Non-Nutritive Sweeteners:Alternative Sugar
Research Progress on Identification of Accelerant in Soil for Fire Investigation
Construction of Polymer Chemistry Course Under the Background of Curriculum Ideology and Politics: “Tang Aoqing” Class of the Top Class of Basic Subject in Jilin University
Exploration and Practice of Aesthetic Education on Nanotechnology
Ideological and Political Education Innovative Practices of Specialized Courses in Colleges Under the Concept of “Great Ideological and Political Education”: Computer Applications in Chemistry
Teaching Design and Practice of Organic Synthesis Focused on Deep Learning
Project-Based Teaching of “Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives” in College Chemistry: Synthesis of Centennial Drug Aspirin
Organic Chemistry Experiment and the Cultivation of Chemical Dialectical Logic Thinking:Synthesis of Phthalimide
Comprehensive Chemical Experiment: Preparation, Characterization of DNA 8-Branched Nanostructure
Advanced Inquiry Experiment Projects in Blended Teaching of Inorganic Chemistry Experiment
Preparation and Performance of Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Battery: “Semi-Exploratory” Comprehensive Experiment Teaching
Advances About Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers' Education Research in Chinese Mainland Based on the Content Analysis of Core Journal Literature in the Past Five Years
Introducing the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to Chemistry Textbook: Revision of the 2nd Edition of Chemistry (General)
Construction of Teaching Cases in Biochemistry: Artificial Intelligence Prediction of Protein Structure
Integrating Identification of Organic Compounds into Disciplines of Medicine and Pharmacy
Organic Chemistry Teaching Reform for Food Engineering from Perspective of Profession Accreditation of Engineering Education Certification
Elucidating the Different Reactivity of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions Between Ambiguous Nucleophiles MCN (M=Na, Ag) and C2H5Br Through Quantum Chemical Calculations
Quantitative Relationship Between Bonding Parameters and Molecular Vibrational Spectra of the Hydrogen-Bond Donor
When Polypeptides Meet 2D Materials:Deciphering Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding Interactions
Why Is the Carbonyl Oxygen Atom of Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives Protonated in the Acid-Catalyzed Reactions