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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2014, 35 (20)   Published: 18 October 2014
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Research Development of Up-Converting Rare-earth Nanophosphors

TIAN Jing, LUO Hua-Feng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 1-4. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014050130
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Up-converting rare-earth nanophosphors (UCNPs) is a sort of material which can emit short wavelength light after excited with a longer wavelength light. The UCNPs can emit different color visible fluorescence after excited with 980 nm infrared light. They have wide applications in the field of 3-D display, up-conversion laser, infrared detection, anti-counterfeiting, bio-detection, and so on. The recent research of matrix material,rare-earth ion and optical capabilities of UCNPs is briefly reviewed in this paper.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 5-7. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2012110126
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Analysis of Curriculum Setting for Undergraduate Students Major in Chemistry in Six Normal Universities Affiliated to Ministry of Education of China

ZHOU Shi-Dong, WANG Mei, YAO Dan-Dan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 8-12. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014050153
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Statistics of credit distribution of curricula, professional curricula setting and teacher education curricula setting for undergraduate students major in chemistry in six normal universities affiliated to ministry of education of China are given and discussed to provide reference for the curriculum reform in normal university.

Application of Property-structure Interdependence Theory in Teaching Practice of Element Chemistry

LIANG Ai-Qin, SONG Zu-Wei, QU Bao-Han
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 13-16. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014050084
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Elemental chemistry is characterized by its difficulty in teaching and study due to its rich content and dispersed knowledge. Based on the actual teaching experience, four teaching cases such as the difference of N2 and P4, the acid-base property, the toxicity, the shape and the state of substance were designed and elucidated with the core theory of property-structure interdependence, thus effectively promoted the students' interests in learning. Meanwhile, the students were guided to consciously find and use this core thought of chemistry and strengthen the relationship between the basic theory and element chemistry, and ultimately improved the teaching effect.

Centralized Teaching of Thermodynamics Related Content Taking Carnot Cycle as the Main Line

FU Xian-Liang, MENG Su-Gang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 17-20. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013100094
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Taking Carnot cycle as the main line, centralized teaching of thermodynamics related content is discussed through introducing the background, the specific cycle steps, the Carnot's principle and its corollary, and the deducing of entropy and the Clausius inequality. Practice indicates coherent deduction of knowledge from the first law of thermodynamics to the second law can be strengthened by this teaching approach. Therefore, it not only broadens the students' minds, but also benefits them to master the related knowledge systematically.

Measurement Uncertainty in Chemical Experiment Teaching

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 21-23. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014060134
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Error analysis with different view and methods significantly influences the data expression and the results comparison in chemical experiment teaching. The experimental results and error analysis using uncertainty of measurement methods, can overcome the drawbacks of traditional error theory, improve the efficiency of experimental data analysis. By introducing the origin, meaning and evaluation methods of uncertainty measurement and a particular example we can extend the application range of evaluation method of measurement uncertainty and promote the popularization of new knowledge in chemistry experiment teaching.

Research on the Method to Remove Wood Pulp Pigment Pollution on Tiles

ZHAO Shu-Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 24-26. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014050152
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While hydrogen peroxide was selected as decolorant to remove wood pulp pigment pollution on tiles, the effects of reaction environment, solvent and mixing ratio of decolorant and solvent were investigated in order to get decoloring solution with good effect, short decoloring time, high stability, less pollution and low cost. The results show that decoloring solution can remove wood pulp pigment pollution on tiles effectively while mixing ratio of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and softened water is 1:1:3 and pH is about 11.7.

Exploration of Research Experiment Teaching and Applied Talents Training With Example of Experiment of Synthesis and Adsorption Property of Thiol-functionalized Polysilsesquioxane

NIU Yu-Zhong, YANG Zheng-Long, CHEN Hou, LIU Xi-Guang, MENG Yan-Feng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 27-30. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014060065
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From the angle of training of applied talents, "Synthesis and adsorption property of thiol-functionalized polysilsesquioxane" experiment was selected as a teaching case to explicate the necessity to adopt research experiment teaching in the major of polymer materials and engineering. The teaching mode of research experiment was explored from the aspects of curriculum design and teaching process.

Discussion on Construction of Environmental Protection Oriented Experiment Courses in Modern Fundamental Chemistry Experiments

YANG Wen-Jing, LI Wu-Lin, LI Xue-Ming, ZHANG Guang-Hui
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 31-33. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013030076
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Modern fundamental chemistry experiments will produce exhaust gas, waste water and waste residue inevitably. It is very important for environmental education to minimize pollutant emissions from chemical experiments and design chemical experiment scientifically and environment-friendly. Several aspects of modern fundamental chemistry experiment designs are discussed. At last, a few improved measures for modern fundamental chemistry experiments are proposed.

Exploration on Talent Training Mode of Chemical Normal Speciality in Newly-established University

ZENG Mao-Hua, LONG Lai-Hou, ZHAO San-Yin, ZHAO Xu-Guang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 34-37. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014010069
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Training middle school chemistry teachers for the country of north guangdong province is the target orientation of chemical normal speciality of shaoguan university. The way of optimizing related curricula and creating the basic and professional, integration and design, scientific inquiry and innovative experiment teaching platform was employed to build the training mode of one core, two guides, three emphases, four combinations, five integrations, six cooperations and seven adaptations. The integration of pre-service chemistry teachers education, middle school chemistry teaching practice and in-service middle school chemistry teachers training was realized.

Exploration of Integrated Teaching of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology

WANG Tao, SONG Li-Hua, GUO Chun-Hua, LI Rui-Yan, LAI Li-Na, ZHANG Xiao-Jing, TIAN Hai-Ying, LI Hai-Ju, LIU Huan, WANG Jin-Sheng, SONG Xiao-Liang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 38-40. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2013120102
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This paper analyzes the foundation of integrated teaching of medicinal chemistry and pharmacology, illustrates the embodiment integrated teaching from five aspects: ranks of teachers, teaching program, content of theory teaching, content of experiment teaching and building-up of item pool. Speculation and outlook are also summarized. And the exploration provides a new mode and a new direction in pharmacy talent training.

Reform and Practice of Basic Chemistry Experiment Course for Pharmacology in Higher Vocational College

GUO Xue-Hong, LI Cai-Yun, LI Pei-Fan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 41-44. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014020024
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The reform of basic chemistry experiment teaching for pharmacology and related majors in higher vocational college was explored. Good teaching effect was obtained by improving teaching methods, integrating experiment projects, optimizing teaching contents, arousing students' initiative, enhancing students' practical abilities, and advocating green chemistry ideas, which make chemistry experiment courses more beneficial to pharmacology, students' learning of sequential courses and students' future work.

Effects of Temperature on the Ion Product of Water and pH Criteria for Aqueous Solution Acidity

KANG Si-Yuan, WANG Ke-Zhi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 45-47. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014060023
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The effects of temperature on the ion product of water Kw, and the aqueous solution acidity are discussed. The fuzzy understanding that may occur on Kw and pH criteria for the aqueous solution acidity in teaching and textbooks are analyzed. Kw is reported to significantly increase with increasing temperatures, resulting in less than and greater than pH 7.0 for neutral aqueous solution at temperatures greater than and less than 25 ℃, respectively.

Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality and the Uncertainty Relation

ZENG Yan-Fei, HU Rong-Gang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 48-50. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014040155
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The famous Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is deduced from the fundamental unequal relationship in different spaces in the nature. Considering the linear Hermitian property of the state physical operators on the Hilbert space, the uncertainty relation is derived by applying the inequality to the quantum system of microcosm. The significance of the uncertainty relation which is the objective report of the wave-particle duality of the microscopic particle and the basis for keeping the stability of atoms and even the whole world is discussed.

The Logic Analysis and Set-theoretic Expressions of some Chemical Concepts

YIN Guo-Guang, QU Bo, XU Jin-Quan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 51-55. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014020016
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There are many academic problems neglected in the teaching of college chemistry, such as the stage of knowledge and the logicality of the concepts. In this paper, these problems were used to create specific examples to guide students to question, find, analysis and solve the problems, and the new methods of logic, set theory, even fuzzy set theory were used to inspire, train, and improve questioning and innovative spirit of the students effectively. At the same time, the new methods make descriptive chemistry theorized and mathematized proactively.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 56-59. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2012070084
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Peter J. Fensham: Pioneer of the Reform of Science Education for All

WANG Wei-Qun, WANG Li-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 35 (20): 60-64. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2014040136
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Reform in science education all over the world is to improve the citizens' scientific literacy. Responding to the work of Peter J.Fensham and his "Science for All" slogan and "Society's Demands on Functions of Curriculum",development of citiziens' scientific literacy has been the main task of school. His experiences gave us some enlightenment that the development of science education must meet the needs of times and society, and the reform of education is a complicated systematic project.
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