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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2024, 45 (19)   Published: 02 October 2024
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 0-0.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 129-129.
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Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Analysis of Visual Representation of Ionization of Sodium Chloride Solution in High School Chemistry Textbook

HU Yu-Yang, SUN Ying
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 1-9. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023070002
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As an important carrier of teaching content, chemistry textbooks involve various visual representations reflecting microscopic processes. Visual representation, with its intuitive, vivid and visual characteristics, can promote students to fully understand chemical concepts, so its accuracy and relevance directly affect students' learning. Ionization is the core concept in high school chemistry content, which is abstract and difficult to understand, and students often have heterogeneous thoughts when learning this content. Based on the investigation of students' understanding of sodium chloride ionization, the visual representation of sodium chloride solution ionization in junior and senior high school chemistry textbooks at home and abroad in different periods and versions is analyzed, and the horizontal and vertical comparative study is carried out, combined with the latest scientific and technological achievements, in an effort to provide some reference for the subsequent compilation of Chinese middle school chemistry textbooks.

Arrangement Analysis and Comparison on Technological Content of “Industrial Synthetic Ammonia” in New Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks

CHEN Xi, GENG Shu-Ling, LIU Si-Jia
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 10-17. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023070026
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“Industrial synthetic ammonia” is a typical technological content in textbooks. The technological content of “industrial synthetic ammonia” in the new senior high school chemistry textbooks of People's Education Press, Jiangsu Phoenix Education Press, and Shandong Science and Technology Press was analyzed and compared from both longitudinal and horizontal aspects. Through longitudinal analysis, it is found that the three editions of the textbooks transition from the compulsory phase focusing on simple and real perceptual knowledge to the selective compulsory phase focusing on cultivating complex and rigorous rational judgment ability, reflecting the advanced learning process. Through the horizontal comparison of content distribution, graph representation and column setting, it is found that the three textbooks are mainly technological knowledge, and the technological content of Jiangsu Phoenix Education Press is relatively brief. The graph representation of People's Education Press is better. The column of Shandong Science and Technology Press has a large number and a wide range. Based on the above research conclusions, it is suggested that textbooks should be compiled to enrich the technological content and reflect the technological development course; optimize graph selection to promote meaningful understanding. It is advisable for teaching to follow the order of arrangement, and pay attention to the extension of technological content; attach importance to industrial flow diagrams, and penetrate thinking methods.

Change of Exercises in Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks Since Reform and Opening Up: Sulfur and Nitrogen Elements and Their Compounds

YAO Juan-Juan, WANG Hou-Xiong, LI Meng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 18-24. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023070099
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Exercise research is of great value to chemistry teaching in senior high school. Taking the content of “sulfur and nitrogen” as the object of analysis, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the exercises in the senior high school chemistry textbooks of People's Education Press since the reform and opening up from four aspects: the number of exercises, the type of situation, the way of representation and the cognitive requirements. It is found that some changes have taken place in the four aspects of “sulfur and nitrogen” content exercises in the textbook. The writing of exercises presents a change from the focus on knowledge acquisition to the emphasis on the correlation between chemistry and social life, from the emphasis on direct questioning to the emphasis on the diversity of chemical information transmission, from the emphasis on cognitive understanding to the focus on the innovation of students' thinking development. In order to make better use of the textbook exercises, the paper proposes to reasonably grasp the types of situational exercises and effectively improve the function of situational exercises; Pay attention to the intrinsic meaning of text representation and strengthen the use value of chart information; According to the cognitive level of textbook exercises, guide students to achieve thinking development and other exercises using strategies.

Organic Connection Between Junior High School Chemistry and Primary School Science Curriculum: Properties and Applications of Matter

LIN Shuang-Long, YANG Xiao-Huan, WANG Yan, CI Li-Jie, HU Jiang-Pu, ZHOU Jian, HOU Yue
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 25-28. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023070106
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The link education of each school section has always been a concern of the state and education researchers. At present, the link study of chemistry discipline mainly focuses on the link between junior high school and senior high school. There are few studies on the link between junior high school chemistry and primary school science. This paper takes the nature and application of matter as an example, by comparing and analyzing the 2022 version of curriculum standards and the teaching materials of the two subjects, identifies the convergence point between the two subjects in the curriculum standards and the teaching materials, and puts forward the convergence suggestion for the specific teaching content. It is found that there are close connections between junior chemistry and primary science in curriculum standards, and there are many connecting points in the content of properties and applications of matter, so there is a lot of space for connecting teaching methods design in the teaching process.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 29-29. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023100096
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Excellent Lesson

Reconstructing Periodic Law of Elements Based on Electron Configuration of Microscopic Atoms

JIAO Li-Yan, SHEN Yan, ZHENG Chang-Long, CHEN Bin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 30-36. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023060161
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Based on the electron configuration of microscopic atoms, the atomic radius, ionizing energy and change law of element properties are explored in the real situation. The value of these concepts of atomic radius and ionizing energy is redefined, the correlation between atomic radius, ionization energy and electronegativity is established, and the periodic law (table) model of elements is constructed from a quantitative perspective.

Task Driven Organic Chemistry Teaching Based on Chemical History: Exploring Ibuprofen

JU Jing, MU Lian-Feng, YANG Bing-Wen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 37-44. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023080184
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Taking the invention history of ibuprofen and the improvement history of synthesis routes as the main thread of exploring the teaching design of ibuprofen, relying on real problem situations, by setting driving tasks that conform to student cognitive laws, guiding students to solve problems such as the determination and analysis of ibuprofen structure, the design and evaluation of synthesis routes, molecular structure modification, etc., students not only experience the scientific exploration process, but also consolidate their general understanding of organic compounds and deeply understand the relationship between material structure and properties. In the process of solving real problems, they deeply understand the social value of chemistry.

Interdisciplinary Project-Based Teaching of Colloids and Their Applications in Senior High School Chemistry Based on Big Ideas:Design of Ampicillin Detection Strip Using Colloidal Gold

ZHAO Jia-Xing, LIANG Kai, KONG E-Jing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 45-51. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023080202
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The interdisciplinary project course is designed with colloidal gold as the material. Students understand the structure, properties and applications of colloidal gold by completing three sub tasks: “exploring the principle of COVID-19 test strip”, “research on the synthesis and stability of colloidal gold”, and “designing an ampicillin detection method based on colloidal gold”. Through continuous reflection activities, students can promote their understanding of key knowledge, develop their thinking and methods in the field of chemistry, and enhance their innovation awareness. This project course is related to interdisciplinary concepts such as “scale, proportion, and quantity” and “structure and properties”, as well as the core knowledge of chemistry and biology. It guides students to understand matter and its changing laws in a broader disciplinary context, cultivates their ability to analyze and solve practical problems, and comprehensively develops the core literacy of chemistry.

Interdisciplinary Practice Activities of Junior High School Chemistry Infiltrating Labor Education: Preliminary Study on the Conditions and Automatic Adjustment of Nutrient Solution for Lettuce Hydroponic Cultivation

ZHU Qing, WANG A-Lian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 52-59. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023080085
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In order to develop students' awareness and ability to practice and innovate, and to implement the concept of comprehensive education, an interdisciplinary practical activity permeated with labor education was carried out on the example of “exploring the conditions of lettuce hydroponic nutrient solution and automatic regulation”. Through activities such as visiting professional institutions, exploring nutrient solution conditions, growing hydroponic lettuce, and designing and developing a simulated automatic regulating device, the researcher integrated chemistry with biology, engineering, technology, mathematics, and other disciplines to promote interdisciplinary literacy.
Investigation Repor

Influence of Graphic Analysis and Text Analysis Examples on Learning Transfer Effect of Chemical Experiment Scheme Design Questions

GUO Jin-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 60-67. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023080068
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Through experimental research, this paper discusses the learning effect of sample learning and non-sample learning on chemical experiment scheme design questions, and the influence of graphic analysis examples and text analysis examples on the learning transfer effect of chemical experiment scheme design questions. The results show that: (1) the near and far transfer scores of the sample learning group are significantly higher than those of the non-sample learning group. (2) In the near transfer performance, the graphic analysis group is significantly higher than the text analysis group and the no analysis group; In terms of the scores of far migration questions, the scores of the graphic analysis group are significantly higher than those of the non-analysis group. Research shows that sample learning is an effective learning method to solve complex chemical problems such as chemical experiment scheme design. The example of diagram analysis is better than the example of text analysis in the learning transfer effect of chemical experiment scheme design questions.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Investigating Changes in Inhalation and Exhalation Gas Composition in Different Physical Activity States Based on Handheld Technology

LEI Yu-Hao, QIAN Yang-Yi, ZHENG Yan-Xian, WEN Jin-Ju, LIU Ying-Tong, CHEN Jun-Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 68-73. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023090162
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Based on the digital experiment of handheld technology, this paper provides a novel and efficient method for the theme experiment of “investigating changes in inhalation and exhalation gas composition” in junior high school chemistry, and explores the changes in inhalation and exhalation gas composition under different physical activity states. This paper integrates oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor sensors to design two experimental setups, the aim is to gain a deeper understanding of how physical activity states influence the composition of respiratory gases. Experimental results show that the concentration of carbon dioxide and water vapor in exhaled gas increases while the concentration of oxygen decreases after rest and physical activity, and the difference in gas concentration comes from the difference in oxygen consumption of different physical activity.

Integrated Innovative Design of Carbon Monoxide Reduction of Iron Oxide Experiment

XUE Li-Li, LIN Yang-Qi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 74-77. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023090049
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This paper improves the experiment of “carbon monoxide reduction of iron oxide” by reacting carbon powder and carbon dioxide at high temperature, using cotton, and using carbon dioxide concentration sensors, integrates the acquisition of carbon monoxide, the reaction of carbon monoxide with iron oxide, product testing, and exhaust gas treatment into a unified design, making the experiment demonstration feasible, visual, safe, and environmentally friendly, which breaks through the bottleneck of traditional teaching demonstrations that are difficult to perform.

Mobile Thermal Imaging Technology Assists Junior High School Chemistry Experimental Teaching: Dilution of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid

CHEN Jian, XU Si-Qing, DENG Lian-Sheng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 78-82. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023090060
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This paper introduces the use of mobile phone thermal imaging technology to capture the temperature changes in two different experimental processes of “adding concentrated sulfuric acid to water” and “adding water to concentrated sulfuric acid”. The invisible energy changes are transformed into visual color changes, deepening the understanding of the standardized dilution operation of concentrated sulfuric acid, developing students' awareness of evidence reasoning.

Development of Digital Experiment for Measuring Glucose Content by Iodometry

WEN Xia, XU Qi, WANG Hai-Jun, DU Qin-Zhi, ZHANG Ming-Xiao, CHEN Shi-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 83-88. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023080063
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A digital experiment for glucose detection by iodimetry was developed based on self-made MXLab-21 advanced digital experiment system. Compared with the traditional iodine method for measuring glucose, the digital experiment does not require I2 and Na2S2O3 standard solution, which is easy to operate and has small experimental error. Moreover, the recorded real-time curve of the change of electric potential with electrolytic time allows the complicated electrolysis and oxidation-reduction titration process to be visualized, allowing students to better understand the microscopic nature of electrolysis and oxidation-reduction reactions. It is conducive to the cultivation of the core quality of chemistry.

Measurement of Sugar Content in Fruit Tea Using a Handheld Colorimeter

DONG Tian-Le, WANG Yong-Sen, YANG Lu-Hui, WEI Jian-Ye
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 89-93. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023080134
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In order to further explore the application of handheld sensors in high school chemistry teaching, the anthrone-sulfuric acid colorimetric method was used to quantitatively determine the sugar content of five popular brands of fruit tea under middle school experimental conditions. The results show that the actual sugar content of fruit tea drinks differs from the sugar level marked by the brands. At the same time, the sugar content of a cup of fruit tea with a capacity of 500 mL exceeds the standard of 25 g per person per day recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents. The method uses simple instruments and reagents, is easy and fast to operate, has a low detection limit, and is suitable to be carried out in high school chemistry teaching which has high practical application value.

Preparation of Discarded Cigarette Butts-Derived Activated Carbon and Its Decolorization for Waste Water: Innovative Experiment Design for Science Popularization

LI Jun, ZHU Gui-Hua, ZHANG Ling, LI Dan, CAO Zhong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 94-100. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023100128
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Based on innovative idea of changing waste into valuable, the black cigarette butts-derived activated carbon was simply prepared through H3PO4 impregnation activation followed by high-temperature pyrolysis by taking discarded cigarette butts as raw materials in this experiment for science popularization. It had been demonstrated that the prepared activated carbon had features of rich surface oxygen-containing groups, large specific surface area, and well-developed pore structure by using various characterization and test methods such as elemental and thermo-gravimetric analysis, FTIR, XPS, SEM, Raman spectroscopy, and N2 adsorption. With the independently developed small experimental device, the easy-to-use multi-color dye wastewater adsorption experiment was designed, showing that the activated carbon had good decolorization effect and presenting visual color changes, which stimulated the interest and enthusiasm of teenagers to learn chemistry. Moreover, the harm of discarded cigarette butts, the preparation method of cigarette butts derived-activated carbons and their applications for decolorization and waste removal were comprehensively and stereoscopically displayed to the public through the video presentations, experimental demonstrations, and interactive sessions, allowing everyone to fully understand the magic and charm of chemistry and thus enhance their awareness of green development and environmental protection.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Quantitative Analysis of the Law of Salt Hydrolysis: the Thinner the Concentration, the More Hydrolyzed It Becomes

HAO Ji-Dong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 101-102. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024030081
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By analyzing the 15-question B option of chemistry in Zhejiang Province in January 2023, this paper discusses the more dilute and more hydrolyzed from the quantitative point of view, and combines the hydrolysis equilibrium constant and the concentration of salt solution to comprehensively judge the degree of hydrolysis, so as to improve students' ability to use quantitative analysis to solve practical problems.

Match Between Situation of College Entrance Examination Questions and Chemical Models Utilization

ZHANG Bing, CUI Guo-Qing, LI Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 103-106. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023090056
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The setting of the college entrance examination should focus on the rigor, necessity and sufficiency of the situation, which should not make students confused. This article takes the college entrance examination questions as example, analyzes the match between the unfamiliar situation created by the test questions and the utilization of chemical models from candidates' perspective. Finally, this test question is revised.
Domestic and Overseas Trend

Research Progress on Chemical Bonding: Comparative Study Based on Chinese and American Journals of Chemical Education

LIU Yu-Rong, HE Xiao-Qing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 107-116. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023090128
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During the period of 2012-2022, 28 articles from American Journal of Chemical Education (JCE) and 49 articles from Chinese Journal of Chemical Education on the theme of “chemical bond” were selected as the research object. By analyzing and comparing their research paradigms,research objects,research methods,theoretical bases,research themes and content, the results showed that: JCE focused on empirical research, the research objects were students from different academic stages, the research methods were biased towards quantitative research, the theoretical basis was mainly educational psychology, the concept understanding of chemical bond, teaching strategies, teaching methods, etc., and the integration of modern information technology, scientific experiments and teaching was emphasized. In Chinese Journal of Chemical Education, the proportion of empirical research and speculative research was balanced, the research object was mainly senior high school students, the qualitative research method was adopted, the teaching design of chemical bond was paid attention to, and the cognitive situation of students was paid attention to. According to the comparative results, some suggestions were put forward to provide reference for the subsequent teaching and research of chemical bonding.

Current Situation Analysis of Research in High School Chemistry Education Applying Rasch Model: 2011-2022

HUANG Jie-Ping, GUO Yuan-Jiang, DING Jia-Wen, XU Zhi-Yun, LI Jin-Fang, LIAO Bo-Kai, LI Hui-Zhen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 117-121. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023100199
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In this paper, application requirements for the Rasch model were sorted out from the two aspects of “design” and “test”, and 160 references on the application of Rasch model published in domestic chemistry education between 2011 and 2022 were statistically analyzed. It was found that the past studies had problems such as inappropriate selection of question types and scoring methods, insufficient number of subjects and questions, wrong method of information function test, and substandard test data, which affected the scientificity and reliability of educational measurement. The causes of these problems were discussed and suggestions were offered.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 122-123. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024040025
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History of Chemistry and Chemical History Education

Discovery of the First Rare Earth Element Yttrium and Development of Its Concept

LI Yu, YUAN Zhen-Dong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (19): 124-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022070043
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Yttrium is the first rare earth element to be discovered. The development of its concept can be roughly divided into three periods: the first is the formation period of the yttrium hypothesis. In 1794, Finnish chemist Gadolin analyzed and predicted the existence of new elements through experiments on “black stones”. In 1797, Ekberg, a professor of chemistry at Uppsala University, confirmed Gadolin's conclusion and named it yttrium. The second is the verification period of the yttrium element hypothesis. In 1953, American chemists Spedding and Dahn first prepared high-purity yttrium in the laboratory, and the concept of yttrium was formally formed. The third is the formation period of the concept of modern yttrium element. After the 1920s, the discovery of yttrium isotopes gave people a new understanding of the yttrium element. The development of the concept of yttrium reflects the evolution of scientific thought and the progress of science and technology, and at the same time, it is inseparable from the superb experimental techniques and persevering scientific spirit of scientists.
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