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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2017, 38 (21)   Published: 02 November 2017
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 0-0.
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Star of Materials: Variety of Glass

WANG Huan, YOU Qian, WU Xiao-Chun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 1-5. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016090094
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Starting from the definition of glass, the history of its development and the production principle, this paper pointed out the change of the characteristics of glass structure in four kinds of widely used processing technology. Based on the relationship between structure and performance, the microstructure foundation was analyzed. In addition, this paper made a brief introduction to the classification of glass and some common glass, and then made a prospect for the various characteristics of glass.

Connection of Experiment Activities in Primary School Science Textbook and Junior High School Chemistry Textbook

YANG Miao-Xia
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 6-10. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016090058
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On the basis of the consistency of chemical core concepts and according to the training requirements of the chemical experiment activities in the curriculum standards, this paper discussed the connection of chemical experiment activities in primary school Science published by Jiangsu Education Press and junior high school Chemistry published by People's Education Press, and pointed out that scientific cognition, thinking method and emotional attitude of the chemical experiment activities embodied the connection and coherence. At last, this paper concluded that teachers should strengthen communication, the chemical experiment activities in junior high school should pay attention to interest, textbooks should strengthen the thinking process and the problem solving consciousness, and the comprehensive science curriculum should be setting up in junior high school.

Strategies of Using Concept Maps to Enhance Students' SOLO Levels

JIANG Yan-Qiu, SHEN Li-Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 11-13. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2017040085
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This paper briefly introduced the relationship between the five levels of SOLO thinking levels and conceptual learning, and then put forward the following strategies of using the concept maps to enhance students' SOLO levels: Making full use of the original knowledge to break through the pre-structural level; longitudinally discussing conceptual classification to break through the unistructural level; horizontally expanding comprehensive choice to break through the multi-structural level; cooperative exchanging and learning from each other to break through the relational structure level.

Core Questions and Teaching Strategies of Double Decomposition Reaction

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 14-18. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2017020096
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According to the curriculum requirements and the present situation of teaching and learning, this paper pointed out 3 core questions in the teaching of double decomposition reaction in junior high school. According to junior high school students' cognitive level and psychological development characteristics, combined with teaching practice summary, this study summed up the targeted teaching strategies such as constructing the concepts of three kinds of materials, further understanding the learning progressions with three stages and judging the conditions with two angles, which could help students to understand the driving force of double decomposition reaction, and to break through the key points and difficulties in the study, so as to promote the students to form the concept that the material could be transformed under certain conditions.

Evaluation of Chemical Bond Learning Based on Cognitive Structure Test

FENG Zi-Xia, YAN Chun-Geng, GAO Ling-Xiang, ZHOU Qing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 19-24. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016020074
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The results of cognitive structure test of senior high school students' about "chemical bond" by using the flow map showed that: In the learning process of "chemical bond" concept, most students paid attention to the memory of conceptual words in the process of constructing knowledge, and ignored chemical concepts embodied in the concept of chemical bond, which led students to lack deep understanding of the connotation of related concepts. Cognitive difficulties were mainly manifested in the nature of ionic bond and covalent bond, and formation process of ionic bond, etc.

Open Chemistry Teaching Model Under the Guidance of Entropy Theory

DAI Nan-Yang, HU Zhi-Gang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 25-29. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016020009
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The entropy theory is such an important law of nature that has been also regarded as "a novel worldview". Entropy is a being deepened and generalized conception. The teaching process should be a transformation process from low level to senior level order, that as from "high entropy" to "low entropy". Chemistry classroom teaching under the guidance of entropy theory requires teachers to use teaching system as an opening mode, requires the transition from lower orderly to non-equilibrium status, input new teaching tools and modes:"Fluctuation", and reach a new higher orderly phase through the non-linear effect, which has been illustrated by "the transfer of chemical energy to electrical energy" in the class. This kind of teaching mode will create a wide thinking space and an all-round, multi-level and multi-channel environment for students' study.

Comparison on Characteristics of Chemistry Classroom Instructional Behaviors Between Experienced and Novice Teachers: Case Study on “Chemical Bond”

SHAN Yuan-Yuan, ZHENG Chang-Long, HE Peng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 30-36. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016070115
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This paper analyzed the types, durations and teaching-learning processes of the Instruction Behavior Pairs (IBPs) in the experienced teachers' and novice teachers' ordinary classrooms, and found that the quality of the experienced teachers in each small Instruction Behavior Pairs and the teaching behavior transformation was better than that of novice teachers. The novice teachers' classroom time utilization rate was lower than that of the experienced teachers. In the ordinary classroom, experienced and novice teachers both should take more higher levels of IBPs, and novice teachers should pay more attention to students to lead them thinking deeply, and participate in class actively.

Influence of Evidence Presentation on High School Students' Competence of Written Chemical Argumentation

FANG Ying-Zi, DENG Yang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 37-42. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016060099
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After defining the core conceptions, this paper designed three written chemical argumentation tasks about the core content of the high school chemistry courses. In each test, the contents of the tasks were the same, while the evidences were presented differently in text, table and graph. The competence of written chemical argumentation of 135 high school students had been tested. The results of all tests were analyzed according to the Toulmin's argument pattern, and the influences of evidence presentation and students' academic performance on students' competence of written chemical argumentation had been found.

Application of Augmented Reality in Chemistry Teaching and Enlightenments

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 43-49. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016100027
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Applying the method of literature research, this paper discussed the status, value and future research direction of augmented reality technology in chemistry teaching. The results showed that the augmented reality had a wide application prospect in chemistry teaching, and would bring the new change of chemistry teaching method and teaching pattern. The research on chemistry augmented reality teaching should put the emphasize on the shift from the technology application to the integration, and pay attention to the study of learning process, seek breakthroughs in hardware, technology and professional development of teachers. In addition, it was necessary to examine the application of augmented reality in chemistry experiment teaching and educational reality in a rational perspective.

Development of High School Chemistry Simulation Experiment Based on Unity3D

WANG Jin-Lei, LIU Zi-Zhong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 50-54. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2017040048
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This paper adopted Unity3D software to simulate the laboratory preparation of chlorine, from establishing the model, writing the code to the final release, which demonstrated the strengths of chlorine laboratory preparation by Unity3D software in terms of the obvious experimental phenomena and the remarkable application effect.

Inquiry on Optimal Conditions of Chemical Traffic Light Oscillating Reaction Based on STEAM Education

XU Liang-Liang, ZOU Zheng, MA Jia-Yuan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 55-59. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016060065
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This paper introduced students' experiment inquiry on optimal conditions of chemical traffic light oscillating reaction using indigo carmine indicator based on STEAM education. This experiment was green, safe and simple to operate, with obvious phenomena and less reagents. This study aimed to make students master the control variable method to solve experimental problems and develop the creativity by setting scientific questions and making students experience the whole process of scientific research.

Decomposition Experiment of Hydrogen Peroxide Catalyzed by Manganese Dioxide-Loading Sodium Alginate Microcapsule Based on STEM Education

XU Liang-Liang, ZOU Zheng, CHEN Yi, CHENG Hao-Ran, DOU Yu-Chen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 60-63. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2017040028
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Based on STEM education, this paper introduced a simple and efficient method to prepare manganese dioxide-loading sodium alginate microcapsule, and guided students to inquire the optimum conditions for decomposition of hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by these microcapsules with handheld technology. This experiment was simple to operate, non-pollution, with obvious phenomena and less reagents, through which students not only observed the experimental process more clearly but also deepened understanding of quantitative research.

Inquiry on Oxygen Absorption Corrosion Rate of Nails in Different Solutions Based on Handheld Technology

LIU Kai, SHI Zhi-Bin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 64-67. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016100093
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This paper studied the oxygen absorption corrosion experiment of nails in 8 solutions by handheld technology, and analyzed the phenomena by quadruple representation, it indicated that the pH had a great influence on the oxygen absorption corrosion rate, and chloride ion increased the corrosion of nails.

General Character of Providing Water Reagents in Reaction of Iron and Water Vapor

FU Jin-Song, ZHANG Yan-Hua, WANG Li-Li, WANG Ping, GONG Cong-Rong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 68-72. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2017020078
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Using hand-held technology, this paper measured the temperature changes of providing water reagents and iron powder in the reaction between iron and water vapor. It was found that the temperatures of the providing water reagents were under 100 ℃, and the reaction temperature was about 500~600 ℃. Based on this, this article selected clay which could absorb water easily to do the experiment and achieved good results, which indicated the law was right.

Strategy Research for Fully Performing Teaching Function of Chemistry Experiment in Primary School

WANG Qiang, ZHOU Jing, SUN Ming-Ming, GUO Ming, SUN Gen-Ban, LI Hui-Feng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 73-75. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016120063
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In the practice of primary science teaching, chemistry experiments have the special teaching function. Whether the design of chemistry experiment in primary science textbook is reasonable, the science teachers' understanding and implementation for teaching function are the key factors affecting the teaching effect of primary chemistry experiments. Based on the analysis of chemistry experiments in various versions of textbooks of primary school science and the current teaching situation, this paper mainly focused on the two aspects of design of chemistry experiment and science teachers of primary school, the overall improvement suggestion to the experiment design were put forward. At the same time, science teachers in primary school were required to combine teaching resources and students' differences, pay attention to the situational teaching and the methodology of scientific experiments. So that the full play to the teaching function of chemistry experiment in primary school would be given in future.

Development of Ionization Theory and Its Enlightenment

FENG Xiao-Ying, CHEN Yan-Yue
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 76-80. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2016080087
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This paper systematically studied the history of ionization theory, and found that ionization theory and theory of electrolyte solution developed concomitantly. The development of ionization theory could be chronologically divided into four historical stages: Early understanding of the solutions, definition of key nomenclature of electrochemistry, proposal of ionization theory, development of ionization theory.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 29-29.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 36-36.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 59-59.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2017, 38 (21): 81-81.
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