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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2023, 44 (15)   Published: 02 August 2023
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 0-0.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 127-128. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023020041
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 129-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019100016
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 87-87.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 78-78.
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Treasure House of Western Chemistry Curriculum Resources Development: Ancient Silk Road

ZHANG Zeng-Dong, MO Zun-Li, BAO Qian-Qian, MA Jin-Zhong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 1-5. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022080245
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The curriculum resources of basic chemistry education in western China are scarce and the teaching ideas is relatively backward. The ancient Silk Road is a name card of the West, containing rich cultural connotation and material wealth. Through literature review of the historical context of the Silk Road, combined with the current situation of chemical education in the west, to find the intersection point between the Silk Road civilization and western chemical education, to improve the quality of chemical education in the west, reduce the difference in educational levels between the east and the west, and to provide reference for the inheritance and development of the ancient Silk Road.
Theoretical Perspective

Development and Implementation of Teaching-Learning Sequence Based on Three Stages of Knowledge Construction of “Electrolyte Concept”

ZHU Meng-Di, LU Shan-Shan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 6-12. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022060039
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The students’ knowledge construction develops in three stages: realist, empiricist and rationalist. The teaching-learning sequence (TLS) is a sequence of continuous “evaluation-intervention activities” that aims at promoting the stage development of short-term knowledge construction for students and is based on the learning situation of students at each stage. It can better realize the interaction between teaching and learning. In this study, a theoretical framework of TLS development based on three stages of knowledge construction was proposed and applied to the teaching of electrolyte concept. The results showed that it promoted students’ in-depth understanding of electrolyte concept.
Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Analysis and Implementation Suggestions for Columns in Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks of Phoenix Education Publishing

WAN Ying-Ying, YAN Wen-Fa, JIANG Miao, SUN Ting-Ting
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 13-18. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022040046
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Abundant column design is the feature of this revision of senior high school chemistry textbooks published by phoenix education press. According to The Interpretation of The Senior High School Chemistry Curriculum Standards (2017 Edition), this paper analyzes the content construction, the design feature and educational value of information development column, inquiry practice column, thinking training column and summarized application column, and put forwards some implementation suggestions.

Evaluation Standard of Chemistry Classroom Teaching Based on Development of Key Abilities

GUO Meng-Qin, JIANG Jian-Wen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 19-25. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022050240
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In order to understand the effectiveness of the development of “key abilities” in chemistry classroom teaching and implement the core competencies, an evaluation standard system for the development of “key abilities” in classroom teaching is proposed. This system takes seven key abilities as dimensions, including chemical characterization ability, chemical information processing ability, problem discovering and posing ability, experiment and inquiry ability, evidence reasoning and argumentation ability, chemical method and analysis ability, and model cognition ability. It has formed a basic framework of 1 key, 7 dimensions, and 20 indicators, and has been made more scientific and operational through methods such as multi-party discussions and practical analysis. After processing the acquired data, the results show that this system has good reliability, validity and discrimination, and then this paper introduces the application of this system through lesson analysis.

Comparison of Design Characteristics of After-Class Exercises in Textbooks Based on “Academic Requirements”: Iron and Its Compounds

JIANG Qiang, WAN Li, CHEN Qian-Ling, LI Xue, HE Miao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 26-32. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022040152
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After-school exercises are an important part of the textbook, taking the after-school exercises of “iron and its compounds” in the textbooks of People’s Education Press and Shandong Science and Technology Press as an example, the consistency between the “situationality and openness” of the after-class exercises and “academic requirements” is compared and analyzed. The results show that the proportion of situational design for after-school exercises in the People’s Education Press is higher than that in Shandong Science and Technology Press, and the open design of exercises is mainly reflected in the openness of answers and methods, and their proportions are equal; The matching degree between the after-school exercises of Shandong science and technology press and the new curriculum standard “academic requirements” is higher than that in the People’s Education Press.
Excellent Lesson

Teaching Practice of Deep Integration of Real Situations and Chemistry Classroom: Solubility of Substance

ZHU Ru-Qin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 33-40. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022020100
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Taking the “soaking ginseng wine, soaking ginseng tea and boiling ginseng soup”, which were common in real life, as the main line of the situation, students were led to explore the relevant knowledge of “solubility of substances”. During the teaching process, special attention was paid to the rational view of the difference in material solubility from the perspective of material composition and structure, the penetration and cultivation of subject thinking, the treatment of the gap between pre-class preview and classroom generation, and the excavation and reflection of the value function behind the experiment, then we could get the teaching enlightenment of the deep integration of the real situation and the chemistry classroom.

Teaching Practice of Supramolecule Using Reading Materials to Highlight the Value of Discipline

ZHUO Jun-Qiao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 41-46. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022030020
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Supramolecule became the content of the high school new textbook in 2020. Through the research of supramolecule content, combined with the characteristics of supramolecule knowledge, a supramolecule teaching with students’ independent material reading as the main activity is designed, so as to give full play to the teaching value and significance of supramolecule related content in promoting thinking development, developing core literacy and highlight the value of discipline.

Construction of Problem-Solving Model Based on the Real-World Situation: Review Teaching of Synthetic Polymer

MA Xu-Ying, DOU Jin-Yu, WANG Guang-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 47-53. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022020158
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This lesson is set in the real-world situation of several degradable plastic materials. The lecture is driven by the exploration into typical ways of synthesizing polymers, while in this course knowledge about the synthesis, the structure, and the properties of chemicals will be shared. It takes the micro-structure perspectives of the carbon skeleton, functional groups and chemical bonds to analyze the methods and conditions of polymer synthesis. A model for solving practical problems from the structure point of view will be developed through the lecture. In addition, students will be able to develop their abilities of macroscopic perception and microscopic analysis, as well as evidence-based reasoning and model-based understanding.

Teaching of “Chemistry and Occupation” Column in Senior High School Chemistry People’s Education Edition Textbooks: Professional Role Experience for Chemical Engineers

DU Ai-Ping
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 54-62. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022030200
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Teachers guide students to experience the professional role of chemical engineers from three aspects: corporate social responsibility, process transformation and industrial structure adjustment. The content is the hazardous chemical safety awareness card for preparing ammonia according to Basic Toxicity and Preventive Measures of Chemicals; Reform the synthetic ammonia process to realize carbon neutralization; Demonstrate the feasibility and implementation scheme of ammonia as green energy in the future. The project will effectively implement the column of chemistry and career, improve students’ cognition of career and cultivate students’ ability of future life planning.

Project Activity of “Production-Storage-Use” Integrated Hydrogen Car Racing Based on STEM Concept

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 63-70. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022040106
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The goal of “double carbon” is to continuously remove “carbon” and help to raise “hydrogen”, so that hydrogen energy will go to the center of the energy stage. This paper is guided by the STEM education concept, starting from the analysis of home experiments on electrolyzing water and the experimental activities of “making simple hydrogen and oxygen fuel cells” in textbooks. Driven by the “self-made ‘production storage use’ integrated hydrogen and oxygen fuel cell driving car”, a hydrogen energy car racing project-based activity of “charging for three minutes and racing for five meters” is carried out,so as to enable students to apply their knowledge and experience the charm of hydrogen energy.
Teaching Research

Unit Integral Teaching of “Metal and Its Properties” Based on Big Idea

ZHANG Ya-Lin, PAN Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 71-78. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022020124
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Starting from the perspective of “big idea”, taking “metal and its properties” as example, the core concepts is explained based on the perspective of material research. And this paper determines the advanced unit teaching and its aims, clears teaching strategy based on learning situation, creates class activities, and implements the integrated design of teaching evaluation. Through the comparative experiment, the advantages of the unit teaching are confirmed, and the teaching design, student development and teacher development are reflected and summarized.

Unit Teaching of Junior High School Chemistry “Acid, Alkali and Salt” Based on Subject Big Ideas

ZHONG Zi-Ting, QIAN Yang-Yi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 79-87. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022020139
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With the construction of the subject big ideas as the core, this paper analyzes the current teaching situation of “acid, alkali and salt”, integrates the knowledge contents of unit 10 “acid and alkali” and unit 11 “salt and chemical fertilizer” of ninth grade chemistry of people’s education edition as one unit, and establishes the concept of this discipline that “understanding the nature and reaction law of substances based on substance categories”. The teaching design of this unit is based on the theme activity of exploring the mystery of the principle of acid, alkali and salt in medical applications. It uses the idea of conservation of elements and microscopic analysis activities to develop students’ chemistry thinking, establish students’ scientific attitude and sense of social responsibility, and fully demonstrates the education value of chemistry.

Knowledge Processing Strategies of Senior High School Organic Chemistry from the Perspective of Structure

LI Bing-Ru, ZHOU Yu-Nong, HUANG Mei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 88-94. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022120137
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The new curriculum standard emphasizes the need to give full play to the functional value of big ideas in promoting knowledge structuring and literacy. From the perspective of structure, this article studies the content of high school organic chemistry from three stages of cognitive psychology knowledge processing, and proposes to promote the structure of knowledge association with knowledge goal orientation and system integration in the declarative stage. In the procedural stage, the transformation relationship and causality of knowledge promote the structuring of cognitive thinking. In the modeling stage, the deep processing model of the scientific nature of knowledge and the “five effects” inference prediction model promote the conceptual structure. Through the knowledge processing strategies of different cognitive stages, students’ learning of chemical knowledge can be realized from the subject knowledge system to the scientific knowledge thinking, and further rise to the rational scientific concept, so as to realize the teaching goal of big concept and fundamentally improve students’ subject core literacy.
Information Technology and Chemistry

Chemical Escape Room Design Based on PowerPoint:Redox Reaction

RU Zhen-Yuan, LIU Wei-Dong, ZHU Li-Ying
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 95-102. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2023010146
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The chemical escape room (ChEsRm) is an interactive educational game that integrates chemistry knowledge into the puzzles to stimulate students’ learning interests in chemistry and cultivate their problem-solving competency. It can not only help to diagnose students’ learning, but also contribute to assisting their review, facilitating conceptual learning, and enhancing laboratory skills. The study adopts the theme of “redox reaction” in the compulsory course of high school chemistry, and introduces the development process and crucial specifications of ChEsRm. The software of PowerPoint is employed. The process is composed of the determination of targets, the design of puzzles, the preparation of materials, the making of game, and etc. The study provides implications for teachers to design the educational games of chemistry.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Algebraic Techniques in Chemical Calculation

CHEN Bing-Yuan, XU Jin-Quan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 103-107. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022080110
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By deliberately drawing up multiple solutions to a chemical calculation problem, this paper analyzes and combs the concrete application of algebraic techniques used, such as underdetermined equations and chemical boundary conditions, Diophantine equations and constraint condition, high-ordered equation and algebraic symmetry. It not only highlights the charm of mathematics in basic chemistry teaching, but also reveals a new idea of interdisciplinary problem setting.
Domestic and Overseas Trends

Studies of Models and Modeling in Chemistry Instruction in the Past Forty Years in China: Features, Problems and Trends

FANG Jie, LI Dan-Qing, CHEN Yu-Ling
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 108-114. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022080067
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By using CiteSpace software, the visualization analysis of 220 papers on models and modeling teaching research in four major chemical education and teaching journals in the past 40 years shows that, studies of models and modeling in chemistry instruction in China has experienced the embryonic stage, preliminary stage, development stage and deepening stage. Future research on important literature shows that the four stages successively present the characteristics of making physical model to assist abstract understanding, using ideological model to infiltrate model method, implementing modeling teaching based on cognitive model, and carrying out local research aimed at model cognition. However, in the process of diversified development of chemical models and modeling teaching in China, there are still some problems, such as weak localization research foundation, insufficient in-depth classroom modeling teaching research, lack of research on the evaluation of teacher’s modeling teaching ability, neglect of the exploration of students’ modeling cognitive process, and single research paradigm. Therefore, in the future, it is still necessary to further deepen the localization research of modeling teaching based on the discipline characteristics, focus on classroom analysis of modeling teaching process, pay attention to the teachers’ meta modeling knowledge, establish connections with theoretical researchers, expand the research perspective, and combine quantitation and qualitative research.
Chemistry Olympiad

Analysis of Organic Chemistry Questions in the 36th National Chemistry Olympiad Competition (Preliminary)

SONG Zheng-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 115-121. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022120117
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Starting with reaction mechanism, this paper analyzes organic chemistry questions in the 36th National Chemistry Olympiad Competition (Preliminary Second Test), in order to deepen the readers’ understanding of the competition questions, comprehend the rules of organic chemistry reaction, and master the techniques to solving this sort of questions, thus improving the efficiency of learning or teaching.
History of Chemistry and Chemical History Education

From Material Origin to Modern Chemical Elements: Formation and Development of the Concept of Mercury Element

WU Yu-Fei, YUAN Zhen-Dong, HOU Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (15): 122-126. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022040021
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In the 4th century BC, ancient Greece first recorded the preparation of liquid mercury, while China appeared the mercury preparation process in the pre-Qin Dynasty. During the alchemy period, both the “sulfur-mercury theory” and the “tria prima” regarded mercury as the material origin. In the 17th century, Boyle advocated the particle philosophy, believed that Mercury particles were the condensate of “particle” and maintained the characteristics of mercury. In the 18th century, under the paradigm of phlogiston theory, mercury was a compound of mercuius calcinatus and phlogiston. But Lavoisier, who opposed the phlogiston theory, believed that mercury was a simple metal substance composed of mercury element. In the 19th century, Dalton’s atomism believed that mercury was composed of mercury atoms, the atomic weight of mercury was a characteristic of mercury element. In the 20th century, with the rise of isotope chemistry, mercury element was considered to be the general name of a class of atoms with 80 protons. In short, the concept of mercury has developed from ancient material origin to modern mercury element, and has experienced continuous changes from macro to micro, from qualitative to quantitative. The development history of the concept of mercury has implications for chemical research and chemical education.
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