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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education  
  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2014, 35 (22)   Published: 18 November 2014
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Stereochemistry of Reaction of Asymmetrical Alkenes

WANG Yun-Xia, WANG Lan-Ying, LI Jian-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 1-5. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014030103
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The regioselectivity and stereospecificity of reaction of asymmetrical alkenes such as addition of halogen, addition of hypohalous acid, oxymercuration-demercuration reaction, hydroboration-oxidation reaction, oxidation by dilute and cold permanganate, oxidation by peracid, etc. are analyzed in detail by examples, and the stereo-configuration of the reaction products are also discussed according to the mechanism.

Decomposition of N2O in Industrial Waste Gas Using Co3O4 as Catalyst

SHI Yu, WANG Yin-He, WANG Ming-Zhao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 6-8. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013050001
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For senior high school teachers and students, this paper introduces basic knowledge and main chemical principles of the catalytic decomposition of N2O in industrial waste gas, including structure, catalytic mechanism and improvement of Co3O4 catalyst.

Comments on Chemical Elements Survey

WAN Chong-Qing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 9-11. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014030022
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Among numerous professional chemistry books, Chemical Elements Survey is an useful handbook for chemists or the one who wants to study chemistry. It provides the reader with plentiful and exact data based on element knowledge.

Application of Just-in-Time Teaching Mode in Physical Chemistry Teaching

LIU Yuan, WANG Yi-Wei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 12-15. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014040056
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Using Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) mode in physical chemistry teaching in medical school not only cultivated students' independent learning capability, but also improved the learning interest of medical students, obtaining good teaching effect. Compared with the traditional teaching mode, this paper discussed the advantages and the implementation strategies of JiTT mode taking "surfactant teaching" as an example.

Exploration of Inorganic Element Chemistry Teaching with Example of Chlorine

LUO Shu-Chang, ZHENG Peng-Fei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 16-19. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014010036
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By drawing the free energy change and oxidation number diagram,and the material transformation diagram, scattered knowledge points of chlorine element were integrated into a system, which was beneficial for students to master inorganic chemistry. The practical application indicated that it played an active role in improving teaching quality.

Exploration of Multidimensional Interactive Teaching Mode of "Polymer Chemistry" Course for Applied Chemistry Major

FENG Hui, QIAN Zhao-Sheng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 20-23. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013110034
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The exploration of multidimensional interactive teaching mode of polymer chemistry were carried out from the characteristics of polymer chemistry course and teaching situation at present, and also considering for the features and specialized training objectives of the major of applied chemistry. The exploration developed from two levels both within and outside of the classroom, focusing on the combination of theory and practice. It was designed to help students develop interest in learning and constantly inspire the passion of students to learn polymer chemistry. And through multi-dimensional interactive teaching mode, we tried to provide students with more space for self-exploration and reflection,enhance the initiative of students to study,gradually improve the professional literacy and ability of students, and effectively improve teaching quality.

Preparation Method of Copper Acetylacetone Complex at Room Temperature

ZHANG Jian-Dong, JIANG Wen-Qing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 24-25. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014030127
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Copper(Ⅱ) acetylacetonate was synthesized at room temperature by using basic copper carbonate and acetylactone as starting materials. The optimized reaction conditions were as follows: the molar ratio of basic copper carbonate to acetylacetonate was 1:4, and the reaction time was 2 h. The yield reached 99%. The product was characterized by IR and elemental analysis. This method possesses the advantages of simple operation, convenient aftertreatment process, high purity, and good yield. At the same time, the chemicals synthesized by the undergraduate students were reused effectively.

Research and Practice of Miniaturization and Greenization of Determination of Glucose Content by Iodimetric Method

ZHONG Guo-Qing, XIA An
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 26-29. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014040010
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The iodometric method is a routine analysis method to determine glucose content and usually used in comprehensive quantitative analytical chemistry experiments. The miniaturization of the traditional iodometric method for determination of glucose content is studied,some influential factors such as amounts of sodium hydroxide, titration speed, reaction temperature, storage time, amounts of acid, shaking extent as well as the moment of addition of starch solution were researched. The experimental results showed that the miniaturized titration method may achieve the same precision and accuracy of the conventional titrimetric analysis, and satisfy the requirements of titrimetric analysis experimental teaching. At the same time, this method can greatly reduce the experimental reagent wastage, save experimental expenditure more than 80%, enable students to establish the concept of green chemistry and environmental protection awareness, and raise the quality and benefit of the talent training.

Chemical Inspection of Several Types of Adulterated Food

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 30-32. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014030115
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Chemical analysis is the basis of the adulterated food inspection. The common ways of chemical inspection and analysis in several types of adulterated food such as dairy products, honey, edible oil, grains and condiments were summarized, which could be simply operated at home or general laboratory.

Practice and Reflection of Chaozhou Culture into the University Chemistry Classroom with Example of Teaching Reforms in Comprehensive Experiment Course

YAN Zan-Kai, ZHONG Ming-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 33-36. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013100042
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The significances of using local culture and cultivation of characteristic university culture are analyzed with an example of teaching reform in comprehensive chemical experiment course. Furthermore, experiences on how to study and integrate the local culture resources and develop their educational function are summarized and reflected.

Construction and Application of LICC Classroom Observation Evaluation Form of Introducing Skills of Pre-service Chemistry Teachers in Microteaching

WU Xiao-Hong, GAO Xia
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 37-41. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014010114
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Classroom observation mode is a kind of class evaluation paradigm. LICC classroom observation evaluation form of introducing skills were constructed from four dimensions which were learning, instruction, curriculum, culture. This form was applied to evaluate pre-service chemistry teachers in microteaching in grade 2010 and 2011. Problems of introducing skills were analyzed and the corresponding teaching suggestions were given to improve the teaching skills of pre-service chemistry teachers.

Topic-based Teaching Research Focused on Practical Knowledge of Pre-service Chemistry Teacher: Example of Chemical Fertilizers Teaching

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 42-47. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014060084
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In order to explore the training method of practical knowledge of pre-service chemistry teachers, the learning community which consists of normal school students, chemistry-pedagogy teachers and chemistry teachers from junior and senior middle schools, launches topic-based teaching research. Based on the trial teaching on chemical fertilizers by a normal school student, the community carries out estimations and directions from different aspects. Some suggestions are pointed by the research that these students ought to return subject knowledge. In addition, the pre-service training needs diversified supplements. The community consisted of students and teachers from different levels is good for their common development. The activity opens up new orientation of curricular reform of teacher education from practical aspect.

Discussion on Nomenclature of Drugs Containing Indicated Hydrogen in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

YANG Yong-Qing, LU Zheng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 48-50. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014040012
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Nomenclature of drug molecules is very important in teaching and study of pharmaceutical chemistry.Drug molecule containing indicated hydrogen is especially difficult for students to name its structure properly.Drugs containing indicated hydrogen in textbook of medicinal chemistry have been classified and their nomenclature has been analyzed based on each representative.

Cultivation of Practical Ability in Teaching of "Corrosion and Protection"

LIU Jian-Guo, LI Zi-Li, ZHANG Shu-Wen, KOU Jie
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 51-53. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014020073
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Teaching reforms such as adjusting curriculum objectives and teaching contents, building practice teaching base for "corrosion and protection" and constructing new teaching system were employed to solve problems in practice teaching of "corrosion and protection" in oil & gas storage and transportation engineering major. The idea of cultivation of practical ability was carried out through the whole curricula teaching to improve practical and engineering ability of students, which would provide students with basic methods and skills and scientific thinking in work.

Application of Demo Video in Inorganic Chemistry and Experiment Teaching

HUANG Sha-Hua, WANG Ai-Min, ZHOU Zu-Xin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 54-56. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014030041
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How to integrate experiment teaching and theory teaching of inorganic chemistry to achieve ideal teaching effect, is a topic worth studying. This paper introduces some methods about how to use demo video to interpret chemical knowledge in daily life, explain chemical concepts and compensate limitation in experiment teaching, which can improve teaching effect of inorganic chemistry and experiment.

Whether Boron Compounds are Electron-defect Compounds

CHEN Ya-Gang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 57-59. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014040050
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Boron lying in the second period and the third row of periodic table of the elements is a non-metal electron-defect element.It forms a series of covalent electron-defect compounds including boron hydrides,boron halide,boric acid and its salts.Structures of these electron-defect compounds and reasons for their stable existence are discussed.In addition,structures of diboron trioxide in gas,glassy and crystalline states (more detailed for α-B2O3) are introduced.

Introduction and Comments of Modern Chemistry Spread by Shanghae Serial

JIANG Jia-Fa, WANG Fang-Fang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (22): 60-64. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014020033
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Shanghae Serial(1857-1858)is the first comprehensive Chinese magazine in modern Shanghai and has significant effect on the diffusion of modern science. It has been found that "chemistry" appeared in official publication for the first time in Shanghae Serial, and is introduced to Japan. In this paper, a comprehensive chemistry research is presented, including "chemistry", element types, chemical reaction, extraction of metal, composition of substance, conservation of mass in Shanghae Serial. Significance and function of Shanghae Serial in diffusion of chemistry is also introduced.
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