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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2023, 44 (21)   Published: 02 November 2023
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 0-0.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 121-122. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023020075
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 123-123. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023030022
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 124-124. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023040089
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 125-125. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023030003
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 126-126. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023020023
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 127-127. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023040130
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 128-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023040155
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 7-7.
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Chemical Language of Insects:Insect Pheromones

WU Xiao-Chun, TANG Mi, LIU Xin, XIANG Yue-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 1-7. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022110046
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Insect pheromones play an important role in partial substitution of chemical pesticides. With people’s attention to ecology and health, the application of insect pheromones has become a research hotspot in recent years. In this paper, the sex pheromones, aggregation pheromones and alarm pheromones of some insects are introduced from the aspects of substance structure, synthesis method, agricultural and forestry use. These pheromones are highly specific, do not kill natural enemies, are not toxic to organisms and are friendly to the environment, so they are used to control pests. Of the three types of pheromones, sex pheromones are the most widely used for population monitoring, pest trapping, mating disturbance and combined pest control.
Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Construction of Senior High School Chemistry Unit Teaching Model Integrating “Teaching, Learning and Evaluation”

LIU Xiao-Lan, CHEN Chao, TAN Liang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 8-14. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022060162
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Based on the developmental education evaluation theory and SOLO classification evaluation theory, the unit teaching model integrating “teaching, learning and evaluation” was put forward, the teaching design process was analyzed, and the teaching design was carried out in the form of reverse teaching design. Finally, the experience in teaching was summarized and some teaching suggestions were put forward: firstly, teachers should pay attention to the “visibility of teaching and learning” in the process of designing teaching to achieve the aim of “having teaching in mind and students in eyes”; secondly, students should actively participate in teaching evaluation in the process of teaching; thirdly, relative investigators should pay attention to the development and the wide utilization of scientific and effective evaluation tools.

Reflection on Changes of Question Context of Chemistry in College Entrance Examination in China Since the Reform and Opening-Up

YANG Ji-Dong, YU Sha, WANG Hou-Xiong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 15-22. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022080171
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This paper constructs an analysis framework of problem context, involving the facticity, type and function of contexts. Content analysis method is used to analyze the changes of question contexts in chemistry questions in college entrance examination since 1978, which can be classified into three stages: embryonic period (1978-1991), transition period (1992-2011) and development period (2012present). The research findings are as follows: (1) the facticity of problem contexts is becoming higher and higher, and the context has changed from without-context and constructed context to quasi-real context and real context; (2) the types of problem contexts become more and more diversified, from the absolute dominance of scientific context to scientific context and social context, and match the personal context;(3) the function of problem context has changed from middle-level context to middle-level context, supplemented by low and high level. These results show that since the reform and opening-up, the quality of the chemistry questions in China’s college entrance examination is getting higher and higher, and the requirements for students of the chemistry questions in college entrance examination are getting higher and higher.

Development of School-Based Chemistry Curriculum “Printing and Dyeing Technology” Based on Chinese Traditional Culture

YUAN Zhen, JIANG Jian-Wen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 23-34. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022060181
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This paper introduces the development of school-based courses with “printing and dyeing technology” as the main content, which reflects the transformation process from ancient traditional printing and dyeing technology to modern printing and dyeing technology, reflects the combination of traditional culture and modern technology, and reflects the close relationship between the development and change of traditional culture and chemistry and life. The development process of printing and dyeing technology course includes determining the theme, feasibility analysis, clarifying the course objectives and planning the course content. In addition, this paper also analyzes the characteristics of the curriculum, and puts forward some suggestions on the development and implementation of school-based curriculum.

Comparative Analysis of Thinking Columns in Textbooks Based on Macroscopic Identification and Microscopic Exploration

LIU Wei-Dong, CHEN Xin-Li, ZHOU He-Bing, XU Jia-Ming, LUO Ming, MAO Yu-Tong, LI Dan-Yi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 35-41. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022060262
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Based on the core competence of “macroscopic identification and microscopic exploration”, this paper classifies and compares the thinking columns of new and old textbooks published by People’s Education Press under the theme of “properties and applications of hydrocarbons and their derivatives”. The results show that the content design of the new textbook conforms to the requirements of the curriculum standards, but there are significant differences in the distribution of literacy level, the externalization of cognitive perspective and the standardization of symbolic representation compared with the old textbook. Based on this, this paper puts forward four suggestions for the use of new textbooks: Changing the traditional cognition, paying attention to the function of guidance and evaluation; Grasping the logic of textbooks and realizing the cognitive structural function; Paying attention to symbolic representation and giving full play to the normative function of new textbooks; Integrating the optimized situation and implementing the educational function of the new textbook.

Comparative Analysis of Critical Thinking Column in Chinese and American Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks

LIU Yu-Rong, ZHANG Zhao-Yuan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 42-48. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022080169
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Critical thinking is the most basic and creative form of thinking in evaluation, exploration and development activities, and it is the prerequisite for proposing and solving problems. However, at present, the cultivation of critical thinking in chemistry teaching in Chinese senior high schools is not enough, which is very unfavorable for students to achieve the goal of “lifelong learning”. Taking Chinese and American senior high school chemistry mainstream textbooks as the research object, this paper compares the content of critical thinking column in the textbooks with the method of quantitative assignment, analyzes the training tendency of the exercises in the columns to the two components of critical thinking: “critical spirit” and “critical skills”, and puts forward suggestions for textbook compilation.
Excellent Lesson

Project-Based Learning of “Chemical Reaction and Thermal Energy” in Senior High School Based on CDIO Mode:Design and Manufacture of Self-Heating Lunch Box

YUAN Zi-Jian, LI Teng-Xin, TIAN Rong, XIANG Yu, ZHAN Si-Min, ZHOU Qing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 49-55. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022080022
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With “chemical reaction and thermal energy” as the project theme and “design and production of self-heating lunch box” as the project carrier, the CDIO engineering education mode was applied to carry out project-based learning activities. By completing four CDIO sub-projects namely “conceiving lunch box heating scheme” “designing and drawing engineering drawings” “learning and applying 3D printing technology” and “achievement report and evaluation”, students could deeply learn chemical knowledge such as chemical reaction and thermal energy and polymer materials, train mathematical and economic thinking, and cultivate aesthetic design ability and rigorous scientific and engineering thinking. Finally, students established the value concept of using interdisciplinary knowledge and ability to help the sustainable development of human society and developed the core literacy.

Project Based Learning of “Metal Materials” Guided by “Structure and Performance”: Exploring the Composition of Metal Materials in Drink Cans

CAI Ling-Ling, WU Jun-Lei, LIN Hai-Bin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 56-61. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022070062
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With the project theme of “exploring the composition of metal materials in drink cans”, this paper carries out a study project on “metal materials” among high school students. They are required to complete five explosive tasks based on the project, including “the corrosion resistance of the body and lid of Coke cans”, “the aluminum content in the can body, pure aluminum or aluminum alloy”, “whether Coke cans made of aluminum alloy body contains iron”, “differences in properties and compositions of iron alloys with different uses” and “the understanding of new alloys”. By doing so, students are expected to transform the study of aluminum alloy, ferroalloy and new alloys into continuous exploration and practice, form the core concept of “composition and structure determine performance, performance determines use”, develop the habit of communication and cooperation, and develop skills in critical thinking and problem-solving. Authentic and challenging task-driven teaching, independent and open-ended learning, as well as the process and diversified evaluation are the keys to its success.

Project-Based Learning to Promote the Construction of Big Ideas: Comprehensive Utilization of Marine Resources and Salt Production

KONG Jia-Ying, HUANG Yan-Ying, PAN Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 62-68. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022080049
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With the theme of “comprehensive utilization of marine resources and salt production”, the project is divided into 2 sub-tasks of “homemade unique flavored salt” and “design of comprehensive utilization of marine resources”. Through the disciplinary practice activities, students complete the study of core concepts such as “saturated solution” and “solubility”, form a thinking model for the separation and purification of substances and comprehensive utilization of resources, gradually construct the big idea of “chemistry and sustainable development”, feel the interdependence between science, technology, society and environment, and raise awareness of the value of chemistry.

High School Chemistry Teaching Practice from the Perspective of “Subject Moral Education”:Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy

XU Chao-Cheng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 69-73. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022070060
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Classroom teaching is the main place to implement the fundamental task of establishing moral education. With the knowledge content of “aluminum and aluminum alloy” as the carrier, the subject knowledge of chemistry, the core literacy of chemical and the content of discipline moral education are effectively integrated. Through the four links of “aluminum in flight”, “aluminum of safety”, “aluminum of low carbon” and “aluminum in the future”, the content of moral education is integrated into chemistry teaching to improve the effect of moral education.
Teaching Research

Comprehensive and Dynamic Perspective to Study Redox Reactions by Energy Exchange

WANG Fang-Xin, YE Zi-Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 74-79. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022080036
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Redox reaction is a vital section in high school chemistry course framework, which connects the knowledge of structure and property, transformations and energy transfer tightly. When analyzing a redox reaction, the most important thing is to identify the electron transfer in the reactants, and then to determine the reasonable energy exchange during the reaction. We find it is a common difficulty for beginners or even senior students to apply redox reaction in a novel circumstance. Herein, we show how to use the Frost diagram to analyze redox reactions that involve several tricky elements including Fe, Mn, N, S and Cl. We compare the electron transfer process with skiing, to elucidate the variation of reactants and energy in a spontaneous reaction. We assume it is a powerful strategy for high school chemistry teachers and students to analyze the redox reactions more effectively and understand the transformations in a more comprehensive and dynamic perspective.

Exploration on the Integration of Career Education and Core Literacy Cultivation: Elective Course“Chemistry and Water Treatment”

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 80-84. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022090057
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Career education plays an important role in the cultivation of a well-rounded person. The existing career education related to high school chemistry is mainly based on daily teaching penetration. In order to fully meet the needs of students, the special elective course “chemistry and water treatment” is set up. The course includes four units of water pollution/eutrophication, water quality testing, water purification and wastewater treatment. Four types of project based learning activities, such as investigation and summary, roles playing, problem solving, practice of innovation are carried out in order to guide students to solve key problems in the water treatment industry with chemical knowledge and method and master the necessary knowledge, key abilities and professional qualities required by this industry. The paper also summarizes the design concepts and ideas of such courses, in order to explore the deep integration of career education and core literacy cultivation.
Investigation Report

Construction and Test of the Competency Model of Science Teachers in Qinghai Ethnic High Schools

YANG Li-Hua, GUO Cheng-Yu, SUO Nan, WEI Xiao-Xia
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 85-91. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022110032
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For a long time, science education has been weak in minority areas in China. The primary factor restricting the development of science education is teachers. It is necessary to build a competency model for science teachers in minority high schools in an empirical way. This research initially collected the structure of science teachers’ competency in Qinghai ethnic high school by using the literature method and interview method, and revised and improved the structure of this element through two rounds of Delphi method, forming a competency conception model for science teachers in Qinghai ethnic high school. Finally, the reliability and validity of the model were tested by questionnaire survey, and a competency model for science teachers in Qinghai ethnic high school was constructed. The model provides reference and inspiration for relevant departments to improve the training mode of targeted normal students, optimize in-service teacher training, and reform the evaluation system of high school teachers.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Exploring Reaction Mechanism of “Electrode Inversion” Dual Model of Galvanic Cells Using Handheld Technology

WANG Guo-Liang, LIAO Zhi-Gang, LIU Kai-Xin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 92-96. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023010064
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This paper was based on handheld technology to characterize the differences in the working principles between the reference state and extreme state of primary batteries, then explored the critical value of nitric acid concentration in the electrode reversal of the two extreme galvanic cells composed of iron and aluminum respectively with copper in concentrated nitric acid. Through the two-model comparison experiment, it helped students construct the galvanic cell model more intuitively, accurately and deeply, and enriched students’ cognition and understanding of the correlation knowledge such as the periodic law of elements, metal activity and redox reaction.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Explore the Formation Conditions of Coordination Bonds

PENG Zhi-Yong, ZHONG De-Hong, HUANG Mei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 97-100. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022110170
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Inspired by the three principles of linear combination of atomic orbitals, starting from the essence of coordination bonds and combining with the relevant knowledge of valence bond theory, this paper explores the formation conditions of coordination bonds in simple terms, and proposes three principles of matching for the formation of coordination bonds: symmetry matching principle, energy matching principle and space matching principle. This “three principles of matching” reasonably explains why H+ and OH- can combine to form stable coordination bonds, while Na+ and OH- cannot form coordination bonds. This principle can be used to explore the problems related to the formation of coordination bonds in complexes, providing a theoretical model for students who need to learn textbook Chemistry(selective compulsory 2)in high school, helping students realize the activation of chemical knowledge, and further implementing the core quality of chemistry discipline of “evidence reasoning and model cognition”.

Motion Direction of Ions in Electrochemical Devices

PENG Wen-Kun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 101-104. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022030094
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This paper is about the motion direction of ions in electrochemical devices. The motion direction of ions in an electrochemical device is important content in senior high school chemistry teaching. There is usually a generalized conclusion in teaching: “The anion in the primary battery moves to the negative electrode, the cation moves to the positive electrode; the anion in the electrolysis cell moves to the anode, the cation moves to the cathode.” But this conclusion has some flaws. We can conduct a comprehensive analysis considering the “electrochemical device” and “liquid-phase mass transfer”. We design experiments to guide students to question and explore, thus improving their chemistry core literacy.

Writing Inorganic Reaction Mechanism of Sulfur and Its Compounds Using Arrow Pushing Method

XU Shou-Bing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 105-112. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022090023
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Focusing on the study of bond breaking and formation processes, this paper attempts to use the arrow-pushing technique commonly employed in organic reaction mechanism illustration to analyze reaction mechanisms of sulfur compounds including reactions of the S-H bonds such as neutralization of hydrogen sulfide, hydrolysis of sodium sulfide, and reaction of hydrogen sulfide and atomic oxygen species, reactions of S-halogen bonds such as hydrolysis of sulfur tetrafluoride, reactions between sulfur tetrafluoride and chlorine monofluoride, and also the reaction between S(IV) species and diatomic halogen molecules, reactions of the S-O bonds such as reactions of sulfur dioxide and water or sulfur trioxide, the preparation of thionyl chloride, as well as reactions of the S-S bonds such as preparation of sulfur halides, reactions of hydrogen sulfide and chlorosulfuric acid, iodine and sodium thiosulfate.
Domestic and Overseas Trends

Research on Knowledge Learning and Game Design in Chemical Education Games Based on 134 Chinese and Foreign Literature

WEN Jin-Ju, QIAN Yang-Yi, WU Si-Min, ZHANG Jia-Yu, TAN Yu-Ling
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (21): 113-120. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023020001
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Using the content analysis method, 134 literature on chemical education games from both domestic and foreign countries were encoded, and frequency statistical analysis was conducted on three dimensions: “knowledge theme” “knowledge type” and “gameplay design”, attempting to explore the relationship between knowledge learning and gameplay design in chemical education games. Research has found that the current chemical education games have rich knowledge themes, and the knowledge content has characteristics such as high abstraction, low visualization, high difficulty in memorization, and strong hands-on operability; Different types of knowledge can be transformed into corresponding gamified elements; The three main game attributes and functions of “game type, behavior rules and teaching rules” are different, and game design needs to balance the three. Finally, it is proposed to expand the possibilities of the game and enrich the knowledge content, use the results of the game wisely, from the class to the science popularization and other prospects.
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