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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2024, 45 (18)   Published: 18 September 2024
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 0-0.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 128-128. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.202409sp01
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 129-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.202409sp02
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 90-90.
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Importance of Chemical Protection in Bamboo Slips Research

LV Wen-Bo, LI Shi-Jing, MO Zun-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 1-6. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023090206
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Bamboo slips are an important medium for the transmission of ancient and modern civilization, and the historical records in bamboo slips are important historical traces of mankind. However, after thousands of years of evolution,it impossible to obtain complete and effective information from unrepairedbamboo slips unearthed in various places. The use of chemical substances, combined with chemical principles is an important means to protect and remediate bamboo slips. This paper searches the structure of bamboo slips as well as the characteristics of excavation, explores the causes of corrosion and deformation of bamboo slips, and proposes a chemicalremediation andprotection methodof bamboo slips, so as tocontributeto the study of bamboo slips.

The Beauty of Chemistry Passing Through Chinese History

WANG Ping, WANG Rong-Xia, RAO Hong-Hua, LIU Shan-Shan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 7-13. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024030176
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In the 5 000-year history of China’s civilization, many inventions are intrinsically linked to chemistry. This paper tells the beauty of chemistry from historical perspectives with the following stories: use of fire, making of ceramics, smelting of metals, production of salt, alchemy and gunpowder, and the story of Min Enze, the father of China’s refining catalysts, showing the splendor that chemistry has written in the long history of our country, and offering reference materials for aesthetic education of chemistry to firm our cultural confidence.

ChatGPT-Like Generative AI:Good Helper in Chemistry Research and Education

DENG Song, WU Xiao-Chun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 14-21. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024040156
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Transition state search is the key to elucidating reaction mechanisms and exploring reaction networks in chemistry. However, due to the complexity of the potential energy surfaces, the search for accurate 3D transition state structures relies on a large number of quantum chemical calculations. For complex reactions, obtaining the transition state structure of a primitive reaction can take tens of hours or even days, which is relatively inefficient. MIT researchers have developed a generative AI model that is able to predict reaction transition state structures in almost 6 seconds with very high accuracy. This model provides another relatively convenient tool for non-computational chemistry faculty at universities to explore reaction mechanisms and design new chemical reactions. Meanwhile, with the deep integration of generative AI and chemistry education, generative AI is expected to become an important booster in the field of chemistry education.
Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Course Construction Practice of “Chemistry and Interdisciplinarity”

ZHANG Pei-Yao, LI Yun-Feng, ZHANG Kai, YANG Bai
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 22-26. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024010156
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“Chemistry and Interdisciplinarity” is a freshman seminar and at the same time a compulsory course for the subject foundation that is designed for top-notch innovative students from college of Chemistry at Jilin University. This course is concerned with advances in research frontiers in several typical cutting-edge fields.The aim of the course is making students understand what is scientific research and developing students’ key academic skills and literacy through learning related knowledge. Based on teachers’ research fields and the content that is co-construct by teachers and students, the course mainly introduces the interdisciplinary disciplines related to chemistry, such as polymer optical function materials, biomedical materials, energy conversion materials and devices, and biomedical imaging in fall semester 2023. The practice of “Chemistry and Interdisciplinarity” in course design and assessment mode provides an important valuable way for exploring the path of science and education integration to cultivate top-notch innovative talents with a solid foundation, emphasis on practice, and strong ability.

Exploration and Practice of Collaborative Education Mode of the Chemistry Second Classroom and Ideological and Political Education

XIAO Ru, CHENG Hong-Mei, GU Jia-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 27-32. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024010131
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Chemistry second classroom integration with ideological and political education is designed to cultivate high-quality talent withscientific literacy and humanistic spirit. By adhering to the combination of moral education and knowledge cultivation, and through updating concepts, innovating modes, renewing content, and improving teaching methods, this approach achieves a synergistic effect on knowledge impartation, capability development, and value shaping within the chemistry second classroom and ideological and political education. This paper deeply explores the establishment of an educational system that integratesideological and political teachinginto the chemistry second classroom, introduces the enhancement effects of the chemistry second classroom on ideological and political education, and discusses the impact of ideological and political education on the cultivation of chemistry professionals. It holds a great deal of value for advancing the implementation of ideological and political education in higher education institutions. It also nurtures high-quality talents in chemistry.
Theory Teaching

Application of Problem Chain Teaching Mode in the Teaching of Conjugated Molecules Hückel Molecular Orbital Method in Structural Chemistry

WANG Wei-Na, LIU Feng-Yi, WANG Wen-Liang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 33-38. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024040028
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Structural chemistry is difficult for students due to its profound theoretical foundation and microscopic research objects. The teaching mode based on the “problem chain” takes students as the main body and guides them to think through a series of progressive questions from the elementary to the profound and from the appearance to the essence, which is very suitable for changing learning methods and improving learning effectiveness. This article takes the “conjugated molecule Hückel molecular orbital method” as an example to design a “problem chain” teaching mode based on deep learning.
Experiment Teaching

Improvement of Caffeine Sublimation Device and Integration with Innovative Education

LI Fang, TANG Rui-Qing, WANG Xi, LI Xiao-Yao, ZHAO Wei-Guang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 39-43. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024010124
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The caffeine sublimation experiment is a classic experiment in university organic chemistry. Compared with traditional sublimation devices, the improved caffeine sublimation device has the characteristics of visible sublimation process, rime like crystal shape, high yield, and high repeatability, which enhances the fun and scientific rigor of the experiment. The introduction of caffeine’s birefringence phenomenon has stimulated students’ interest in science. In addition, we introduced the development process of the sublimation device into the classroom, and worked with students to analyze the problems that exist in the device improvement project, the causes of these problems, and the solutions to these problems, in order to experience the process of innovation.

Innovative Project-Based Teaching for Chemistry Open Innovation Experiment Course Highlighting Application Features

ZHANG Peng-Tu, WANG Cong-Cong, ZHANG Chun-Xiao, YUAN Shi-Ling, JIANG Xiu-Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 44-49. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024020135
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Using “Open Innovation Experiments” as the course platform, we have deeply improved the project-based learning method and integrated it into the traditional teaching process. By thoroughly understanding the direction of national major strategies and regional economic development requirements, and closely aligning with the technical research and production needs of regional enterprises, under the joint guidance of school mentors and enterprise mentors, we have innovated the traditional project-based teaching method and formed a series of project cases deeply integrated with schools and enterprises. Taking “Preparation and Characterization of Polyimide Films” as an example, we have conducted a thorough analysis and description of the project implementation and evaluation process, providing effective reference for talent cultivation aimed at “high-quality, application-oriented” goals.

Experimental Teaching Design for the Concentration Determination of Mixed Dyes by First Derivative Spectrophotometry

LIU Hui-Qing, XU Zhong-Qi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 50-55. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024030104
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To solve the lack of experiment classes, which are quantitative analysis of dye solutions and determination of complex systems by spectrophotometry, the simultaneous determination of dye components (reactive red 195, reactive yellow 145 and reactive blue 19) by first derivative spectrophotometry was designed as an instrumental analysis experiment course. 655 nm, 566 nm and 326 nm were respectively selected as detection wavelengths for reactive blue 19, reactive red 195 and reactive yellow 145, and the pH value of the solution is adjusted between 4 and 7. The methods had great linear relationships with the first derivative spectra in the concentration range of 10~100 mg/L. Many groups of mixed dye solution were determined, the comparison between measured and actual values verified the precision and accuracy of the method. The experiment deepened the students’ understanding and applying of spectroscopy theoretical knowledge, expanded their vision in textile dyeing and printing analysis field, enhanced the ability to quantitatively analyze the multi-components.

Improvement of Galvanic Cell and Electrolytic Cell Experiments

WANG Xin, ZHAO Shu-Yu, LI Jia-Qi, WANG Shao-Dan, LU Zhuo-Xiao, WANG Tao, CHEN Shu-Min
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 56-60. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024030180
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Electrochemistry is a key component of inorganic chemistry theory and experimental courses. However, it can be difficult for students to grasp due to its abstract nature. To deepen students’ understanding and application of electrochemical theory and to make the original “primary battery and electrolytic cell experiment” more interesting and operationally feasible, improvements have been made to increase the stability and current of the original cell by using gel electrolytes made from the gelling properties of cornstarch. Additionally, the principle of “hydrogen release producing alkali” in electrolyzing saline water is utilized, resulting in the color change of potassium permanganate, which enhances the understanding of the principles of electrolytic cells through visual recognition. Finally, a concentration cell is prepared by dropwise addition of ammonia, and the voltage change is explained using the Nernst Equation. This innovative experiment design enriches the practical content of the course, enhances students’ problem-solving ability, and stimulates their creativity.

Design of Olefin Meerwein Hydration Reaction Experiment Based on Green Chemistry

HAN Jin-E, NIU Teng-Fei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 61-68. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024040058
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Focusing on the frontier hot spots, implementing the integration of science and education, based on the concept of green chemistry, the comprehensive innovation experiment of olefin Meerwein hydration reaction was designed. In this experiment, photocatalytic synthesis technology was introduced, and a series of 1,2-diphenyl ethanol derivatives were synthesized through alkene Meerwein hydration reaction using the self-made, recyclable catalyst, water as solvent under clean and renewable sunlight. This experiment includes preparation and characterization of the catalyst, synthesis and characterization of products, optimization of reaction conditions, catalyst recycling experiment, and adaptation investigation of substrates. The experiment content is rich and multi-level, involving the cross and fusion of multidisciplinary knowledge, which not only improves students’ comprehensive knowledge application, but also stimulates students’ interest in scientific inquiry and innovative spirit.
Teacher Education

Strategies for Enhancing the Instructional Design Ability of Pre-Service Teachers About Thematic Teaching:Chemistry Major

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 69-75. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024040166
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Thematic teaching is a classroom teaching model that practices curriculum and teaching reform. Pre-service teachers need to have the capability to structure and analyze textbook unit knowledge, establish unit themes, develop situational resources, and organize teaching content in order to be basically competent in thematic teaching work in the elementary education stage. Suggestions for cultivating the thematic teaching ability of chemistry pre-service teachers in basic education were provided from three aspects: systematic construction of thematic knowledge content, diversified development of curriculum resources, analysis and design of holistic thematic teaching guided by the concept of grandeur.
Chemical Education for Non-Chemistry Majors

Negative Entropy Teaching Innovation of Physical Chemistry Course Based on OBE and PBL Under the Background of Medical and Engineering Integration

LI Ya-Nan, YANG Wu-De, LIN Bing, WANG Xian-Shu, JIANG Hai-Jing, ZHANG Wen-Hui
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 76-83. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023080219
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In the context of integrating medicine and engineering, we have chosen the physical chemistry course asthe research subjectdue to its multidisciplinary characteristics. To address issues such as students’ learning difficulites, low participation, and teaching content that cannot fully align with the application of medical and pharmaceutical-related majors, We have develpoed a negative entropy reform teaching mode with physical and chemical characteristics by integrating OBE, PBL, and BOPPPS teaching concepts, as well as drawing on negative entropy theory and dissipation theory.We have identified the variables and algorithms, and calculated the degree of order change in teaching effectiveness over the last three years. This teaching reform has yielded significant results in the implementation of physical chemistry education, and also provides valuable guidance for other fundamental chemistry courses within the context of interdisciplinary integration between medicine and engineering.

Design of Scientific Innovation Research Experiment Based on Photocatalytic Antibacterial

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 84-90. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023110043
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A scientific innovation research experiment based on the team’s scientific research results, “preparation, characterization and antibacterial activity study of composite photocatalyst Emodin/Hap”, was designed. The composite photocatalyst emodin/Hap was prepared under mild conditions using the natural product emodin and hydroxyapatite. Its crystal structure, characteristic functional groups and chemical bonds, as well as element composition were confirmed, and its antibacterial activity was verified. Through the implementation of this experimental project, students are guided to learn about the principles and applications of photocatalysis, and their interest in exploring cutting-edge science is stimulated, which is conducive to cultivating the students’ innovation and research abilities. In addition, based on the mastery of relevant theoretical knowledge and experimental skills, students further learn the principles and operation of various analytical instruments, master common instrument analysis methods, and certain microbial detection skills, laying a solid foundation for future academic research and career development.

Open Experimental Study on Extraction of Carrot Lignin by High Boiling Solvent

TANG Xiao-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 91-97. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023120089
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In order to improve students’ ability of experimental innovation and independent problem-solving, further expand their knowledge, cultivate students’ awareness of environmental protection and team spirit, through open experiments, let students participate in the design of the experiment, the selection of experimental materials and equipment, waste recovery and reuse, data analysis and result discussion. In the open experiment, 1,4-butanediol aqueous solution was used as solvent to extract lignin from carrot by high boiling solvent (HBS). The optimum extraction conditions were explored and the reasons were analyzed. The results show that when the dry carrot powder is put into the aqueous solution of 1,4-butanediol with a mass fraction of 80%, the lignin yield can reach 17.14% after cooking for 2 hours at 210 ℃ and the ratio of material to liquid is 1:6, and the recovered high boiling alcohol and water can be recycled. The open experiment is not only of reference significance for the extraction of carrot lignin by high boiling solvent, but also provides a new idea for the teaching reform of environmental chemistry experiment in colleges and universities.
Information Technology and Chemistry

Teaching Application of Molecular Docking and Visualisation Software in Food Quality and Safety Experiments:Mechanism of nAChRs Inhibition by Neonicotinoid Pesticides

LI Chang-Jian, SONG Jian, ZHU Hui-Min, LIU Kun-Feng, JU Jian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 98-104. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024020081
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With the rapid development of food science and molecular computing, scientists have been pushed to understand the impact of food components and exogenous chemicals on food safety at the microscopic level. However, the traditional teaching mode is difficult to achieve visualisation at the molecular level. Therefore, taking the analysis of the mechanism of inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (nAChRs) by neonicotinoid pesticides chlorothiazide and piperidine as an example, this paper explores the application of molecular docking technology in teaching and degree design of food quality and safety using AutoDock and PyMOL software. It also explores the use of cutting-edge virtual reality (VR) technology in molecular docking. By using this software, students will be able to have a more intuitive understanding of the structure and function of proteins and will be able to perform molecular docking experiments that will help students to have a more perceptual understanding of the possible interactions between protein receptors and ligands. It stimulates students’ interest in learning and mobilises their enthusiasm for learning, thereby improving their practical skills and scientific literacy and achieving the objective of improving the quality of teaching.

Feasibility and Advantages of Classic Experiments Integrated with Computational Chemistry

LIU Nan-Nan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 105-109. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024030125
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This paper explores three classic experiments that can be integrated with computational chemistry, including the preparation and infrared spectroscopic determination of linkage isomers of Co coordination complex, the preparation and magnetic moment determination of potassium trioxalatoferrate(Ⅲ), and the measurement of the ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrum of tryptophan. By analyzing the entry points for computational chemistry in each experiment, such as molecular configuration, infrared spectroscopy, spin states, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, and frontier molecular orbitals, the feasibility and advantages of combining computational chemistry with experimental teaching are demonstrated. This combination provides more intuitive content display for non-chemistry majors, compensates for the shortcomings of traditional experimental teaching, and promotes a deeper understanding of chemical phenomena among students. This paper provides certain references and ideas for computational chemistry teaching.
Investigation Report

Comparative Study of Cooperative Learning Under Different Grouping Methods in the Teaching of Organic Chemistry Experiments

WU Ling, GUO Zhen, LIAO Kang-Li, CAO Xiao-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 110-117. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024040122
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Research and practice on the application of group cooperative learning in curriculum teaching are receiving increasing attention. Research on group cooperative learning with different grouping methods mainly focuses on comparative studies of “homogeneous grouping” and “heterogeneous grouping”. This study attempts to compare the effectiveness of group cooperative learning in the teaching of the Organic Chemistry Experiment course from different perspectives, based on relevant theories such as “learning organization” and “peer effect”. By randomly grouping students by student ID and grouping them by dormitory, this research employed observation, interview and questionnaire surveys to make a comprehensive comparison of the classroom learning environment, student cooperative learning performance, learning experience, and learning outcome under the two grouping methods. The study found that compared to random grouping by student ID, students show higher interest in cooperative learning, better learning performance, learning experience, and learning outcome when grouped by dormitory. Grouping by dormitory is more conducive to cultivating students’ teamwork consciousness and ability, and more conducive to the effective extension of classroom learning, and constructing “learning-oriented dormitory” to realize the diversification of classroom teaching organization.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Understanding the Kinetics of Crystallization of Inorganic Salt Crystals Using Efflorescence Process of Microdroplets

GAO Yu-Yi, MA Shuai-Shuai, PANG Shu-Feng, ZHANG Yun-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 118-122. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024030145
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How to measure the rate of crystalline nucleation and understand the kinetic processes of crystal crystallization are difficult learning tasks in crystal chemistry. Atmospheric aerosol particles, which exist in the form of liquid droplets under high humidity conditions, will undergo a phase transition from liquid droplets to solid particles when the ambient relative humidity (RH) is reduced to a certain threshold range, a process known as aerosol efflorescence, and the humidity at which the phase transition occurs is known as the point of efflorescencerelative humidity (ERH), which is usually considered as the critical humidity for haze to change into gray haze. In this paper, we introduce the measurements of efflorescence and crystallization process kinetics of atmospheric aerosols in scientific research into undergraduate teaching, and introduce how to use attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) to determine the crystallization ratio of aerosol micro-droplet clusters, and to obtain the homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation rates by using the change of the crystallization ratio with the ambient humidity. The use of this method to obtain data on the nucleation kinetics of aerosol microdroplet crystallization, and the process of analyzing these data, contributes to the teaching of crystallization kinetics in crystal chemistry.
History of Chemistry and Chemical History Education

Friendship in History of Science and Technology between Zhang Zigong and Joseph Needham: Several Rare Letters

LI Yun, WANG Jian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (18): 123-127. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024010123
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Zhang Zigong is one of the eminent pioneers of modern chemistry and education, as well as a trailblazer in the history of science and technology in China. Dating back to the early 1940s, he and Joseph Needham have been conducting the earliest exploration in this field. Several letters from Zhang Zigong to Joseph Needham had been collected in the Needham Research Institute, which demonstrates numerous fragments of historical discussions and exchanges between the two chemists on the fields of the ancient Chinese chemistry, medicine and scientific thoughts, especially that the documents and proposals provided by Zhang has given Needham vital inspiration and assistance on conducting the works of Science and Civilisation in China. In addition, the bonding between them due to the history of science and their academic fascination reveals an admirable and touching scholarly friendship.
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