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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2019, 40 (22)   Published: 18 November 2019
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 0-0.
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Deciphering Uranium

LIU Kang, WU Qun-Yan, MEI Lei, SHI Wei-Qun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 1-6. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019040107
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This work briefly introduces the discovery history, basic nuclear properties, unique electronic structure and related coordination chemistry of uranium element. Meanwhile, the applications of uranium in nuclear fuel, molecular catalysis, single-molecule magnets and superconductivity are also summarized.

Project-Based Method Driven Teaching Reform and Practice of Postgraduate Courses with Example of Chemical Engineering Design and Process Optimization

YAO Yun-Jin, YU Mao-Jing, CHEN Shu-Hai, YANG Ze-Heng, ZHANG Da-Wei, XU Chao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 69-73. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019020073
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Project-based learning as a new model that organizes learning around projects has been developed to cultivate the participative postgraduates' ability in the course of chemical engineering design and process optimization. It focuses on using the project teaching method to design teaching content and update teaching methods as compared to the traditional courses, which can help the postgraduates to solve the practical problems with theoretical knowledge. The project-based method has been implemented through the practical projects of chemical enterprises, based on the principle line of "discovering problems-analyzing problems-solving problems-summarizing experience". It was benefcial to form the new curriculum teaching model suited for the postgraduates in the universities, and further improve the postgraduate's design ability, practical ability and innovative ability.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 96-96.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 97-97.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 87-87.
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View the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 from the Development of Lithium-Ion Batteries

YANG Xiao-Jing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 7-10. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019100114
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This article reviews the nodes of the basic research on the lithium-ion batteries and, based on these results, the practical research, in order to understand why the three scientists (John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham, and Akira Yoshino) share the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

The Role and Significance of Desulfurization Bacteria in the Natural Sulfur Cycle

XIAO Lei, YU Zi-Jing, ZHOU Qiu-Long, YAO Jing-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 11-14. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019030188
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Sulfur is a necessary constant elements for life, and the imbalance of sulfur cycle will cause ecological damage. In this paper, the concept of sulfur cycle, desulfurization bacteria and the mechanism of biological desulfurization were introduced. The action modes of desulfurization bacteria and different ways of desulfurization were also discussed.

Theory Teaching

Another Interaction Between Atoms-Hydrogen Bonds

LI Shu-Ni, ZHAI Quan-Guo, JIANG Yu-Cheng, HU Man-Cheng, YANG Qi, GAO Sheng-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 15-20. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018080082
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This paper presented the definition, energy and covalent properties of hydrogen bond. We think that hydrogen bond can almost be called "another interaction between atoms" based on its development. Therefore, we proposed the reform of the teaching content of hydrogen bond. Thus, it can not only enrich the content of "hydrogen bonds" in basic inorganic chemistry, but also improve the students' awareness of scientific research from the basic course.

Constructing a New Classroom Mode of “333” Blended Teaching Taking the Construction of Analogy Model of Atomic Structure as Example(Ⅰ)

HE Yan-Bin, WANG Jin-Sheng, GAO Hui, YANG Jin-Xiang, XU Xue-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 21-26. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019010164
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In the view of the rapid development of open-online courses and mobile internet, the paper explored a classroom teaching innovation for inorganic chemistry. The practice process of the teaching innovation was supported by a platform, a study zone and six modules, reconstructing a new teaching mode of "333" including three stages, three segments and three categories by mobile internet thought. Furthermore, a teaching design based on this mode was shown by the teaching case of "atomic structure". The feedbacks from the questionnaire, exam result, ability training and learning psychology were positive. We look forward to this idea and practice procedure may provide a referential example for classroom teaching and personnel training of college in the future.

Experiment Teaching

Study on Experiment of Addition Reaction of Acetaldehyde with Sodium Bisulfite

LUO Yao-Yao, SUN Li-Na, CHEN Kai, CHEN Bang-Jin, LIU Yi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 27-31. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018100053
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It's a universal phenomenon that the nucleophilic addition reaction of the highly active aldehyde or ketone with saturated sodium bisulfate solution can produce a white precipitate and exothermic phenomenon.However, acetaldehyde with hyperactivity is an exception.The editors of organic chemistry experimental teaching materials are not very familiar with this exception.In this paper, we expound the main reasons for this exception and propose an improved scheme for the experiment of the addition reaction of acetaldehyde with sodium bisulfite.

Application of Comprehensive Designing Experiment in Organic Chemistry Experiment Teaching for Pharmacy Students

FAN Ling-Ling, LI Yong, WANG Ying, FAN Ju-Di, XIE Jun, ZHANG Jue, WANG Jian-Ta
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 32-35. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018100105
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In order to improve the teaching quality of organic chemistry experiment, and cultivate students' scientific research literacy and innovation ability, this paper present a comprehensive designing experiment of preparation of 5,5-diphenylethylenelurea. Through the literature retrieval, scheme establishment, synthetic condition optimization and results analysis, the students not only improve the experimental skills and problem-solving capabilities, but also realize the importance of green chemistry. The practice demonstrates that the comprehensive designing experiment plays an important role in cultivating students' innovation ability and comprehensive quality, and it is worth further promotion and improvement.

Undergraduate Comprehensive Chemistry Experiment for Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Fruits by Electrochemical Method

HAI Bo, YUAN Song-Yuan, HUANG Hao-Ran, WEI Hang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 36-41. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019040045
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The electrochemical detection method was introduced into the undergraduate teaching experiment, and a comprehensive exploratory experiment was conducted to detect the ascorbic acid content in fruits by cyclic voltammetry. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes were used as active materials, and the chemical composition was characterized by infrared spectroscopy. Moreover, the morphology of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes was characterized by transmission electron microscopy. The oxidation reaction of ascorbic acid on the electrode surface was used to quantitatively determine the ascorbic acid content in fruits by cyclic voltammetry curve. The experimental materials are common in life, which can improve students' enthusiasm for participation. The electrochemical theory is systematic, which helps students to flexibly grasp the electrochemical knowledge in textbooks. It involves some large scientific research instruments to help students learn and understand how to use and the working mechanism of instruments, which can improve students' enthusiasm for research. This experiment can be opened as a comprehensive experiment for undergraduates majoring in chemistry and chemical engineering.

Comprehensive Experiment for Colloid Chemistry: Synthesis and Properties of Prussian Blue Nanoparticles

LI Juan, HAO Yi-Jun, SUN Xiao-Yi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 42-45. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019050161
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In the atmosphere of education towards innovation, the cutting-edge scientific research was introduced into the undergraduate experimental course of inorganic chemistry or physical chemistry. In this paper, the experiment of "Synthesis and Properties of Prussian Blue Nanoparticles" was designed. The implementation of this experiments can lead the students to acquire the synthesis of Prussian blue nanoparticles via co-precipitation method, to comprehend the dispersion property and stability of colloids, to understand the catalytic property of Prussian blue nanoparticles on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, and to broaden the knowledge of applications in biomolecule detection, degradation of dye pollutants and so on.

Improvement and Application of Soxhlet Extractor

GOU Gao-Zhang, SHENG Jin-Suo, ZHANG Bin, YANG Yuan-Qian, WU Yun-Ying, LIU Wei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 46-49. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018040080
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Soxhlet extractor is commonly used as extraction device in chemical experiments, extraction of caffeine from beverage plants is an important experiment in basic organic chemistry. However, Soxhlet extractor has some shortcomings such as low extraction temperature, long extraction time, low extraction efficiency, fragile siphon tube, easily contaminated or blocked extraction tube and siphons. In order to improve the extraction temperature, extraction efficiency and shorten the extraction time, the external cylinder is added outside the extraction tube, which can effectively protect the siphon and has the function of heating and heat preservation for the extraction tube. The lower end of the condenser tube is provided with a bell mouth and barbs, which is convenient for binding or hanging sample bags to prevent the extraction tube and siphon from being contaminated or blocked. And the effect of improved Soxhlet extractor was evaluated. Compared with the original device, the improved device not only overcomes the above disadvantages, but also retains the features and functions of the original device. It has high extraction efficiency and is very convenient to use. It is worth to be promoted and used in universities.

Teacher Education

Teaching Evaluation Tool of Chemistry Teaching Theory Experiment

HU Hong, SHI Hong-Xia
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 50-58. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018110086
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In order to set up a complete teaching evaluation tool of chemistry teaching theory experiment, this paper carries out two rounds of empirical data collection and analysis on the basis of the established theoretical framework, and modifies and perfects the evaluation tool. The first round of the survey whose respondents are 102 students major in chemistry from S university mainly modified and deleted primary and secondary indicators of the evaluation framework, a total of 12 places. Based on the modified evaluation framework, a second questionnaire was formed. The second round of the survey involved 15 experts from 14 universities corresponsively deleted indicators and evaluation criteria at all levels, modified connotation and expression and replenished projects and so on in view of the theoretical framework and evaluation framework, a total of 30 places. Finally, a teaching evaluation tool of chemistry teaching experiment is presented, which contains 5 first-level indicators, 24 two-level indicators and 37 evaluation criteria, and is comprehensive, scientific and rational.

Chemical Education for Non-Chemistry Majors

Nomenclature of Drug's Chemical Names with Diazepam as Example

YANG Jia-Qiang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 59-62. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018110153
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In order to enable students to effectively learn and master the drug's chemical names. According to the "six-step nomenclature", the nomenclature of drug's chemical names is comprehensively and detailedly analyzed with "diazepam" as an example. Further, the universality of nomenclature is verified by some examples. It can provide help to learn the naming of drug's chemical names, and can also provide teaching reference for related specialties.

Application of CLIL Bilingual Teaching Mode in Biochemistry Experimental Course

SHU Bo, FAN Fang, ZHU Xin-Ting
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 63-68. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019030077
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In order to solve problems such as disconnection between professional content and English learning,unsatisfactory teaching effect in bilingual teaching of biochemistry, the bilingual teaching mode of biochemistry experiment course based on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) was carried out. On the basis of the traditional bilingual teaching mode, CLIL bilingual education of experiments provided effective application environment for professional English learning by integrating the language with professional knowledge in the form of specific laboratory teaching. By practicing CLIL bilingual education on experimental courses, the students can learn and apply professional English by setting up a real English scene. CLIL bilingual teaching has been improved on the traditional bilingual teaching method. It successfully stimulated learning enthusiasm and initiative of students by combining experimental content with professional English. CLIL-based bilingual teaching mode can achieve the goal of improving professional English level while learning subject knowledge.
Information Technology and Chemistry

Training Mode of Applied Innovative Talents in Majors of Chemical Engineering Based on Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Platform

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 74-78. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018090002
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This paper analyzes the main problems faced by the experiment teaching of chemical engineering specialty, and points out that the lack of comprehensive experiment is the key to restrict the cultivation of innovative talents in chemical engineering specialty. By utilizing some advantages of virtual simulation experiment teaching, according to the teaching concept of "design research experiment as the guide, engineering project as the support, and comprehensive innovation competition as the carrier", the innovation and practice of application innovative talents training for chemical engineering specialty were carried out based on the virtual simulation experiment teaching platform. It has achieved good results in the aspects of constructing the course system of virtual simulation experiment for chemical engineering specialty, cultivating students' thought of "engineering with a big E", and exploring the open and independent experimental teaching mode.

Recognition Method of Spherical TEM Image Based on Hough Transform

WANG Yuan-Bao, HAO Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 79-81. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019010063
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The principle of Hough transform and the detection process of circular image are introduced. The TEM image of nanospherical material is recognized by using the software of Matlab. The example shows that the circle finding algorithm based on Hough transform can recognize the size and position of circular particles in TEM image.

Practical Application of Micro Video Technology in Basic Chemistry Experiment Teaching in Local Universities

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 82-87. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019010088
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In this paper, in the case of the two experiments of "Iodine Extraction from Kelp" and "Preparation of Potassium Trioxalate Iron (Ⅲ) Acid" in the "Basic Chemistry Experiment" of colleges and universities, the specific application of the micro-video technology in basic operation experiment and comprehensive design experiment were respectively discussed. In addition, the virtual micro video produced by Flash software can clearly reproduce every step of the actual operation of the instrument in the instrument analysis experiment, which made up for the insufficiency of the students to operate the instrument actually before the experiment. The results showed that the application of micro-video technology greatly enriched the basic chemistry experiment teaching mode, which not only enhanced their self-learning and hands-on ability, but also improved the experimental success rate and experimental teaching effect.

Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Calculation of Abrupt Change Range for Titration of Weak Acid by Strong Base

LIU Yu-Ying, WANG Ping, LIU Qing, LIN Hong-Tao, XIAO Hai-Bin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 88-90. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019010156
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Due to some of the unreasonable simplification and conclusion in some textbooks and literatures for the calculation of abrupt change range when weak acid is titrated, a more accurate formula was deduced by taking account of the actual composition of the solution near the stoichiometric point,and the criteria for the accurate titration of weak acid was obtained.

How to Control Chemical Reaction Direction and Chemical Equilibrium by Temperature and Pressure

ZHANG Yun-Hong, PANG Shu-Feng, ZHENG Chuan-Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (22): 91-95. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018070123
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For a chemical reaction only containing ideal gases, Gibbs free energy, changing with the extent of reaction, was obtained. In the equation of Gibbs free energy, three items were contained. The first item was the sum of Gibbs formation energy of reactants and products, defined as the temperature-controlled item. The second item was the contribution of pressure to the Gibbs energy, named as the pressure-controlled item. The third one was the mixed entropy, which was contribution of mixing degree between the reactants and the products to the Gibbs energy. For any chemical reaction, the reaction direction and the chemical equilibrium can be controlled by temperature and pressure. Take NH3 synthesis and industrial synthesis gases for examples, how to control the reaction direction and chemical equilibrium by the temperature and pressure was discussed in detail.

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