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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2024, 45 (21)   Published: 02 November 2024
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 0-0.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 9-10. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024030062
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 47-48. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024010070
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 49-51. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024050155
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 129-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024060047
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 128-128.
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Chemistry in Painting: Research on Colors in Dunhuang Frescoes

ZENG Rui-Yuan, WU Jing-Wen, QING Ying, WU Xiao-Chun, SONG Yong-Jiao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 1-8. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024050168
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Taking Dunhuang frescoes as the research object, this paper analyzed the material basis of the color system of ancient mural paintings, pigment coloring mechanism, color change factors, as well as preservation and restoration techniques from the chemical point of view, with a view to increasing the depth of teachers’ and students’ knowledge of the color of Dunhuang frescoes, inheriting and carrying forward the excellent culture of the Chinese nation, and enhancing the awareness of cultural relics protection and cultural self-confidence.
Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Analysis and Implications of College Entrance Examination Questions on “Chemical Reaction Rate and Limitations” Based on the Study of Four Years’ Shandong General Senior High School Academic Proficiency Examination Papers

SONG Jin-Ju, XU Zeng-Hui
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 11-16. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024030036
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This paper conducts a detailed analysis of the sub-items related to “chemical reaction rate and limitations” in the chemistry exam papers of Shandong General Senior High School Academic Proficiency Examination from 2020 to 2023. Through comparative analysis in terms of question complexity, contextual materials, information presentation, chemical knowledge, and core competencies, it is found that the exam questions emphasize the ability to process and integrate information, interpret graphs, and manipulate data. They also focus on assessing students’ ability to apply learned knowledge flexibly and solve complex problems creatively using the concepts of change and equilibrium.
Excellent Lesson

Junior High School Chemistry Interdisciplinary Practical Activities Under the Guidance of Big Ideas: Waste Classification and Recycling

MA Wei, FU Rao, LU Hong-Yan, MA Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 17-25. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023090069
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This paper analyzes the teaching content, current status, underlying concepts, and the knowledge structure and thinking methods encompassed by the interdisciplinary practice activity of “waste classification and recycling”. It also puts forth teaching ideologies and innovative approaches. A 4-hour learning activity is designed for review classes, guiding students to understand waste from a chemical perspective, classify waste, and select metal waste and kitchen waste closely related to students’ lives for discussions on recycling. A chemical engineering production process model for waste resource utilization is constructed from the perspective of material transformation. Through this learning process, students deepen their understanding of the disciplinary value, develop a sense of responsibility, and enhance their ability to apply chemical engineering production process models to solve real-world problems. Reflection on the teaching effectiveness is also conducted.

Experimental Theme Teaching of Cu2+and S2- Reaction Based on Problem Solving

ZHANG Xuan, LI Zi-Jian, WANG Tao, LIAO Fang-Fang, ZENG Cheng-Hui
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 26-32. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023090101
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This article explored the various possibilities of the reaction between “Cu2+ and S2-” as a thread to review the key knowledge of selective compulsory one in senior high school chemistry of the People’s Education Press. In response to the phenomenon of being dull and easy to overlook the correlation between knowledge in the review class, a thematic series teaching approach was adopted. This example shows the aim of improving students’ problem-solving abilities, creating problem scenarios, using innovative teaching aids, and using handheld technologies to conduct progressive experimental explorations. Furthermore, this work can also stimulate students’ interest in learning, strengthen the connection between knowledge points, and cultivate students’ transfer awareness.

Experimental Teaching of “Complex” Based on Real Situation: Exploring the Mystery of Industrial Hydrochloric Acid Turning Yellow

YAO Yuan, SHI Xiao-Qian, LV Zhao-Dong, YANG Xu-Dong, ZHU Cheng-Dong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 33-38. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024050224
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Based on the knowledge of complexes and the actual yellow color of industrial hydrochloric acid, the three driving tasks of “exploring the reason of yellow color of industrial hydrochloric acid”, “exploring inner boundary ionization of complexes” and “optimizing the hydrolysis equilibrium experiment in teaching materials” were completed. This paper used experimental inquiry to solve cognitive conflicts, trigger deep thinking and learning, and improve core qualities such as “scientific inquiry and innovation consciousness”, “evidence reasoning and model cognition”, “macro identification and micro analysis”, “change concept and balance thought”.

Extended Course Teaching Based on Real Situations and Problem Orientation: Explore the Factors Affecting the Browning Rate of Apple Juice

CHEN Jun-Ming, QIAN Yang-Yi, CHEN Yun-Ren, Wang Zi-Cheng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 39-46. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023090123
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Taking “apple juice browning” as the real situation, an extended course based on the teaching content of “influential factors on chemical reaction rate” in the compulsory stage is carried out under the guidance of the problems. In the process of learning, students combine the knowledge and life experience to explore the situation, realize the particularity of “enzyme” in the browning reaction, and use handheld technology to deeply explore the factors affecting the browning rate, gradually construct an understanding model of “inhibition of browning rate”, experience the value of chemistry in social life, improve the ability to control variables, and develop core literacy in chemistry such as “evidentiary reasoning” and “scientific inquiry”.
Teaching Research

Construction and Implementation Strategy of the Teaching Mode for Socio-Scientific Issues

GENG Shu-Ling, TANG Ding, DING Ya-Xin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 52-57. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023100076
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Teaching Socio-Scientific Issues can help promote the development of students’ core competencies. By reviewing the research on the teaching mode of Socio-Scientific Issues both domestically and internationally, a teaching mode based on situated cognition and constructivism, with “learning by doing” as the implementation path, has been constructed, including “creating topic contexts” “learning chemistry knowledge and exploring social factors” “establishing a scientific-social analysis model” “discussion and decision-making” “establishing a negotiation model for Socio-Scientific Issues” and “comprehensive evaluation” links. In order to better apply this teaching mode to practice, the following implementation strategies are proposed: constructing real topic contexts; Exploring the fields of chemistry and society; Gathering multiple positions to make decisions; Implement multiple evaluations, in order to provide reference for chemistry teachers to organize Socio-Scientific Issues teaching.

Development of Cooperative Teaching Activities Between Museum and Schools Under the Background of “Double Reduction”: Mitigating Water Crisis

WANG Yu-Jie, WANG Su-Qin, LI Hong-Bo
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 58-66. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023110010
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Promoting museum-school cooperation under the background of double reduction is conducive to improving the quality of educational services of schools. On the basis of clarifying the connotation and principle of museum-school cooperation, the design process of museum-school cooperative teaching activities is proposed, taking the teaching activity of “alleviating water resource crisis” as an example to try to introduce the resources in the Jiangxi Science and Technology Museum into the chemistry teaching of junior high school, and through four sub-activities to assist students to consolidate core knowledge such as material separation and distillation, understand advanced technologies such as membrane technology and new energy technology, develop innovative thinking and chemical experiment capabilities, establish the concept of green chemistry and awareness of social responsibility, and put forward teaching reflection after the activity, in order to effectively promote museum-school cooperation.
Investigation Report

Evaluation of Performance Level of Senior High School Students’ Understanding Model of Inorganic Substances

HUANG Tai-Rong, WEI Yan-Ru, GUAN Wen-Jian, XIE Li-Juan, QING Zhe-Wei, WU Lai-Yong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 67-73. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023080046
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Based on the connotation of model cognitive ability, the content of inorganic core knowledge, and the taxonomy of Bloom’s educational objectives, a horizontal framework of inorganic cognitive model was constructed, and the evaluation tool was designed and developed using Rasch model. The evaluation tool had been tested, revised, retested, and quality demonstrated, and finally determined. A survey was conducted on 304 senior high school students from two municipal high schools in Guangdong province. Based on the effective data obtained, the performance level of the inorganic matter cognition model for senior high school students in grade one and grade two was analyzed. Based on the research results, suggestions for developing the inorganic matter cognition model for senior high school students were proposed.
Information Technology and Chemistry

Development and Application of Chemical Terms and Periodic Table Game

CAO Hai-Lang, WANG Su-Qin, LI Hong-Bo, JIANG Min
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 74-82. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023120059
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“Chemistry a Chemistry” game is an electronic game which designs chemical terms into electronic buttons and presents the knowledge points of junior and senior high school in the form of classification questions and judgment questions. Taking “Periodic Table of Elements” knowledge point as an example, this paper applies “Chemistry a Chemistry” to the teaching and review lessons, so as to realize the close combination of games and chemistry knowledge, enhance the interest of class, realize the fun of teaching and learning, and update the teaching method.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Experimental Inquiry on Iron and Copper Oxide Displacement Reaction Based on Chemical Core Literacy

WANG Ying-Yao, ZHANG Yu-Tian, LI Jia-Hao, SU Lin, ZHANG Bin, YANG Fan, GAO Cong-Jun, FU Jin-Song, ZHANG Yan-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 83-87. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023100148
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Guided by whether Fe undergoes displacement reaction with CuO, experimental exploration was conducted on iron powder and CuO, proving that Fe could undergo displacement reaction with CuO, and product identification was carried out. Furthermore, the control variable method was utilized to optimize the experimental conditions and solve the problem of unclear experimental phenomena. The exploration activity was guided by questions, allowing students to make bold conjectures and hypotheses, and use experiments to verify and falsify them. The experimental information was processed to obtain conclusions, which was expected to cultivate the scientific spirit of independent thinking, daring to question, and daring to innovate in high school students during the experimental exploration process.

Skillfully Using Cotton Towel for Visual Electrolysis Experiments

WANG Xiao-Lan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 88-91. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023100154
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A visual mini-electrolysis device was designed by using the common objects such as cotton towel and purple cabbage, this device could characterize the movement of microscopic ions by macroscopic color migration. The new electrolysis device had the advantages of simple structure, easy operation, obvious phenomenon, short time, full of interest and universality. It was very convenient for students to carry out group experiments and could effectively help students understand the principle of electrolysis.

Quantitative Experiments for Visualization of “Gases” by Using Carbonated Beverages

DENG Xiao-Yan, PAN Rui
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 92-94. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023110022
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Using carbonated beverages as experimental objects, the correlation between the pressure, molar volume and temperature of the gas in the bottle is calculated by testing the mass and volume of CO2 gas inside the bottle, which not only effectively avoids the problems of interference and difficulty in visualization of gas experiments, but also promotes students’ in-depth understanding and flexible application of the ideal gas equation of state, the molar volume of gases, and Le Chatelier’s law. The raw materials and instruments of this experiment come from daily life, so it is easy to prepare, safe to operate and easy to observe. It can be used as a classroom demonstration experiment for teachers, or as a home experiment to enhance students’ interest in learning and hands-on ability.

Experimental Teaching Study on the Properties of Sodium Under Macro Photography Technology

LAN Li-Wei, ZENG Ru-Yun, YAO Bi-Xia, YANG Miao-Xia, ZHANG Yan-Hui
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 95-101. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023110069
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In view of the teaching experiment on the nature of sodium, some examples of analysis had problems such as unclear experimental videos and difficult observation of phenomena for students in the middle and back rows, and the poor visualization effect of the experiment led to students’ inability to deeply understand the properties of sodium. The observation method of macro photography and thermal imaging was used to visualize the experimental process and phenomena. The macro lens clipped on the rear camera of the mobile phone captured the reaction of sodium metal with oxygen and water, realized the macro photography function, and used the “Capcut” video editing software to set the “Playback Multiple” as needed, and added the “Beautiful Chemistry” thermal imaging video, and used teaching multimedia to present the experimental phenomenon. The results showed that the experimental phenomenon was intuitive and shocking, which could effectively help students implement the core literacy of evidence reasoning and scientific inquiry, and this method had good promotion value.

Experimental Study and Theoretical Analysis for the Reaction of Hydrochloric Acid or Sulfuric Acid with Calcium Carbonate

ZHU Zhuang-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 102-107. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023100052
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This article selects lower concentrations of acids to compare the pH and its changing trends of calcium carbonate reacting with different acids, and analyze the reaction characteristics and teaching demonstrations from four perspectives: macro, micro, symbol, and curve by using the pH sensor. Through theoretical calculation and analysis, it has been confirmed that under certain conditions, whether it is calcium carbonate or marble, sulfuric acid will hinder the reaction and manifest after a period of time; However, when the acidity is below a certain level, sulfuric acid has no hindering effect on the reaction. Meanwhile, it will generate a considerable amount of carbon dioxide gas in the rapid reaction phase under the conditions of hindrance, which means it can be used in the laboratory to prepare a small amount of carbon dioxide gas.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Exploring the Causes of Yellow Solution After the Reaction Between Iron and Concentrated Nitric Acid

WEN Li-Quan, ZUO Jing-Ping, LI Yue
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 108-112. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023100027
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“Passivation of iron in concentrated nitric acid solution” is familiar knowledge of elemental compounds, but the yellow solution after the reaction has received less attention and discussion. The experimental results show that the interaction of various substances causes the yellow solution, such as unreacted concentrated nitric acid, Fe3+ and NO2, as well as the possible nitrogen compounds products in the reaction. After that, a reasonable explanation is presented on the colorless solution formed by aluminum passivation in concentrated nitric acid.

Discussion on Several Issues of Chemical Fertilizers and Teaching Suggestions from Perspective of Subject Understanding

ZHOU Wen-Yuan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 113-116. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023090033
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This paper discusses several issues related to fertilizers in chemistry teaching: the current versions of junior high school textbooks have different descriptions of the main components of phosphate rock powder, it is recommended to change it to Ca5(PO4)3F, which is related to calcium hydroxyphosphate; The apparent symptoms of a plant lacking a certain nutrient element are staged and are similar in symptoms to the lack of trace elements, it can’t be generalized as a lack of any one element among nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; The special properties of chemical fertilizers are closely related to the application method and fertilizer efficiency, the special properties of phosphate fertilizer make its application method different from that of nitrogen and potash fertilizer, urea undergoes a series of transformations in the soil and is eventually absorbed by crops as NH+4, and it cannot be mixed with alkaline substances for application.
Domestic and Overseas Trends

Interactive Practice of Chemistry Towards Scientific Enlightenment: ACS Kids Zone Science Activity of American Chemical Society

ZHANG Si-Fang, YAO Zhuang-Zhuang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 117-122. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024060207
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ACS Kids Zone is a specialized science practice area designed by the American Chemical Society specifically for children, aimed at laying the foundation for scientific enlightenment through fun and interactive activities and educational resources. Through interactive experiments such as “Make your own paper battery” “Explore electrolytes” “Pencil electrolysis” and “Ultraviolet light detection wristbands”, the 2024 ACS Kids Zone activities will enable children to learn about electrochemistry, materials science and other chemical knowledge through practice and enhance their interest in science through interactions with chemists. The program fully demonstrates the innovative path of science practice in chemistry education and emphasizes the key role of early scientific enlightenment, with a view to bringing inspiration to the chemistry education system and the mode of science practice in China.
Chemistry Olympiad

Top-Down Strategy for Preparing Two-Dimensional Materials: Layered Crystal Structure in the Chemistry Olympiad

WANG Qi, ZHUO Jun-Qiao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2024, 45 (21): 123-128. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2024010209
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Two-dimensional materials represented by graphene, MoS2, MXene, etc. show excellent physical, chemical, electronic, and optical properties, and exhibit enormous application value in many fields. The 36th and 37th Chinese Chemistry Olympiad (preliminary) focused on the structure and preparation of LDH and MXene. This article delves into and expands upon the materials of LDH and MXene, and introduces the “top-down” strategy for preparing two-dimensional materials, aiding teachers and students in deepening their understanding of the relationship between material structure, properties, and applications.
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