Basic Element of Life: Carbon and Its History, Physiological Function and Biomedical Application
Real Situation and the Development of Chemistry Core Literacy Based on the Interpretation of Chemistry Curriculum Standards for Senior High Schools (2017 Edition)
Review Teaching of “Properties and Smelting of Metal” Based on Real Production Scenario
Teaching of “Hess's Law” Based on Developing High School Students' Chemical Core Literacy
Application of EQUIP Tool in Evaluation of High School Chemistry Teachers' Inquiry-Based Instruction Level
Developing Chemical Core Literacy Based on Real Situations and Problem Orientation: Teaching of Silicon Dioxide
Design and Implementation of Revision Teaching for Sulphur-Containing Substances Conversion Based on Project Teaching
Teaching Design of “Precipitation-Dissolution Equilibrium” Based on Developing Students' Core Literacy
Exploration and Application of the Law of Complex Ion Reaction and the Writing Strategy of Ion Equation
Investigation on Chemical Thermodynamics Misconception of Senior High School Students
Status and Influencing Factors of Senior High School Students' Chemistry Discipline Core Literacy
Teaching of Metal Crystal Structure Based on Unity 3D Virtual Simulation Software
Discover Close Packing: Instructional Design of Metal Crystal Based on 3ds MAX
Discussion on Chemical Reaction Limit Experiment
Experimental Inquiry on Magnesium Reacting with Ammonium Salt Solution
Experimental Inquiry on Tattoo Inks Based on Scientific Risk Cognition
Improvement of Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory: New Method for Calculating the Number of Valence Shell Electron Pairs of Central Atom