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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2017, 38 (11)   Published: 02 June 2017
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 0-0.
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Creative Teaching Design Strategies Based on Design Ideas of Textbook

LI Jun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 1-6. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016050109
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According to attributes and functions of the textbook,as well as statistical data of survey,this paper expounded that chemistry textbooks were the main basis of teaching design.Based on subject curriculum theory and constructivism curriculum theory,this paper analyzed the design ideas of PEP textbooks,and proposed “subject-constructivism” textbook writing mode.On the basis of the design ideas of textbooks and teaching practice,this paper summed up the basic strategies of creative teaching design.Understanding the design ideas of textbooks was helpful for teachers to use textbooks better to carry on creative teaching design.

Comparison of Background and Behavior Requirements of Exercises in Chemistry Textbooks of China and America:Taking “Redox Reaction” as an Example

LIU Yu-Rong, ZHONG Ya-Nan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 7-12. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016080100
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This paper took Chinese Chemistry 1published by People's Education Press and American Chemistry:Concepts and Applications as the research objects,compared the background and behavior requirements of the subject of “redox reaction” by using the method of quantitative description and qualitative description,and drew some conclusions and enlightenment:compared with Chemistry:Concepts and Applications,Chemistry 1 had less exercises,not enough diversified situations in exercises,no exercises columns and lower behavior requirements.The exercises design of textbook in China should strengthen the universality and rationality of situational choices and situation,clarify and improve the behavior requirements of exercises,and give full play to the teaching functions of exercises in the formation of subject literacy.

Integration of STSE Education and Chemistry Classroom Teaching:Example of “Application of Chlorine and Its Compounds”

DONG Qin-Qin, LIN Su-Hao, ZHAO Lei-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 13-17. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016060082
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This paper integrated the STSE education idea with three lines of chemistry classroom teaching such as knowledge line,method line and life line,and tried to reflect the subject oriented concept based on knowledge line,the people-oriented education concept based on method line,and the society-oriented concept based on life line.Meanwhile,combining the three lines of chemistry classroom teaching to form the overall structure of the classroom was an effective way to integrate STSE education into high school chemistry classroom,which could overcome the current problems of chemistry teaching in high school and help students develop scientific literacy.

Teaching of “the Composition of Water” Based on Highlighting the Value of Chemistry and Focusing on Students' Cognitive Development

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 18-23. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016030006
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Taking “the composition of water” for example,this paper discussed that teachers should fully exploit the value of the teaching materials in the teaching design,the core of teaching should focus on students'cognitive development,and promote students to grasp the ideas and methods of chemistry.

Senior High School Students' Understanding of Relationships Between Structures and Properties of Matter

YANG Ji-Dong, ZHOU Hui, WANG Hou-Xiong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 24-27. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015020083
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This paper interviewed 15 high school students,and drew the following conclusions by paying attention to whether they could use and how to use structure-property relationships to predict the properties of the matters:(1) students getting the correct conclusions didn't mean that they really understood the essence of the questions;(2) for the same question,different students had different ways to solve it;(3) students tended to use shortcuts to get the conclusions.

Interpretation of Teaching of “Chemistry in Kitchen”

QIU Zhi-Ping
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 28-32. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015070082
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The art of teaching is to make teaching events and learning events to match,so as to promote the occurrence of natural and real learning.This paper made a detailed interpretation of the teaching of “chemistry in kitchen” from perspectives of situational learning,constructivism,PISA perspective,scientific method and emotional psychology.Five kinds of teaching behaviors of setting real situations,designing real problem,developing true ability,establishing a real experience and stimulating the true feelings could effectively promote the true occurrence of learning.

Probing High School Students' Chemical Cognitive Structure on Ethanol Based on Flow Chart

LU Chun-Mei, ZHOU Qing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 33-37. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015080049
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This paper used flow chart method to probe senior high school students'cognitive structure about ethanol.The quantitative analysis of flow chart showed that there was a large difference in the individual students'cognitive structures on ethanol,and higher academic achievers were easily to establish the relationship between structure and property.Further,the results of the correlation analysis showed that students'performance were closely related to cognitive structure variables (such as extent,richness,misconceptions and information retrieval rate) and information processing strategies (such as describing and conditional reasoning),as well as higher academic achievers constructed more integrated cognitive structures.Ultimately,this paper put forward specific teaching suggestions for chemistry teachers in teaching ethanol.

Teaching Design of “the Production and Use of Nitrogen Fertilizer” Based on the View of Element

CHEN Hong-Zhao, CAI Qing, YANG Yu-Qin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 38-42. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015020081
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This paper carried on the teaching design from the view of elements,and had turned the teaching emphases of the knowledge of element compounds from the fact knowledge memorizing to the understanding of more fundamental chemistry concepts and their cognitive ideas and methods.The lesson of “the production and use of nitrogen fertilizer” took four inquiry tasks of “transformation of containing nitrogen substances” as a clue,highlighted the teaching design which based on “the view of elements”,helped students to complete the construction of knowledge and the formation of chemical ideas.

Innovation and Reflection of Review Teaching of “Fossil Fuels and Organic Compounds”

ZHANG Xiao-Yun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 43-47. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015100038
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This paper explored the review teaching of “fossil fuels and organic compounds” through the inquiry of properties of styrene and ethylbenzene,in order to stimulate students'interests in review,improve the effectiveness of teaching.At the same time,it enabled students to establish the chemical thought of “structure determines nature,nature embodies structure”,and the basic way to understand and analyze chemical problems under the guidance of this thought.

Teaching Record of “Inquiry on Reaction of Excessive Formaldehyde and Newly-Prepared Cupric Hydroxide”

WU Qiang, CAI Yi, FANG Juan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 48-52. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015100078
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This paper put forward that the detection of the main product of the reaction between the excessive formaldehyde and freshly prepared copper hydroxide was the typical material of inquiry teaching,and drew a conclusion that excessive formaldehyde and freshly prepared copper hydroxide reacted to form copper,sodium formate and water by experiment inquiry.This inquiry teaching enabled students to experience the process of scientific research,could inspire students interested in chemistry,strengthen the consciousness of scientific inquiry and improve the ability of designing experiment at the same time.

Investigation on the Status of Chemistry Teachers' Continuing Education in Kashgar City

DING Xiao-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 53-56. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016050008
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This paper investigated the status of chemistry teachers'continuing education through 3 aspects:participation degree,implementation situations and demands in Kashgar city.The results showed that the chemistry teachers'attitudes to continuing education were positive,teachers'participation was relatively high,but curriculums setting of continuing education were not reasonable,evaluation methods were single,and the effect was not satisfactory.This paper analyzed the possible reasons for these phenomena and put forward some suggestions to further strengthen the chemistry teachers'continuing education and to improve the whole levels of teachers.

Double Track Teaching Mode of Junior High School Chemistry Based on StarC Platform

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 57-60. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015070124
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Based on starC platform,this paper explored the double track teaching mode of junior high school chemistry review lesson “running in the acid,alkali and salt”,and described the concrete implementation process,in order to provide some thoughts and reference for the developing trend of future education.

Slow Down Oxidation in Preparation of Ferrous Hydroxide

CHEN Yang-Zhan, WU Shuang, CAI Shuang-Lian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 61-63. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015080039
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White ferrous hydroxide floc was simply prepared by the reaction of ferrous sulfate solution and sodium hydroxide solution,which were ready in advance with NaCl solution.The prepared flocculent precipitate could exist stably in a long time because the dissolved oxygen in solution was reduced greatly by the salting-out effect.The instability of ferrous hydroxide could be understood by investigating the objective phenomena in a series of changes of floc through the segmentation display method.

Experiment Design of Exploring Nitrite in Ham Sausage

QIAO Jin-Suo, GUO Yan-Qing, GUO Yin-Yin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 64-66. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016050066
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Based on the reaction characteristics of NO2- and using common laboratory instruments,this paper qualitatively tested the nitrite in ham sausage by microscale experiment.The results showed that different ham sausages contained different amounts of nitrite,and the sausage with deeper color had more nitrite.

Improvement of Filtrating Equipment for Junior High School Students' Chemistry Experiment

LU Tian-Yu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 67-68. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015100004
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According to the principle of vacuum filter,this paper improved the filtrating equipment for junior high school chemistry experiments in textbook published by People Education Press in 2012.This improved filtrating equipment was simple,with obvious effect and saved time,meeting the needs of experiment classroom teaching.

Inquiry on Effect of Four Kinds of Organic Solvents on Color Reaction of Phenol and Ferric Chloride Solution

WANG Nie-Hai
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 69-71. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015050032
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Due to the addition of organic solvents to the mixture of phenol and ferric chloride solution,the color of water layer would change.Through dropper experiment,this paper verified that the reaction of phenol and ferric chloride solution showed different colors because of the solubility differences of phenol in different organic solvents,at the same time,through color change of the mixture,the solubility of phenol in different organic solvents could be qualitatively judged.

Comments and Revelations on Scientific Photography Contest Works Abroad

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 72-77. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016040031
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Scientific photography is a method to record scientific phenomena or reflect scientific facts with the technology of photography,which have both the value of arts and the meaning of science communication.This paper introduced some photography contests about scientific topics,which had been successfully held in foreign countries.These works had the positive and profound significance in strengthening scientific cognition,promoting the informal science learning,interpreting the relationships between science and art and expending science learning tools for primary and high school students.Domestic science educators could acquire enlightenment,reference and application combining with their teaching practices.

Chemical History of “Law of Conservation of Mass” and Its Implications to Chemistry Teaching

GUO Xiao-Li, WANG Lan, WEI Rui
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 78-81. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2015090100
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This paper discussed the origin and development of phlogiston theory,hackled the historical process of oxidation theory.On the basis of these chemical histories,this paper made it clear that the historical value of the law of conservation of mass not only depended on paying attention to the total quality of the materials in the reaction,the differences of system and surrounding also had important significance.And then,this paper discussed the implications of the building process of the law of conservation of mass,and the value of the law of conservation of mass in the chemistry teaching of junior high school from the angle of the reaction system and surrounding.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 71-71.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (11): 81-81.
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