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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education  
  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2022, 43 (1)   Published: 02 January 2022
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 1-1.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 127-127. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010043
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 128-128. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020196
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 129-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080118
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 95-95.
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Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Focus on Learning Progression and Explicit Discipline Core Competencies: Compilation Thought and Suggestions for Senior High School Chemistry Textbook Principles of Chemical Reaction Published by Shandong Science and Technology Press

ZHI Yao, WANG Lei, WANG Ming-Zhao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 2-10. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030102
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According to requirements of the senior high school chemistry curriculum standards (2017edition), this paper analyzes the connotation of the development of discipline core competencies and learning progression. From the aspects of the content structure organization, the design of activity column, the selection and use of situation, the micro-project setting and the design of exercise evaluation system, the paper illustrates the writing thought of the senior high school chemistry textbook Principles of Chemical Reaction published by Shandong Science and Technology Press, and puts forward some suggestions on its usage.

From “Cognizance of Methane” to “Cognizance of Organic Compound”: Analysis on the General Properties of Organic Compound and Alkane in the Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks Published by People's Education Press

GUO Zhen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 11-13. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020092
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Alkane is the parent substance of organic compound and the foundation of carbon skeleton. The properties of hydrocarbyl group determine the general properties of organic compound. Based on The High School Chemistry Curriculum Standards (2017 Edition) and the composition model of organic compound, the influence of carbon skeleton and functional group on the properties of organic compound, together with the changes of the high school chemistry textbooks (2019 Edition) published by People's Education Press were analyzed. The application of the general properties of organic compound related to the properties of alkane was introduced by example.

Diagnostic Study on the Answer of Substance Test Questions of Senior One Students

YANG Xi, ZHU Li-Ying, WANG Zu-Hao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 14-20. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020091
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The study is to diagnose the senior one students' knowledge of substance test in chemistry experiments and conclude the common problems. The participants come from a key high school in Zhejiang province. Ammonium ion test is the main content, including operation description, chemical terminology and mechanism understanding. Meanwhile, the differences in gender and class level are also considered, based on variance analysis. The results indicate that most of the students could not describe the experimental operation of substance test and write the corresponding chemical reaction equations, completely and accurately. What's more, they don't really understand the underlying chemistry theories. Although significant differences in gender and class level are found and the effect sizes are both limited, there are still many common problems, such as ignoring sampling and heating, confusing testing methods and misunderstanding the substance properties and chemistry mechanisms. The study provides some suggestions and implications for the teaching of chemical experiment, especially substance test.

Textual Research on Visual Representation of Singapore Current Middle School Chemistry Textbook

MENG Pan, SUN Ying, WANG Lei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 21-30. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010027
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With reference to the analysis framework compiled by Gkitzia et al., using content analysis to analyze the visual representations in Singapore current middle school chemistry textbook All About Chemistry ‘O' Level (2017, published by Hodder Education). Encoding statistics from five dimensions: type of representation(C1), interpretation of surface features (C2), relatedness between text (C3), existence and properties of a caption (C4), and degree of connection of multiple representations (C5) to obtain the visual representation information in the textbook. It is expected to provide reference and enlightenment for the compilation of middle school chemistry textbooks in China.

Error Analysis on Chemical Process Test Questions Based on Specific Examples

ZHAO Xue, WANG Zhi-Gang, JIANG Yan-Xia
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 31-35. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020172
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Nowadays, the proposition of college entrance examination increasingly emphasizes “quality conception”. The chemical process test questions are in good line with the goal of the college entrance examination evaluation system, and then serve the examination function well. However, based on the analysis of measured data, candidates often perform poorly in dealing with chemical process questions. A specific example is chosen in this paper, the responses of candidates with different ability levels are analyzed based on the measurement parameters. Some suggestions for senior high school students to break through the problem-solving obstacles are put forward in this paper.
Excellent Lesson

Unit Teaching of “Iron and Ferrous Salt” to Develop Students' Core Competencies

HU Jiu-Hua, AN Peng, XING Xin, SHEN Jun-Ling
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 36-41. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021040170
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In the teaching of “iron and its compounds”, the unit teaching of “iron salt and ferrous salt” was designed, with “exploring the chemical properties of ferrous sulfate” and “research on circuit board corrosion liquid” as the core tasks, combining iron salt with core knowledge such as the properties of ferrous salts and the mutual transformation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ runs through it, and establishes methods of thinking about the properties and transformation of materials from the perspective of material categories and element valences, and promotes the integration and development of multi-dimensional core literacy. After many rounds of teaching improvement, combined with the teaching practice process and its teaching effect, “focus on the application of inorganic matter understanding model, focus on the perspective and thinking of research materials”, “grasp typical activities, develop students' key competencies”, “design openness tasks, diagnosis through effective teacher-student dialogue, explicit problem-solving thinking” and other teaching strategies.

Deep Learning of Organic Synthetic Polymer Based on Real Design Idea: Taking Heat Resistant Synthetic Polymer Materials Polyimide as an Example

WANG Yong-Sen, YE Chang-Jun, JIN Cong-Wu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 42-50. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010150
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According to the Chemistry Curriculum Standard for Senior High School(2017 Edition), a new functional group amide group is added, and the concept of deep learning is integrated. the material of the five-star red flag on the Chang'e-4 lunar probe, is selected as the learning object, and the understanding angle of studying the heat resistance of polymers is established from the two dimensions of aggregate structure and molecular structure, Refer to the thinking process of scientific and technological workers to study heat-resistant polymers, design the learning process, and develop students' core literacy of chemistry discipline while learning core knowledge.

Teaching Design and Implementation of Extronuclear Electron Motion Based on the Essence of Microscopic Particle Motion

JIAO Li-Yan, ZHENG Chang-Long, MENG Li-Hui, CHEN Bin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 51-57. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010093
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The re-exploration of the extranuclear electron movement needs to understand the essential law of the extranuclear electron movement from the perspective of disciplinary understanding in the selective compulsory stage of high school.Through the evolution process of atomic structure model, the original question of electron movement outside nuclear is extracted, and the students are guided to construct atomic structure model developmentally in the learning task of primitivism problem solving. Based on the nature of the motion of microscopic particles, the motion characteristics and description of the extranuclear electrons are understood, and the microscopic perspective of the motion of the extranuclear electrons is constructed.

Using Gamified Teaching to Promote the Construction of “Particular View”: Taking the First Lesson of “The Structure of Atom” as an Example

CHEN Ying-Jie, ZHENG Liu-Ping
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 58-62. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010143
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This article analyzes the teaching content of the junior high school chemistry particle view and the related teaching design of the “atomic structure”. Aiming at the problems in the construction of the “particle view” for students, it proposes the use of feedback mechanism and adopts a game-based teaching design of “education through fun”, and conduct practical effect interviews. Not only completed the teaching objectives of this class, but also made students more interested in chemistry.

Classroom Teaching of Highlighting Discipline Value by Using the Change of “Water Civilization”:Taking “Water Purification” Teaching as an Example

WEI Ming-Gui, ZHANG Xiang-Rong, XU Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 63-69. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010082
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By means of questionnaire, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the teaching of “water purification”: the students' cognitive level is shallow, it is difficult to understand the practice and connotation of water purification; the teachers' cognitive level is not enough to realize the value and significance of water purification. It is suggested that the history of the change of “water civilization” should be integrated into the teaching process, and the students should be helped to fully understand the purification process of water and truly appreciate the value of the chemistry subject through the activities of “seeing, moving, doing and tasting”, understanding the meaning of “green water and green mountains are mountains of gold and silver”.
Teaching Research

Research and Implication on the Visual Representation of Students' Conceptual Understanding of “Solution”

SHI Guan-Xue, LU Shan-Shan, BI Hua-Lin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 70-75. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020005
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The visual representation of students' conceptual understanding can be demonstrated by students' drawings, according to which researchers can obtain more in-depth information about students' conceptual understanding. Reviewed the studies on middle school students' understanding of the concept of “solution”, we focused on the analysis of students' drawings. The results showed the visual representation of middle school students' understanding of the concept of “solution”. On this basis, the basic situation of middle school students' understanding of the concept of solution was summarized, and some teaching suggestions were put forward.

Implementation and Analysis of Cultivating Students' Variable Control Ability in Chemistry Teaching

TANG Xiao-Mei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 76-79. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010080
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The ability to design controlled experiments is the core ability of scientific evidence and inquiry, and it is also one of the evaluations of students' ability in the Chemistry Curriculum Standard of General High School by the Ministry of Education. After analyzing the current situation of students' ability and the content of teaching materials, through the implementation of classroom experiment teaching, the textbooks are fully utilized to help students reach the teaching goal of systematically and comprehensively applying variable control to solve practical problems through the recognition of variables.

Incorporating Task-Based or Project-Driven into Flipped Classroom: Application of Three Models in Teaching Chemistry at International High School

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 80-89. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010174
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With the application of three models of flipped classroom in teaching chemistry at an international high school: task-based flipped classroom, presentation-oriented flipped classroom and project-driven flipped classroom, this paper discusses how to grasp the essence of student-centered flipped classroom, further gives play to the professional guidance role of teachers by integrating task orientation or project drive, strengthens the organic whole connected before and in class, maximizes the efficiency of students' personalized autonomous learning, and finally guides students to grow into lifelong learners with follow-up learning ability. On this basis, aiming at the actual teaching of different types of flipped classroom, this paper puts forward the problems and countermeasures that will be encountered in the teaching process, so as to provide a valuable reference for the application of flipped classroom in senior high school chemistry teaching.

Construction of Chemical Experiment Thinking Method Based on Integration of Teaching, Learning and Evaluation: Taking the Review Course of “Separation and Purification of Substances” as an Example

MO Xuan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 90-95. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020043
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In view of the fact that students have no way to start with the exploration problems of chemical experiment, taking the exploration experiment of material separation and purification as an example, through the teaching mode of “integration of teaching, learning and evaluation”, students are guided to establish general ideas and methods to solve the exploration experiment of “material separation and purification”.
Teacher Education

Comparative Study of Pedagogical Content Knowledge Level Between Novice and Experienced Chemistry Teachers in Senior High Schools

LI Yan-Ling, ZHANG Can, RUAN Bei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 96-104. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010044
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A self-made questionnaire concerning the theme of “chemical equilibrium” was designed. The Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of 79 high school chemistry novice teachers and 81 high school chemistry experienced teachers in Hebei Province were surveyed. Independent-samples t tests were performed to evaluate the deference of PCK between novice teachers and experienced teachers from the following five dimensions: content knowledge, curriculum knowledge, student knowledge, teaching strategy knowledge and evaluation knowledge. Based on the findings of this study, the causes for these differences of PCK were analyzed, and several relevant suggestions were given which would provide reference for the rapid professional growth of chemistry novice teachers in senior high schools.
Information Technology and Chemistry

Application of Junior High School Chemical Experiment “Trial and Error” in Virtual Simulation Laboratory

TIAN Ju-Xiang, MA Zhan-Ling
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 105-109. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021040035
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When doing chemical experiments, we should strictly follow the corresponding operation steps and remember the experimental precautions, otherwise it will cause serious experimental consequences. However, in the virtual simulation laboratory, students can repeatedly “trial and error” and feel the consequences of wrong operations in a virtual environment that is almost real. Based on this, take the experiments of the first and second units of the grade nine chemistry textbook of People's Education Edition as an example to sort out the experimental considerations and trial and error results. Then taking the measurement experiment of oxygen volume fraction in the air, the use experiment of alcohol lamp, and the heating potassium permanganate as examples, this paper analyzes the application of “trial and error” teaching, and it is found that “trial and error” teaching in the virtual simulation laboratory can not only establish students' safety awareness, but also enhance students' sense of innovation, cultivate the spirit of scientific inquiry, and deepen the memory of knowledge.

Teaching and Project-Based Learning of Middle School Chemistry Based on Chemical Database and Neural Network Method

TANG Yuan-Jie
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 110-114. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021010128
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Taking carbothermic reduction and intelligent search of chemical materials as background, this paper combines traditional lecture-based teaching methods with chemical databases and machine learning. The case of carbon combustion and its thermal reduction of CuO is helpful to deepen the understanding of energy change and balance movement of chemical reactions. The research practice based on neural network has important enlightenment for the development of problem-oriented research classroom.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

A New Method for Calculating Fullerene Structure: Curvature Theorem

ZHUO Jun-Qiao, XIA Shuang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 115-117. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020001
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This paper discusses the method of calculating fullerene structure by curvature theorem, and proves the number of five membered ring of fullerene is 12, compared with the traditional Euler theorem method, the intuitive and visual characteristics of curvature theorem method in the study of polyhedral structure is highlighted, and the importance of mathematical method in solving chemical problems and understanding chemical models is emphasized.

Deepening the Cognition of Chemistry Through Application of Mathematical Methods: Taking the Proof of Common Conclusions of Rate and Equilibrium in Senior High School as an Example

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 118-121. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021020029
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This paper selected several common conclusions about the rate and equilibrium talked about in senior high school, discussed the effect of temperature on the reaction rate based on Arrhenius formula, deduced and analyzed how conversion degree of reaction changed with feed quantity, and proved the mathematical rationality of the conclusion of equilibrium state based on the monotonicity of concentration quotient. Besides deepening the cognition of common conclusions, the paper has unified the proof methods of several similar chemical problems by summarizing mathematical methods applied during the proof process, thus providing the direction for proving new problems.
History of Chemistry and Chemical History Education

Exploring the Nature of Science and Humanistic Literacy from the Discovery History of Fluorine

CUI Bo-Ya, YUAN Zhen-Dong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (1): 122-126. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030190
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The nature of science and the humanistic literacy are the hotspots of scientific education. The history of science contains abundant view of the nature of science and humanistic connotation. Through the textual analysis of the discovery history of fluorine, it is found that it contains many aspects of the view of the nature of science: the empirical nature of scientific knowledge, the subjective nature of scientific knowledge, the diversification of scientific methods and scientific research requires imagination and creativity. It carries the humanistic connotation, such as scientific development is inseparable from information exchange, scientific development needs the scientific spirit of dedication and scientific development is manifested as the unity of inheritance and innovation. These contents are important curriculum resources for science education, which is conducive to improving students' core competence level.
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