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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2020, 41 (22)   Published: 18 November 2020
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 0-.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 24-.
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The Favorite of Nobel Prize: Exploring the History of Carbon

HUANG Qian, WU Xiao-Chun, WU Tun-Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 1-7. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020020099
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Carbon has a long history and is closely related to modern human society with long history, showing great significance to the future of human being. Therefore, research based on carbon has been favored by the Nobel Prize for many times. This paper aims to reveal the discovery of carbon and introduce the important roles of amorphous carbon such as activated carbon, carbon fiber, glass carbon and transition carbon such as pyrolytic carbon. In addition, crystalline carbon has many classical allotropes with unique structure, such as C60 fullerene, carbon nanotubes, and graphene, which have proved their extraordinary uses in the field of nanomaterials. So far, the synthesis, discovery and application of new allotropes are the focus of carbon research.

Exploration and Practice of Organic Chemistry Teaching Reform in Local Universities

YANG Xiao-Min, LIU Jian-Ping
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 8-11. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020030236
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Under the background of engineering education accreditation, local universities must carry out teaching reforms based on their own reality to improve the quality of education. According to Vygotsky's theory of “Zone of Proximal Development” and the results of analysis of learning situation, a whole set of organic chemistry teaching process reforms has been completed from three levels: teaching precision, teaching accuracy and teaching breadth based on the students' existing foundation. Practice shows that this teaching reform stimulates students' interests in learning, enriches teaching resources, improves the quality of teaching, and significantly enhances the degree of curriculum achievement.

A Historical Analysis on the Definition of Activation Energy in Collision Theory

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 12-16. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019100085
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There is adivergencein the definition of activation energy in collision theory and three definitions are found in various Chinese textbooks of general chemistry. Application of kinetic theory of gases and collision activation hypothesis are summarized as two basic elements of collision theory according to historicaldevelopment of collision theory. These three definitions are compared by evaluatingwhether they are consistent with the two basic element. It is found the Lewis' explanation to activation energy was too rough and with some errors in expression and deduction. In addition, it adapted irradiation hypothesis and objected to collision hypothesis. The Tolman's explanation only introduced statistical treatment without any introduction of kinetic theory of gases, which was not in the framework of collision theory. The minimum energy of effective collision from simple collision theory would be a more suitable definition of activation energy presenting the two basic elements of collision theory.

Improving the Memory Efficiency of Important Formulas in Physical Chemistry by Combining Several Memory Methods

ZHANG Jing, LI Dong-Xiang, REN Zhi-Hua, XU Jie, ZHAO Ji-Kuan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 17-20. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019120026
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Physical chemistry is a basic theoretical course of chemistry that has strong logicality and many formulas. In this paper, the application of various methods such as association memory method, analogy memory method, simplification memory method, category memory method and logical relation memory method are summarized in the memory of the important formulas with selected examples in physical chemistry. The efficiency of memorizing physical chemistry formulas will be improved as these methods are applied by students.

Teaching Design of Ideological and Political Education in Polymer Separation Membrane Materials Demonstration Class

JIN Tian-Xiang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 21-24. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019110180
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To deepen implementation of the spirit of national conference on the political and ideological work in colleges and universities, this paper takes the Polymeric Separation Membrane Materials demonstration class for the materials science and engineering major as an example to showcase the case design for political and ideological instruction from five aspects, covering the case theme, teaching targets, case significance, teaching course and investigation and analysis of teaching results. This demonstration class fully exploits the moral education elements in major courses,efficiently stimulates students' learning interests,and achieves a good teaching effect.

Exploration on Principle of Chemical Engineering Bilingual Teaching Reform Based on Scrum Pattern

XU Rong, MA Jiang-Quan, SUN Xue-Ni
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 25-28. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020040161
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Aiming to improve students' engineering practical abilities, the interdisciplinary introduction of the Scrum pattern from “agile development” in Software Engineering has been innovatively led into the principle of chemical engineering bilingual teaching. Thus, a reform idea has been proposed by adopting the Scrum pattern into the bilingual course. Based on such idea, an engineering project-centered and student-oriented agile bilingual teaching pattern has been formed preliminarily. The development and implementation of this new teaching method have been discussed through practical examples. In this paper, a series of reform and innovation steps have been carried out on teaching philosophy, method as well as the examination in the principle of chemical engineering course, which can be applied as an effective replenish for the traditional teaching mode. This study provides new thoughts and concepts on principle of chemical engineering bilingual course under the emerging engineering education background.

Comprehensive Experiment on Visualizing Spontaneous Molecular Directed Motion with Aggregation-Induced Emission Property

LI Kai, HE Zhan-Hang, ZHANG Zong-Pei, ZANG Shuang-Quan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 29-34. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020010057
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A comprehensive experiment was designed in this work, which included the frontier science issues including “aggregation-induced emission (AIE)” and “molecular machine”. The synthesis of compound, characterization of fluorescence property and test of chemical kinetics are combined in this experiment, which are related to organic chemistry, analytical chemistry and physical chemistry, respectively. Through class and network learning, students will learn about the basic conception of “molecular machine” and the mechanism of AIE phenomenon. Meanwhile, their abilities to solve practical problems with textbook knowledge will also be improved. The equipment using in this experiment is very simple, and the chemicalss are cheap and highly safety. Thus, this experiment is suitable for the experimental teaching of different universities and colleges. This experiment takes 4 class hours and is recommended to be set in the fifth semester. More importantly, since the AIE theory was an original scientific theory proposed by Chinese scientist, students' national pride and learning passion will be enhanced memorably by the learning of AIE theory.

Discussion and Research on Construction of Experimental Team in University in New Era

JIANG Wei-Hua, YANG Guang-Hua, LUO Shi-Ping, CHEN Hai-Qun, XUE Bing, MENG Qi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 35-41. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019100138
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The main contents of the job of university experimental team were expounded in the new period. The common problems in the construction of experimental teams in universities were analyzed. And the strategies and measures to strengthen the reform of the construction of experimental team were carried out, that was to innovate the employment mechanism, improve the incentive mechanism, develop a scientific and fair evaluation mechanism, optimize the management system, and policy innovation and so on. It was showed that the reform and innovation measures optimized the structure of the experimental team, standardized the management, evaluation, employment mechanism, and stimulated the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the teachers.

Substance Selection in Teaching Experiment of Bubble-Pressure Method for Measuring Surface Tension of Solutions

SI Cheng-Yun, LI Ming-Hao, LI You-Zheng, LI Xin-Yu, WU Xue, LIU Xin-Yue, XU Yi-Bin, BING Zong-Qi, YU Jie, GUO Jiao, BI Qi-Feng, SHEN Zao-Hong, XU Kai-Jun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 42-47. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019020114
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Improvement of teaching experiment of measuring surface tension of solutions by bubble-pressure method in Chinese universities is briefly reviewed. The surface tension isotherm of 17 common organic substances such as ruthenium acetate, propionic acid, butyric acid, 2-methyl butyric acid, 3-methyl butyric acid, valeric acid, hexanoic acid, methanol, propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, 1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, ethylene glycol, 1,2-propanediol, tween 20,tween 80, and sodium dodecyl sulfate in aqueous solution at 25 ℃ and some of these substances at 15 ℃, 20 ℃ and 35 ℃ are compared. It was pointed out that 1-butanol, isopropyl alcohol and propyl alcohol might be acceptable substance for teaching experiments.

Exploration and Practice of Innovative Bilingual Teaching Mode of Organic Chemistry Experiment

WAN Fu-Xian, YU Bin, ZHANG Li-Li, LI Ying, AI Shi-Yun, JIANG Lin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 48-53. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019120121
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Based on the teaching practice, the innovative bilingual teaching mode of organic chemistry experiment has been explored and practiced by guiding preview, optimizing classroom organization, writing experimental report and improving evaluation method. This innovative teaching mode can fully mobilize students' initiative and enthusiasm in learning, give full play to the leading role of teachers, cultivate students' experimental skills, improve students' professional English language proficiency, enhance students' innovative awareness and ability, and thus improve the teaching quality of organic chemistry experiment course.

Comprehensive Experiment Designed for Students of Applied Chemistry: Feasibility Judgment of Photoelectron Transfer

WANG Tao, XUE Tan-Long, WANG Zhi-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 54-57. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019100159
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In view of the basic theory of photochemistry teaching is of great significance for the applied chemistry students. In this paper, the feasibility of photoelectron transfer of anthracene and iodonium salt and the polymerization experiment of acrylate monomer initiated by anthracene/iodonium salt were designed to cultivate students' understanding of the basic theory of photochemistry. The students obtained experimental data by UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence excitation spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. The free energy change of photoelectron transfer between anthracene and iodonium salts was then calculated according to the Rehm-Weller equation. Application of sensitization system was studied by photopolymerization experiments.

Design and Practice of Comprehensive Multi-Step Organic Synthesis Experiments Based on Cultivating Students' Scientific Experiment Ability: Synthesis and Characterization of Caffeine

CHENG Hui-Cheng, CHEN Bao-Ru, ZHOU Li-Chao, WANG Min, XU Yi-Hang, ZHOU Jian-Min, HUANG Yan-Xian, MA Jiao-Li
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 58-61. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019110004
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Based on the classic experiment ofuniversityorganic chemistry “extracting caffeine from tea leaves”, a comprehensive experiment of “chemical synthesisand characterizationof caffeine” using cyanoacetic acid and dimethyl urea as raw material was designed. The experimental procedure is easy to control, and the repeatability is good. The intermediates and products are characterized by melting point instrument, ultravoilet spectrometer, infrared spectrometer, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. Through the comprehensive design of the experiment, students can not only master the basic experimental operations such as distillation, filtration and recrystallization, but also improve the understanding of the organic compound synthesis research process, and help students to develop comprehensive experimental capabilities.

Innovative Comprehensive Experiment:Synthesis of Benzanilide

SUN Jing-Guo, CAI Le, LIU Jia-Wei, SUN Xiao-Bing, GUO Yong-Yan, WU Zi-Luo, SHI Ying-Ying, FENG Yu-Ling
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 62-66. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019110080
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Oximation reaction and Beckmann rearrangement reaction are important basic experimental contents of organic chemistry specialty in colleges and universities. Current experimental textbooks often use cyclohexanone to prepare caprolactam. However, There is a great loss in the post-treatment of the reaction, resulting in a low yield and it is difficult to monitor the reaction. The experimental results are not ideal. We used benzophenone as reactant to synthesize benzanilide by oximation reaction and Beckmann rearrangement reaction. The product was confirmed by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, IR ect. The experimental results show that the reaction of benzanilide is stable, the reaction phenomenon is clear, the post-treatment is simple, and the yield is high. Monitoring the progress of the reaction through TLC enables students to have a clear understanding and control over the reaction process. The experimental content and time are suitable for the requirements of university experiments. The experiment is comprehensive and has a large expansion space. It can effectively train students' innovative thinking and scientific research consciousness and improve students' experimental skills.

Problems and Countermeasures in Learning “Chemistry Instruction Design” Curriculum of Normal University Students

LIU Shuai-Hang, LU Shan-Shan, BI Hua-Lin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 67-72. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020010105
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The focus of cultivation of normal university students is promoting their ability of chemical teaching design. This paper selects the students in one normal university, which has been in Excellent Teacher Training Program. Six dimensions are designed to survey their ability of chemical instruction design, namely, textbook analysis, students' learning analysis, learning objectives, the focus and difficulty of the content, instruction process design, and blackboard writing design. The results show that students had low performance in learning analysis and blackboard writing design after finished the curriculum of chemistry teaching design. Some advices are proposed in light of student's problems.

Construction and Practice of Experimental Teaching System of University Chemistry Innovation Based on Cross-Bounding Superiority Subjects

GUO Ming, ZHU Yin-Fan, GUO Jian-Zhong, WU Rong-Hui, SHI Lin-Fang, YANG Xue-Juan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 73-78. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019110139
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Our teaching research group take the cross integration of dominant disciplines of the university chemistry and the superiority of agriculture forestry as the teaching reform task, construct the innovative teaching system of university chemistry experiment based on the “foundation added module”. The experiment teaching practice of “project-based” teaching, “integration of science and education” teaching, “production, study and research” teaching, “hybrid” teaching and “virtuosity and reality combination” teaching are carried out respectively, and establish a new evaluation system of chemistry innovation experiment course. Our educational reform works are referential while the reform of the chemistry experiment teaching system has obviously improved the students' practical abilities and comprehensive qualities, and it will lay a foundation for the in-depth development of thebasic disciplines cross-integration of chemistry and agriculture and forestry.

Comprehensive Specialty Experiment Design:Ordered Mesoporous Silica Synthesized from Coal Fly Ash and Its Applications

FENG Li-Li, LI Yang, YUAN Ning, WANG Qi-Bao, ZHAO Ran, WANG Cai-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 79-83. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019110157
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Based on the research fields of teachers in the major of applied chemistry and characteristics of running the university, the comprehensive specialty experiment of “ordered mesoporous silica synthesized from coal fly ash and its applications” is designed for applied chemistry major. It includes the pretreatment of coal fly ash, synthesis of ordered mesoporous silica, characterization and analysis, and various application explorations of samples. Through the opening of this specialty experiment with distinctive characteristics, the students' recognition for universityfeature and specialty direction can be strengthened. Moreover, the students' abilities of practical operation and innovative practice are also improved, which lays a firm foundation for students' further study and scientific research.

Exploration and Practice on Thermal Analysis Experiment Teaching Based on Virtual Simulation Technology

SHEN Wen-Zhu, AN Wei-Yue, LIU Li, WANG-Ping, HUANG Zhi-Yu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 84-88. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019110024
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In this paper, a virtual simulation training system for thermal analysis experiment was designed and developed, and a new experiment teaching mode of instrument analysis and test based on virtual simulation technology was proposed, and all of those were applied in case of thermal analysis experiment teaching. Survey feedbacks on the quality of classroom experiment teaching were carried out, and results showed that this experiment teaching mode greatly improved the interests of independent learning and comprehensive practical ability for students.

Application of Computational Chemistry in Understanding the Essence of Adsorption

FENG Gang, SHI Liu, ZHANG Rong-Bin, LU Zhang-Hui
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 89-94. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019120086
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Adsorption is an important surface physical chemistry phenomenon, which has widespread applications in industrial and our daily life. As the developments of quantum chemistry and the breakthrough of the computation techniques, investigation into the material structures and chemical reactions via computational chemistry had became available. The present work elaborates the ways to investigate the adsorption phenomenon via computational chemistry for the understanding of the essence of adsorption at molecular and atomic level.

Analysis of Strong-Weak Mixed Acid Titration from Titration Curve

LIU Dian-Mei, XIONG Dao-Ling, LUO Xu-Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 95-97. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019080064
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Starting from the titration curve, the titration of strong-weak mixed acid system (HCl-HA) was analyzed when the end point was determined by acid-base indicator. The results show that it is impossible to titrate the HCl and HA stepwise and accurately, when Er=±0.1% and the initial concentration of each monoacid is 0.10 mol·L-1. But if Er=±0.5%, the weak acid(HA) and the strong acid(HCl) can be titrated separately and accurately, the requirement is as follows: 10-7.57Ka,HA≤10-6.50. The method is simple and practical. It has good results in teaching.

Discussion on the Discrimination and Application of Formal Charge

WANGZhipeng, MAXin-Yu, JIANGZhen-Xiong, GOUYun-Zi, ZHANGJun, YANHui-Juan, XUBing, WANGPeng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 98-104. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019040014
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Starting with fundamental elementary chemistry and structural theory, this paper systemically illustrated a couple of questions in regard to formal charge, discriminating formal charge from real charge, valence, oxidation state, and electron pairs. Furthermore, several examples of pioneering application in the field of metal complex were mentioned here. All in all, we expect this manuscript being helpful throughout the education of chemistry fundamentals and its promotion.

Preliminary Study on the Training Mode of Polymer Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents Based on “First-Class” Discipline construction

MU Xiao-Yu, QIAN Zhi-Qi, LI Yun-Kun, XU Yuan-Ting, LI Yan-Mei, YANG Chang-Yue, CHEN Jian-Ye, JIANG Yu-Qin, RAN Rong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 105-108. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2020020134
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Based on the construction of “first-class” discipline, we explore the training mode of polymer innovation and entrepreneurship talents with the teaching staff as guarantee, curriculum system as foundation, experimental teaching and high-level practice base as support, personnel training quality as objective. It has a wide range of demonstration and promotion.

The Development History of the Concept of Potassium and It's Significance

YUAN Zhen-Dong, MA Ming-Yang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 41 (22): 109-113. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2019110185
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Through the research and analysis of the development history of the concept of potassium, it can be recognized that potassium is the first active metal found after the rise of electrochemistry. In the early 19th century, with the progress of scientific ideas and experimental conditions, potassium was the first prepared by electrolysis, but it was not identified as an element. In the middle 19th century, experimental verification of the potassium properties and the development of atomism led to the potassium concept was confirmation. The discovery of potassium isotopes in the 1920s formed the modern concept of potassium. Development history of potassium concept is not only the elements concept progressive process, but also the evolution history of the scientific methods and scientific ideas.
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