyrolysis technology of high temperature, short residence time and low hydrocarbon partial pressure, but also the structural design of pyrolysis furnace as key factor to improve the cracking selectivity, olefin yield and cracking feedstock adaptability. In addition, the author also introduces the development of other technologies on ethylene production such as control system, quenching technique, coke inhibition technology, energy saving and consumption reducing, which are beneficial to clarify the future development and direction of pyrolysis furnace design for students.

Organic Chemistry Teaching based on Characteristics of Pharmaceutical Engineering:Analysis of Infrared Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds

HU Fei-Long, GU Yun-Qiong, TAN Ming-Xiong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 51-53. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3870hxjy.2013100132
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In order to highlight teaching features of organic chemistry in different professional direction, teaching reform of organic chemistry for pharmaceutical engineering was studied with an example of the analysis of infrared spectroscopy of organic compounds combined with teaching experience and characteristics of pharmaceutical engineering. The teaching reform involved teaching contents, teaching methods, practical teaching and other aspects. And the results showed that the organic integration of knowledge of various disciplines such as chemical and pharmaceutical can help students get coherent and systematic knowledge and improve their learning initiative and abilities of solving practical problems.

Calculation of Chemical Exergy by Energy Level Diagram

HU Guang-Hui, PAN Zhan-Chang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 54-56. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3870hxjy.2013100058
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The key-points and the difficulties of "Chemical engineering thermodynamics" may be the calculation of chemical exergy, which would be simplified by using the energy level diagram. This paper discussed the chemical exergy calculation of simple substance, compound and mixture by designing energy level diagram. And we hope these examples could be helpful to the teaching and learning of "Chemical engineering thermodynamics".

Exploration and Practice on Improving Computer Application Ability of Students Majoring in Polymer

WANG Zhou-Feng, DING Guo-Xin, YANG Jin-Jan, WANG Yuan-Yuan, Gao Jun-Shan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 57-59. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3870hxjy.2013110128
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Students majoring in polymer have basic computer application ability after three years learning in basic and specialized course, but they still have large defectiveness of comprehensive application of computer in professional software knowledge,so they can't complete their graduation thesis efficiently and correctly. We have done a lot of work including course construction of computer applications in polymer materials, adjustment of teaching contents and innovation of practical teaching methods in strengthening the cultivation of computer skills to meet the needs of the times and social development.

Further Exploration of the Periodicity of Elements

JI Lian-Shi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (14): 60-64. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3870hxjy.2014010034
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This paper explored the periodic table and the periodic law of elements in diagonal similarity law,parity cycle similarity law, great cycle similarity law, the law of the number of elements and the question about whether there is a ceiling element of the periodic table. The results showed that the periodic table and the periodic law of elements occupied an important position in the history of chemistry, and is still an important tool to promoting the development of natural science.
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