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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2022, 43 (3)   Published: 02 February 2022
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 0-.
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Analysis of Consistency Between Guangdong Province Senior High School Chemistry Academic Proficiency Test (2009-2020) and Curriculum Standards

CHEN Ke-Qing, QIAN Yang-Yi, ZHU Xiao-Xing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 16-22. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021040034
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Through the use of weber consistency analysis mode to explore the degree of consistency and matching between the required modules of the chemistry academic proficiency test in Guangdong Province from 2009 to 2020 and the curriculum standards, it is found that the consistency between most of the high school chemistry academic proficiency test and the curriculum standards is not up to an acceptable level. In this regard, this paper analyzes the reasons and puts forward proposition and teaching suggestions.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 128-128. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090145
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 129-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080236
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 80-80.
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Chemist's Romance, Goddess of Moon: Selenium

ZHANG Zeng-Dong, MO Zun-Li, YUE Rui, ZHANG Hong-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 1-4. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030196
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Selenium is one of the essential trace elements in human body and is known as the king of anti-cancer. However, the discovery process of selenium was very bumpy. Berzelius overcame many difficulties and finally found the “moon god”: selenium. However, the study of selenium has not been smooth. For a long time, selenium was regarded as a toxic element and nobody wanted to do anything about it. It took more than a hundred years before the value of selenium was gradually recognized. Now selenium has been applied in agriculture, industry, life science and other fields. This paper introduces the discovery process of selenium, describes the latest frontier research and application of selenium, and popularizing this chemical element for readers.
Theoretical Perspective

Misunderstanding of Educational Empirical Research and Case Analysis

ZHU Yu-Jun, WANG Xiang-Feng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 5-9. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090230
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There are some misunderstandings in the field of education research in our country, which include overemphasizing quantitative research, exaggerating the role of empirical research, belittling negative speculative research, one-sided pursuit of the application of new theories and methods, and breaking away from the subject content and core issues. Through the case analysis of these misunderstandings, this paper points out the correct direction of the development of education empirical research.
Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Evaluation of Junior High School Chemistry Periodical Academic ProficiencyTest from Perspective of Discipline Competence

CHEN Qiao, CUI Guang-Jin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 10-15. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030075
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Competence in discipline of chemistry, an important part of students' core literacy, includes learning and understanding, application and practice, migration and innovation. According to the composition of disciplinary competence and assessment model of junior high school chemistry, the chemistry test development of periodical academic proficiency tests in regional junior high schools was studied. The ratio of disciplinary competence, scoring rate and the match between knowledge points and subject content were statistically analyzed. Typical test questions were discussed from the perspective of discipline cognition method examination. In view of students' poor performance in part of disciplinary competence, improvement suggestions on test development and teaching were proposed to promote students' disciplinary perceptions and enhance their chemistry competence.
Excellent Lesson

Integrating Multiple Representations to Promote Deep Understanding of Primary Battery

ZHANG Rui-Lin, LIU Xiao-Hua, JIANG Yan-Xia
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 23-31. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070072
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Effective integration of multiple representations is an effective strategy to promote students' in-depth understanding of scientific concepts. This study integrates the contents of three multiple representations frameworks in the field of science education, and designs the teaching of “primary battery” in the compulsory module of high school. Firstly, guide students to learn the macro device, micro principle and electrode symbols of primary battery in turn, and preliminarily construct the concept of primary battery. Then, based on the related representation of hydrogen and oxygen fuel cell, the two-dimensional model diagram of primary battery device principle is constructed to understand the concept of primary battery. Finally, the two-dimensional model diagram of primary battery in daily life is used to realize the representation transformation and solve practical problems, realize the deep understanding of the concept of primary battery.

Chemistry Teaching Practice Based on Real Situation: Taking “Review the Properties of Sugars, Fat and Proteins” as an Example

LAI Shan-Shan, LIU Shuang-Jun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 32-36. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010088
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Based on the current situations of the “Afternoon Tea”, setting up several key issues, this paper tries to guide the students to explore the nutrient compositions in the ingredients of milk-tea and cakes, review the nature and inspection of carbohydrate, fat and protein. This paper also tries to cultivate the students' ability to analyze and explain the existent problems in our daily life, and put forwards solutions from the perspective of chemistry, which will not only be beneficial for the development of the industry of milk-tea and cake but also help the students sense the value of chemistry in social development.

Teaching Design of Chemistry Based on the Construction and Application of Cognitive Model: Review Course of “Ion Reaction and Ion Balance in Aqueous Solution”

XIE Hong-Wei, WANG Xiu-Hong, YU Zhi-Min, CAO Yu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 37-44. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020044
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This paper analyzes the topic content of “ion reaction and ion equilibrium in aqueous solution”, and finds that students have low level of understanding and insufficient understanding of this part of content through the pre-test.In view of this problem, in the practical teaching, by constructing the cognitive model of ion reaction and ion equilibrium in aqueous solution, we create the real problem situation, guide the students to clarify the task type, enrich the cognition angle, form the cognition thought, so as to make the students' understanding of the subject content go deeper and systematic.Through the post-test, the teaching effect is analyzed and the teaching reflection is carried out, which provides a reference for the teaching of cognitive model construction in teaching practice.
Teaching Research

Instructional Design and Practice of the Compulsory “Atomic Structure and Element Periodic Law” Based on Model Construction of the “Position-Structure-Properties” and Development of Subject Ability

SUN Tong, WANG Quan, KONG Si-Min, ZOU Zi-Wei, FAN Da-Wei, WANG Lei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 45-55. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030015
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On the basis of the existing research on the subject of “atomic structure, element periodic law” in the compulsory stage of high school, this study has proposed the theoretical framework, which combined the “Position-Structure-Properties” system model with the subject ability activity tasks, and implemented the overall unit instructional designed. By presetting the performance level of students, the researcher designed the evaluation tasks for each class hour, diagnosed the students' ability of “Position-Structure-Properties” model construction and development level of subject ability in the process of each class hour, depicted the development of the students in the learning process of this chapter, and promoted the development of core literacy such as “Evidence Reasoning and Model Cognition”. Finally, this study summarized the effective strategies of the “atomic structure,element periodic law” based on the model construction of “Position-Structure-Properties” and the development of subject ability in the teaching practice. It is hoped that this study can provide references and suggestions for the instructional design and practice of the subject of “atomic structure,element periodic law” in the future.

Chemistry Teaching from STSE Situation to Real Problem Solving

WANG Zhe, HE Cai-Xia
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 56-62. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020119
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The new curriculum standard of chemistry in senior high school advocates combining students' existing experience and the reality of social life to be experienced, guiding students to pay attention to the social problems related to chemistry faced by mankind, cultivating students' sense of social responsibility, participation consciousness and decision-making ability, and emphasizing that teachers should pay attention to the selection and organization of STSE theme content in teaching, and closely connect with the reality of production and life. Guided by the new curriculum standard, this paper combs the situations related to the subject content of STSE in the curriculum standard, and discusses the advanced objectives and different teaching forms of chemistry teaching based on STSE problem-solving with the help of teaching cases.

Application of Argumentation Teaching Based on Model Construction in Chemical Concept Learning: Taking the Concept of “Primary Battery” as an Example

LIU Yue-Ping, LUO Xiu-Ling, XIAO Xin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 63-73. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030153
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Based on the Present-Critique-Reflect-Refine (PCRR) model, a Hypothesis-Present-Critique-Reflect-Refine (HPCRR) model was proposed. Taking “primary battery” and its related concepts learning for example, the impact of teaching design and implementation according to HPCRR model is examined. The subjects of the study were 92 students in two parallel classes in the 11th grade of a school in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, of which 46 were in the experimental group and control group. The effect of implementation is investigated from two aspects: conceptual understanding and students' attitudes towards the teaching model. The results show that after the teaching intervention, the concept understanding of the experimental group is significantly better than that of the control group, indicating that the teaching model can effectively promote the concept understanding and realize concept change. Also, students in the experimental group have a positive attitude to the teaching model.

Construction of Chemistry Thinking Class from the Perspective of Curriculum Ideology and Politics:Taking the Teaching of “Ethanol” as an Example

FENG Jin-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 74-80. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090088
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By taking real problems as scenarios, chemistry knowledge structuring and core concepts of chemistry as the basis, problem exploration as a path, and ethanol teaching as an example, a basic teaching model for chemistry thinking class under the ideological and political perspective of the curriculum is constructed and explored. The evaluation methods and content of two thinking class are discussed. By analyzing the performance of students, it can be known that the two thinking class can simultaneously realize the cultivation of core value and discipline literacy, and effectively realize the educational value of chemistry.

Teaching Reflection on Basic Nutrient Substance Caused by Breakfast Debate

WANG Wei-Zhen, ZENG Lu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 81-86. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020038
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Breakfast debate online about Dr. Zhang's suggestions caused reflection on how to teach basic nutrient substance in Grade 10 chemistry class. The value of this section is analyzed from perspectives of the curriculum standard, history of science, key competencies-oriented teaching and learning stages. A teaching process of basic nutrient substance in Grade 10 is designed with the aim of creating awareness that chemistry guides life. With “what to eat at breakfast” as an issue, students study key knowledge and establish perspectives on the issue at the same time. These perspectives would be refined through classroom activities. Learning basic nutrient substance has important educating function. Also, analyzing problems and argument from the view of chemistry are highlighted in this class.
Teacher Education

Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Novice and Experienced Junior High School Chemistry Teachers' Instruction Behaviors of the “Acid and Alkaline” Unit

YUAN Xu-Fu, ZHENG Chang-Long, HE Peng, SHAN Yuan-Yuan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 87-94. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030237
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Through the comparative analysis of the characteristics of time and frequency of teachers' use of instruction behavior chain(IBC) and instruction behavior pair(IBP) in the normal classroom of “acid and alkali” units of novice teachers and experienced teachers, it is found that as for the IBC, novice and experienced teachers both spent more time on a higher level of IBC. The frequency of high-level IBC of experienced teachers is better than the novice teachers, and the rational time in different IBC is more reasonable. As for the IBP, novice and experienced teachers mostly both use the type of “asking” and “lecturing”, and students often use the way of “answering” to start classroom activities. The time of the experienced teachers using the way of “moving” and “thinking” is obviously higher than that of the novice teacher. As for the level of the students participating in the class, experienced teacher is better than that of the novice teacher. This study highlights novice teachers should organize and arrange their classroom teaching behaviors effectively, pay great attention on the mastery of “acid and base” content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. Moreover, both experienced and novice teachers should provide opportunities for students to engage in their classrooms.
Investigation Report

Study on the Preconception of Junior High School Students' Chemical Equation and Its Influencing Factors

LI Chuan, TANG Li-Meng, LI Yan-Ling, LIU Jing-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 95-104. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020100025
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In this study, we developed a questionnaire named “the concept and influencing factors of chemical equation in junior high school students”, in order to get students' preconception in the chemical equation (CE) connotation (the concept of CE, the meaning of CE, and the meaning of “+” and “=” in CE) and denotation (chemical symbol's significance, the uniqueness of CE, the relationship between the CEs and mathematical equations), and the external factors, such as, students' background information, the learning environment, learning style, and the existing chemistry knowledge. A total of 176 students who would learn the chemical equations, were surveyed in one junior high school in Shijiazhuang, and 8 students of them were interviewed. The results showed that while the junior high school students' CE preconceptions were different with the change of class type, math scores, extra-curricular reading type, and existing chemical knowledge level, and many existing concepts were coincident with chemists' understanding, but the students' understanding was not comprehensive, and even some were deviation. Therefore, the suggested emphasis of CE instruction was to help students learn CE through integrating macro and micro perspective, qualitative and quantitative perspective, and provided an aid to capture the function and value of diverse chemistry symbols.
Information Technology and Chemistry

Using 3D Virtual Technology to Break Through the Teaching of Material Structure: Transformation from Demonstrating Tool to Exploratory Tool

HUANG Jian-Fang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 105-115. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030022
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Aiming at the abstraction of material structure teaching, a set of material structure teaching software based on 3D virtual technology has been developed in this paper, which can rotate, translate, zoom, cut, mirror, insert or delete atoms (clusters) as well as start and stop preset animation on the structure model. On the one hand, the powerful interactive function can effectively visualize the teaching on molecular or crystal structures in the field of structural isomerism, stereoisomerism, crystal packing methods, unit cell division, coordination number, voids in crystal structure, and space utilization. On the other hand, the software has demonstrated the great potential of three-dimensional virtual technology in the exploration and discovery of microstructures through many teaching cases, such as the exploration of the transformation of B12 and C60 molecular spatial configuration, the modification of unit cell model by exploring the number of atoms occupied by the hexagonal unit cell, the perfection of the close-packed structure law by proposing the concept of “semi-dense layer” after investigating the four packing forms of metal crystals and so on.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Using Ion Exchange Resin to Explore the Effect of Concentration on Chemical Equilibrium

LAI Yao, HUANG Ping, LI Yue, RAN Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 116-119. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030018
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In this paper, the reversible reaction of anthocyanins and potassium dichromate solution was used to explore the effect of concentration on chemical equilibrium by adding cation exchange resin without changing the concentration of other substances in the solution. Experimental instruments are simple, reagents are easy to obtain, phenomena are obvious and time is short. It can be used as classroom demonstration experiment or student experiment, and provide real scenes and inquiry cases for classroom teaching.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Discussion on the b Value of VSEPR Model in the New Textbook for Senior High School

XU Guang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (3): 120-122. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030009
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In the calculation of b value in VSEPR model in the new textbook, the position environment of “atoms bound to the central atom” is not considered for the time being, that is, only static regulations are made, which is in line with the requirements of the new curriculum standard. However, if it is applied to common molecules such as CH3COOH, it will be inconsistent with common sense, which will limit the application scope of VSEPR model. From the perspective of expanding the teaching and learning of high school chemistry, the author believes that by taking into account the location of “atoms bonded to the central atom”, namely dynamic accounting of b value, thus expanding the scope of application of VSEPR model. This algorithm does not go beyond the basic theoretical system of high school chemistry and can satisfactorily solve the above-mentioned similar contradictions. The dynamic definition of b value can be specifically described as “b is the maximum number of electrons accepted by the atom bound with the central atom in order to achieve a relatively stable structure”.
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