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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2021, 42 (11)   Published: 02 June 2021
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 0-.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 81-81. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010034
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 85-85. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010002
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 89-89. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010110
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 108-108. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020003
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 17-17.
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Chemistry Teaching Reflection on Global Climate Warming

ZHOU Wen-Yuan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 1-4. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020100092
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Against the background of students’ questioning in the classroom, from the three levels of the conceptual difference between the greenhouse effect and global warming, the evidence of the causes of global warming, and the definition of the types of greenhouse gases. This paper discusses the historical limitations of the evidence and the lack of real understanding of scientific attitude has led to misunderstandings in teaching and understanding of global warming.
Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Mission and Practice Paths of Technology Education in High School Science

QI Ying-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 5-9. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010207
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Compared with vocational education or science and engineering education in colleges and universities, the technology education in high school science has the enlightenment and the foundation significance for the cultivation of high-quality technology talents. The following perspectives are put forward: stress on the penetration and integration of technology education in high schools from the top design, strengthen the exploration of the nature of technology to lay the basis for the design of technology education goals and curriculum content, change the teaching methods and promote problem-oriented and practice-oriented teaching activities.

Analysis of the First Simulation Test of Chemistry College Entrance Examination of Certain District of Shanghai Based on Rasch Model

XU Jia-Min, SHEN Dian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 10-17. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019030128
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The partial credit model was used to analyze the first simulation test of Shanghai chemistry college entrance examination from a double-layer, one-dimensional perspective. The study draws the following conclusions by analyzing 3 864 samples. The reliability and discrimination of the test is good (the test reliability is 1.00, the discrimination is 26.20), and the average difficulty of the test is lower than the average individual ability of 1.31 logits, which is relatively low. The overall one-dimensionality of the test is good, but some test questions are poorly fitted. The DIF analysis shows that there is no item function differentially for examinees from different gender. For different physics learning groups and different political learning groups, there are 7 items and 1 item respectively to discover the presence of DIF, but this has little effect on the overall evaluation. At the end of the paper, combined with expert consultation, the low-quality test questions are analyzed. At the same time, from the three aspects of test quality, scoring rules and teaching, it gives relevant suggestions on how to form a good evaluation analysis.
Excellent Lesson

Teaching Design to Appreciate the Characteristics of Face Centered Cubic Cell Structure from Multiple Perspectives

ZHOU Ji-Min, WANG Tao, LIU Chun-Ge
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 18-26. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020080142
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This paper tried to use the online interactive resources such as “Spark Institute” to guide students to observe, describe and draw the regular tetrahedral interstitial, octahedral interstitial, three views and diagonal projection images of FCC cells from the perspective of solid geometry and dense layer stacking model, and deepen students’ understanding of CaF2 → diamond cell, NaCl → perovskite based on FCC cell structure. In order to develop students’ ability of micro analysis and scientific innovation, we should understand the common methods of doping and modification in crystal preparation by combining with the discussion of crystal structure of transparent magnesia alumina spinel.

Teaching of “Properties of Nitric Acid” to Promote Transformation of Knowledge to Literacy

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 27-33. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020040089
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A series of situational questions were designed based on “polishing solution for copper products”, with the aim of exploring how concentration, temperature and acidity affect the strong oxidation of nitric acid, the instability of nitric acid as well as the storage and transportation of nitric acid. Students are expected to promote the knowledge accomplishment and implement the core literacy of chemistry via carrying out a variety of inquiry activities focusing on chemical experiments, through which students structure the knowledge of “the nature of nitric acid”, exploit the structured knowledge to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of copper polishing solution, and put forward reasonable improvement plans for this polishing solution.

Thematic Review and Reflection Based on “Evidential Reasoning and Model Cognition”: Thematic Review of Carbon Dioxide

ZHU Ru-Qin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 34-40. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020050089
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By taking “gas supplied in grass aquarium” as main line, this paper aims to construct corresponding carbon-dioxide-related thematic reviews. And in the practical processes of solving various problems, it’s suggested that we should pay attention to carrying out corresponding reasoning affairs around given evidences and conducting necessary cognitions based on provided models accordingly for developing core competences and improving overall reviewing efficiency.
Teaching Research

Research on Different Implementation Models of Theme-Based Teaching of Nitrogen Cycle to Develop the Discipline Core literacy

LIU Yang, HU Jiu-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 41-48. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020030102
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Theme-based teaching could promote discipline core literacy because of the integration and problem-solving scenarios. Based on the openness of teaching, this study constructs three implementation models to promote the discipline core literacy: theme-based teaching with small openness in the normal teaching,theme-based teaching with large openness in the normal teaching and theme-based teaching in the flipped classroom. To further verify the teaching effect of the three implementation models and explore the key issues and solutions to implement in practice, we perform empirical study for different implementation models in the same theme, taking “nitrogen cycle” theme as sample. All of the three implementation models have promoted the discipline core literacy but in different aspects. All of the three implementation models have some key problems in the process of promoting discipline core literacy,enhancing students’ positive emotion to the subject,establishing evaluation system and implementing effective interventions, etc. In addition, each implementation model has its own unique key problems. This study gives some positive suggestions combining with teaching practice.

Representation and Practice of System Thinking in Chemistry

LI Chuan, LIU Jing-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 49-59. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020080042
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System thinking in chemistry (STC) emphasizes the relationships within the subsystems in chemistry, and the relationships between chemistry system and other subject systems, which is useful for learners to integrate and apply chemistry knowledge for the chemical phenomenon explaining and chemical issues solving. It is easy for students to get lost in the complicated conceptual system because of the interwoven internal and external systems, which means to represent STC and to clarify different systems’ interaction by employing Systems-Oriented Concept Map Extension (SOCME), Object-Process Methodology (OPM),Behavior Over Time Graphs (BOTG),Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD), Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD), and other graphical tools. Based on the STC connotation, it can be used to cultivate chemistry learners’ STC and reform education practices by carrying out the teaching reform of “chemical equilibrium”, exploring green chemistry course construction, and conducting game-based learning, service learning, deep learning, project-based learning, workshops or seminars. The key to further develop STC teaching practice is the transverse correlations between chemistry system and other disciplinary systems, and the lengthways analytic relationships within chemical subsystems. Therefore, in order to carry out STC teaching practice and improve the development of students’ STC, chemistry practitioners need to work with other subject researchers and educators, to focus on the social application of chemical knowledge, to grasp the essence and characteristics of chemistry, and then to build up interlaced multi-system influence relation around chemical concepts and social issues.

On the Connotation and Partial Application of the Similarity and Intermiscibility Principle

LIU Shuai, ZOU Guo-Hua, DENG Yang, WANG Long
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 60-64. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020060181
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The relevant connotation and application details of the similarity and intermiscibility principle in middle school teaching practice are not clear enough, and the use is more general. This paper sums up part of the connotation of the two “like”, and explains some doubts about the similarity and intermiscibility application in middle school.
Teacher Education

Research Hotspots and Trends of Chemistry Teacher Konwledge: Visual Analysis Based on CiteSpace

ZHANG Xiao-Yan, ZHENG Chang-Long
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 65-70. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020050113
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CiteSpace software was used to analyze the information visualization of the research on chemistry teachers’ knowledge in recent 20 years in China. Based on the keyword information, combined with the second text reading, this paper discusses the hot research topics of chemistry teachers’ knowledge from the perspective of content knowledge and tacit knowledge.
Investigation Report

Preliminary Preparation and Application of Attitude Scale for Students in Hand-Held Technology Digital Experiment

WU Bao-Zhu, QIAN Yang-Yi, LIN Hui-Mei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 71-76. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020040160
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In order to analyze the students’ attitude towards hand-held technology digital experiment, based on the Technology Acceptance Model TAM3 and the Teacher’s Attitude towards Hand-held Technology Experiment scale, this study developed a scale of student’s attitude. There are 91 students in senior one participating in this survey, the results show that: (1) The reliability and validity of the scale are good. (2) Students show a positive attitude towards hand-held technology digital experiment, especially the “Output Quality” and “Behavior Intention”. (3) Students of different schools and learning time have significant difference in their “Technology Anxiety”. (4) The cluster analysis method can divide students into “S1-Low-Easy-Use Group”, “S2-High-Intention Group” and “S3-High-Anxiety Group”. The three groups of students are significant difference in “ Technology Anxiety” “Perceived Ease of Use” and “Behavior Intention”.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Determination of Iron in Spinach

CHEN Li, LI Na, YU Shan-Liang, JIN Hong-Qi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 77-81. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020100001
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New research and practice on page 71 of textbook Chemistry Volume 1(Compulsory) (People’s Education Press, 1st edition, 2019):Testing iron in food provided the experimental scheme for reference, the spinach juice was tested by adding dilute nitric acid and potassium thiocyanate solution. Because nitric acid and potassium thiocyanate may also produce red, this paper proved that the method had interference through the blank experiment, and designed two representative experimental schemes: blanching test and burning test. The experiment showed that: the effect of oxalic acid and chlorophyll in spinach was eliminated by burning, then added acid to dissolve, and then iron could be tested. If the oxidant was added, the phenomenon would be more obvious, 0.2 mol/L dilute sulfuric acid +5% H2O2+3 mol/L KSCN was selected for the experiment, and the effect was more obvious.

Electrochemical Corrosion Experiment of Iron Based on Handheld Technology

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 82-85. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020060136
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With the help of handheld technology, the voltage change of iron electrochemical corrosion in different acid-base environments is measured by voltage sensor and pH sensor, and the pH range corresponding to hydrogen evolution corrosion and oxygen absorption corrosion of iron is explored to help students understand the principle of iron electrochemical corrosion and feel the charm of chemical quantitative experiment.

Explore Micro Process of Reaction Between Magnesium and Sodium Chloride Solution

LI Xue-Feng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 86-89. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020070145
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The reaction rate of magnesium with water is slow at room temperature, which is due to the protective effect of magnesium hydroxide adhesive layer on the surface of magnesium. However, magnesium can react with NaCl solution quickly and generate a large number of bubbles and white solid at the same time. Through the analysis of white solid, it is found that magnesium hydroxide will gradually convert into basic magnesium chloride in the environment of Cl-, which will also lead to the increase of pH of solution. It is found that the reaction phenomenon of magnesium in different concentrations of NaCl solution is different, and the content of dissolved oxygen will also decrease in the process of reaction.
Chemistry Olympiad

Analysis of Experimental Questions in Finals of Chemistry Olympiad from 2010 to 2019

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 90-95. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020120002
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This paper analyzed the experimental questions and their standards of grading in the finals of the 2010-2019 Chinese Chemistry Olympiad, by analyzing the structures, characteristics, and requirements of the experimental questions, some strategies in developing the experimental abilities of the students have been obtained, which can offer some references for the teachers to grasp the essentials of questions and improve their teaching quality.

University Orientation of Gold Medalists in the Chemistry Olympiad

JIN Wen-Wang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 96-102. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010016
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Based on the administrative data of the national training team of the chemistry Olympiad in China from 2014 to 2019 published on the Sunshine College Entrance Examination Platform, as well as the interviews with eight gold medalists of the chemistry Olympiad, this paper empirically analyzed the whereabouts in universities and the main influencing factors of the gold medalists of the chemistry Olympiad under the background of the new college entrance examination. Descriptive statistical analysis showed that chemistry was still the mainstream destination for gold medalists in chemistry Olympiad to go to universities, but the phenomenon of “Major Change” existed objectively and had a trend of strengthening. Further interview research found that to continue studying chemistry was a rational choice based on his interest or continuing his own advantages, and also a kind of inertial thinking and path dependence under the information asymmetry. Individual motivation and high school training model were the main factors that influence the gold medalists to give up chemistry.
History of Chemistry and Chemical History Education

From Material Origin to Dry Water: The Development History of the Concept of Water

CUI Bo-Ya, YUAN Zhen-Dong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 103-108. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020060022
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In ancient philosophy, water was regarded as a material principle. After the formation of the chemical discipline in the 17th century, water was defined as a chemical element. In the chemical revolution of the 18th century, water was found to be a hydroxide. The establishment of atom-molecular theory in the 19th century allowed the concept of water to be microscopically characterized. By the 20th century, the discovery of heavy water and the invention of dry water made new progress in the concept of water. In short, the history of the development of the concept of water reflects the development of chemistry thought and the progress of science and technology, which has important implications for chemistry research and chemistry education.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 42 (11): 109-113. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030250
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