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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education  
  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2019, 40 (19)   Published: 02 October 2019
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 0-0.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 96-96.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 97-97.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 54-54. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2017110095
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 83-83. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019050188
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 17-17.
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International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements

Basic Element of Life: Carbon and Its History, Physiological Function and Biomedical Application

XIA Ting, LI Sheng-Ke, WANG Rui-Bing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 1-5. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019050068
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Carbon is one of the first elements discovered and utilized by human beings. It is also one of the most important, fundamental elements for life building. It mostly exists in the form of organic matters such as sugars, proteins and lipids, while it also exits in inorganic salts, such as bicarbonate buffer systems, in human body where these carbonaceous compounds play an important physiological role. Carbon materials can be employed as artificial tissue matrix, organ implant material, drug or gene carrier, bioimaging agent, biosensor and so on, which paves a new way for the discovery of pathogenesis and theragnosis of human diseases.
Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Real Situation and the Development of Chemistry Core Literacy Based on the Interpretation of Chemistry Curriculum Standards for Senior High Schools (2017 Edition)

MA Yuan, YAN Wen-Fa, SONG Dan-Dan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 6-10. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018090097
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Chemistry Curriculum Standards for Senior High Schools (2017 Edition) has constructed the content system and development level framework of the core literacy of chemistry, attached importance to the "literacy-based" teaching and the creation of real situations. On the basis of analyzing the connotation and function of the teaching situation, the requirements of the creation and application of the real situation in the course content, implementation suggestions and proposition principles in the new curriculum standard are interpreted, and the educational value of real situation in developing students' core literacy of chemistry is discussed. Through the analysis of specific teaching cases, the strategies of teaching situation design based on the development of students' core literacy in chemistry are discussed.
Excellent Lesson

Review Teaching of “Properties and Smelting of Metal” Based on Real Production Scenario

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 11-17. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018110132
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This paper analyses two problems in the review teaching of "iron melting and properties":paying no attention to the comparison between laboratory and industrial production processes leads to the lack of real cognitive experience; only putting the emphasis on generalization and reorganization of knowledge results in the lack of empirical scientific inquiry and speculative knowledge reconstruction. This paper designs real production scenarios which allows students to perceive the social value of chemistry, explore the ontological value of chemistry by attending experiments and scientific inquiry scenarios. Moreover, the educational value of chemistry runs through the whole teaching process.

Teaching of “Hess's Law” Based on Developing High School Students' Chemical Core Literacy

CHEN Xiu-Juan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 18-21. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018120121
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Taking the teaching content of "Hess's law" in the Principles of Chemical Reaction as an example, based on the development of high school students' chemical core literacy, the teaching goal of this class is established. The discussion of the two issues of "understanding the nature of Hess's law" and "applying Hess's law to calculate response heat" is mainly from the two dimensions of "evidence reasoning and model cognition" and "scientific spirit and social responsibility". To explore how to develop the chemical core literacy of high school students in chemistry classroom and explore the effective classroom teaching mode based on literacy.
Teaching Research

Application of EQUIP Tool in Evaluation of High School Chemistry Teachers' Inquiry-Based Instruction Level

ZHANG Wen-Hua, LANG Xiao-Su, WANG Zu-Hao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 22-28. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018030099
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The EQUIP assessment tool is a qualitative analysis method system, which is used to evaluate the five factors of time utilization, teaching, discourse, evaluation and curriculum. The teacher C and Y inquiry teaching performances have the following characteristics:(1) the inquiry teaching level in the middle; (2) classroom activity order inquiry level is low; (3) teachers as the center, the interaction is few; (4) teaching evaluation focuses knowledge, lack of critical thinking training; (5) lack of big ideas to construct teaching. The teaching method emphasizes the guidance and teaching, and the teaching concept is the teacher centered teaching method.

Developing Chemical Core Literacy Based on Real Situations and Problem Orientation: Teaching of Silicon Dioxide

GUO Fei-Hong, SUN Xu-Bo
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 29-36. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018050006
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Based on the real problem situation and problem-oriented, this paper designed and implemented the teaching of silicon dioxide, and infiltrated the cultivation of core literacy of chemistry discipline in the teaching process. And the effect was evaluated. The evaluation shown that this lesson had intrigued students' interests and inspired students to achieve greater success.

Design and Implementation of Revision Teaching for Sulphur-Containing Substances Conversion Based on Project Teaching

SONG Li-Dong, LIU Cui, WANG Lei, SHI Fan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 37-40. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018050024
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This teaching design starts with the site selection of sulfuric acid plant, and then turns the questions into a project task, finally turns to chemistry questions by the students actively. In the process of solving the questions, the valence-classification 2D figure of sulfur-containing substance is constructed. When the model is constructed, the students will have rules to follow and a type to depend on when reviewing the element compounds.

Teaching Design of “Precipitation-Dissolution Equilibrium” Based on Developing Students' Core Literacy

LIU Yu-Rong, LIU Qian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 41-46. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018050098
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In order to promote the formation and development of students' core literacy of chemistry discipline, the basic idea of teaching design based on core literacy of senior high school chemistry discipline was constructed. Four teaching strategies were proposed:designing teaching units, overall planning literacy; formulating goals of teaching-learning-evaluation, monitoring literacy achieve; setting the task of the activity, carrying the development of literacy; creating a real situation, connecting literacy and knowledge. The teaching of "precipitation-dissolution equilibrium" was designed, and the teaching design ideas based on the development of core literacy were applied to promote the achievement of the goal of cultivating core literacy of chemistry discipline.

Exploration and Application of the Law of Complex Ion Reaction and the Writing Strategy of Ion Equation

TIAN Cun-Xian, TIAN Fang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 47-54. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018050135
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Based on teaching practice and aimed at the confusion about complex ion reactions and the writing of the ion equations, this paper divided complex ion reactions into three kinds of reactions:chain reaction, parallel reaction and competitive reaction through collation and induction, and explored all types of laws of complex ion reaction and analysis strategies, the writing methods and law application of the ion equation.
Investigation Report

Investigation on Chemical Thermodynamics Misconception of Senior High School Students

WANG Ji-Xue, WANG Xiang-Feng, ZHANG Ying, CHEN Tian-Tian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 55-60. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018040092
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Through questionnaire survey, this paper investigated senior high school students' popular misconceptions in the process of learning chemical thermodynamics, and through open questions and students' interviews, summarized the characteristics of related misconceptions were universality, relevance, crypticity and empirical. Then from four aspects analyzed the causes of misconceptions:the abstraction of chemical thermodynamics concept, the avoidance of thermochemistry theory in textbooks, teachers' attention to students' cognitive process, and students' knowledge reserve, finally drew conclusions.

Status and Influencing Factors of Senior High School Students' Chemistry Discipline Core Literacy

LI Jia, LI Yun-Shuang, SUN Xu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 61-67. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018070069
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This paper used the self-edited Senior High School Students' Core Literacy Status Questionnaire to conduct a large-scale survey of chemistry discipline core literacy for the first time among 36 519 senior high school students from 4 schools in 16 cities (including autonomous prefectures) in Hubei province. The results showed that the core literacy of high school students was generally good, among which the macro-identification and micro-analysis literacy level was the highest, the evidence reasoning and model cognitive literacy level was the lowest; the boys' chemistry core literacy and their performance in five dimensions were significantly higher than girls; the personal dimension of high school students was the primary influencing factor, followed by the school dimension, although the overall family dimension had little influence, the family economic status had a greater impact on the chemistry discipline core literacy; the chemistry learning strategies, chemistry learning motivation and chemistry learning adaptability had a significant impact on the chemistry discipline core literacy and its five dimensions, which were strong influencing factors; there was a difference between predicted ranking results of factors influencing core literacy and actual investigation results.
Information Technology and Chemistry

Teaching of Metal Crystal Structure Based on Unity 3D Virtual Simulation Software

LI Hua-Qian, HONG Mei, MAO Hua-Qiang, RAN Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 68-71. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2017110067
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According to the characteristics of high school's crystal teaching and the practical difficulties of teaching, this paper developed the interactive software of crystal teaching based on Unity 3D. The software had the function of three-dimensional model display and the interoperation in crystal teaching, realized the accumulation of metal crystal, crystal cell structure, cell parameters, the coordination number of unit cells and space utilization of three-dimensional visible teaching. The software could be used on mobile phones and tablet computers, and it was convenient for extra-curricular learning. Teaching practice showed that the software could improve the teaching situation.

Discover Close Packing: Instructional Design of Metal Crystal Based on 3ds MAX

ZHANG Shi-Man, LI Cun-Pu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 72-79. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018080074
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This paper used 3ds MAX software to carry out real-time three-dimensional modeling of metal crystals. Starting with the simple cubic cell, adopted the "construction-modification-trial and error" mode to guide students to construct all the unit cells of the cubic system. In this instructional design, students were led to discover and understand the essence of the "close packing" model visually and initiatively. Finally, the relationship between cell structure and accumulation was established. The students' chemistry discipline core literacy could be significantly increased through this well-design course.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Discussion on Chemical Reaction Limit Experiment

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 80-83. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018050021
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The section of the limit of chemical reaction in chemistry 2 textbook published by Jiangsu Education Press take "2Fe3++2I-=2Fe2++I2" as an example to guide students to understand reversible reaction. However, is it really possible to detect the residual Fe3+ with KSCN? This paper gives an answer both by theoretical calculation and experiment, and find a more typical reversible redox reaction instead of the above one.

Experimental Inquiry on Magnesium Reacting with Ammonium Salt Solution

LI Shu-Min, LIU Zhi-Gang, LIU Xiao-Yu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 84-87. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018060124
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The principle of reaction between magnesium and ammonium salt solution has many contradictory interpretations in high school chemistry. By determining the reaction rate of magnesium with different ammonium salt solutions, magnesium with different anion solutions and the volume of hydrogen generated, this paper obtained the essence of the reaction between magnesium and ammonium salt solutions:ammonium ion was a catalyst for magnesium reacting with water to form hydrogen; some anions (Cl-, SO42-) catalyzed the reaction of magnesium and water. Then this paper discussed the effects of ammonium salts on reaction of magnesium and water in terms of thermodynamics and kinetics.

Experimental Inquiry on Tattoo Inks Based on Scientific Risk Cognition

XU Yi, LING Yi-Zhou, REN Hong-Yan, CAO Xiu-Juan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 88-92. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019030201
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This paper designed a series of easy, hands-on experiments that inquire into the properties of tattoo inks of varying quality, such as heavy metal elements, particle size, coloration and effects on cell activity or plant growth. The findings showed that tattoo inks had potential health risks, and the health risks of low-grade inks were greater than those of high-grade inks. The experiments led students to understand chemistry in life and cultivate scientific risk decision-making ability.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Improvement of Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory: New Method for Calculating the Number of Valence Shell Electron Pairs of Central Atom

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (19): 93-95. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018030137
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This article gave a reasonable explanation of the number of valence electrons provided by hydrogen, halogen and oxygen family acting as coordination atoms, and deduced a new method for calculating the number of valence shell electron pairs of the central atom. The method does not have to write the Lewis structure to determine the number of bonding pairs and lone pairs, and it is unnecessary to specify the number of valence electrons provided by atoms of different families as coordination atoms. The number of valence shell electron pairs of the central atom can be obtained directly according to the formula.
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