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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2022, 43 (11)   Published: 02 June 2022
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 0-0.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 45-45.
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Introduction of Common Plant Polyphenols Compounds

YI Ying, FAN Min, LI Quan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 1-6. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021060088
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The four common plant polyphenol compounds and their derivatives, including gallic acid, resveratrol, quercetin and curcumin, are introduced from the perspectives of substance structure, medical function, extraction and synthesis methods and other aspects. These plant polyphenol compounds have anti-oxidation, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor and other biological activities, and can be widely used in medicine, agriculture, food additives and other industries.
Theoretical Perspective

Strategies of Cultivating Scientific Literacy Through the Attributes of Scientific Knowledge

JIANG Xue-Qing, SONG Wan-Ju
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 7-11. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021100067
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Science teaching is the main way to cultivate students' scientific literacy. The current science teaching doesn't have a deep understanding of the attributes of scientific knowledge, which leads to the failure to give full play to the educational function of science teaching. According to the process of the generation and development of scientific knowledge, scientific knowledge has scientific, cultural and social attributes, and its scientific attributes are embodied in four aspects: empirical, logical, structural and ideological properties. Based on the analysis of the scientific attributes, the teaching strategies of infiltrating scientific attributes in scientific knowledge teaching are put forward, and integrates scientific knowledge, scientific method, scientific logic, scientific structure and scientific ideology to cultivate students' scientific literacy in the learning of scientific knowledge.
Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Comparison and Suggestions of “Chemical Bonds” in Textbooks Published by People's Education Press and Shandong Science and Technology Press Based on Ausubel's Learning Theory

FANG Yu-Qing, JIANG Jian-Wen, CHEN Shui-Liang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 12-20. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021050143
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Based on Ausubel's learning theory, this paper compares the content of “chemical bond” in the chemistry textbooks of PEP edition and Luke edition, analyzes the introduction, text arrangement order, text content organization, text columns, illustrations, exercises and so on, in addition, this paper expounds the textbook compilation and teaching suggestions from the perspective of Ausubel's learning theory.

New Changes and Teaching Enlightenment of “Chemistry and Sustainable Development” in Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks from thePerspective of Discipline Core Literacy

ZHANG Jing-Wei, SHEN Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 21-26. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070088
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Based on the discipline core literacy, this paper makes a comparative analysis on the theme of “chemistry and sustainable development” in the new and old PEP textbooks, clarifies the changes in the content of the textbooks, and fully explores the value of the revision of the textbooks on the cultivation of students' discipline core literacy, extracts literacy development function, analyzes the teaching value orientation, which provides a reference for the effective development of chemistry teaching under the concept of the new curriculum standard.

Comparison of Addition Reaction of Ethene and Bromine in British A-Level Chemistry and Chinese Chemistry Textbooks

WANG Fang-Xin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 27-30. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021050176
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Organic chemistry is an important module in the high school education, which is beneficial for the development of core competencies and values. Understanding the reaction mechanism promotes the ability of substance exploration from a microcosmic view. However, the introduction to the addition reaction of ethene and bromine lacks accuracy in the different editions of current chemistry textbooks. We compared the content of alkene addition in A-Level Chemistry and Fundamental Organic Chemistry, and discussed the characteristics in each version.

Analysis on Question Setting Ideas of Chemistry Paper in 2021 Beijing Academic Proficiency Test

WANG Yao-Zong, FU Yao, LIU Song-Wei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 31-36. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090075
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Based on the analysis of typical questions, this article discussed the proposition idea of 2021 Beijing academic proficiency test chemistry from three aspects, including the comprehensive study of basic knowledge, the effective development of disciplinary ability and the deep integration of disciplinary philosophy. This paper illustrated the positive effects of this chemistry examination paper with regard to the creation of the harmony interaction between testing and teaching, the elimination of endless exercising and promotion of the connection between college education and secondary education.
Excellent Lesson

Review of Chemistry Experiment and Process Flow in Senior Three Based on Project-Based Learning:Extraction of Iodine from Kelp

XU Mei-Xian, ZHANG Xian-Jin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 37-45. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070028
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Taking “extraction of iodine from kelp” as an example, students were provided with relevant materials before class for them to complete the process design and use during the upcoming in-class discussion. Subsequently, corresponding schemes were developed based on the given materials, after which they were implemented, summarized, and evaluated. The findings herein suggested that combining knowledge with practice aroused students' enthusiasm for exploration, while integrating independent literature review, scheme design and experimental verification could develop scientific research and innovative skills. It was thus important to emphasize consistency throughout the teaching-learning-evaluation process, as well as further enhance teachers' hands-on practical skills and knowledge guidance capability.

Project Teaching of “Review of the Theme of Scientific Inquiry” in Junior High School Chemistry: Comparing Vitamin C Content in Different Fruits and Vegetables

LI Jun-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 46-53. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021040174
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The project is to establish“the comparison of vitamin C content in different fruits and vegetables”by the selection of 4 kinds of fruits and vegetables in common life,such as kiwifruit,pear,purple cabbage and cucumber. It builds roadmap to solve the chemical problem by scientific research through preliminary planning project,planning project comparing the vitamin C content in this four kinds of fruits and vegetables,for the students who can experience a solution with a certain mass fraction of the solute and actual value of quantitative calculation based on the chemical equation to form the scientific concept for material,health and the view that properties determine application. It also cultivates the scientific attitude of strict truth-seeking,questioned critically to develop thought of designing experiment plan by control variables,shaping the key ability to conclusion and reflections on evaluation according to evidence reasoning and experimental results.

Discipline Core Literacy-Guided Teaching Design and Implement of “Sugar”

LI Jing, WANG Xing-Qiao, WANG Shi-Jie, BAO Chao-Long
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 54-59. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021060078
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This lesson takes a traditional Chinese dessert “sweet fermented glutinous rice” as the topic and the practical situation of its production as the principal line to design driving tasks of “the origin of sweetness-tuning the sweetness-analyzing the wine taste”, explaining the classification and transformation of sugar, and developing the problem-solving skills through experiments and discussions of the nutritional and industrial values of sugar. Meanwhile, a recognition-practice model of basic nutrients regarding food processing and value is established. This design is to develop the chemistry discipline core literacy of students and to provide a design idea for similar topics.

Promoting the Development of High-Order Thinking Ability of Junior High School Students with In-Depth Scientific Inquiry on “Neutralization Reaction of Acid and Base”

LI Hao-Jie
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 60-67. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021050026
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In view of the common tendency of students in learning “neutralization reaction of acid and base”, such as “passive acceptance of specific knowledge, lack of ideas for real scientific exploration, neutralization reaction law of mechanical memory, lack of critical questioning spirit and lack of high-order thinking ability”, this paper sets up a driving problem chain to help students build a thinking bridge between “situational problems” and “real scientific inquiry”, and develops students' high-level thinking abilities such as divergent thinking, orderly thinking, multi angle analysis of problems, design and creative thinking, logical reasoning and evaluation reflection in deep scientific inquiry. Creating a relaxed and comfortable communication and discussion environment in classroom teaching is conducive to the collision of sparks of thinking and creative inspiration among students. Classroom observation shows that the implementation of deep scientific inquiry teaching has effectively improved students' high-order thinking ability and problem-solving ability.

Let Iron Relics and History Speak in Teaching of “Electrochemical Corrosion and Protection of Metals”

SHI Xin-Yu, CHEN Li-Ping
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 68-73. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021060117
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Taking the protection of iron relics as the background, in the theme of “metal electrochemical corrosion and protection”, this paper attempts to combine iron relics with high school chemistry teaching. Through the exploration of different environmental corrosion principles of iron relics, we can understand the methods of using chemical principles to explain the protection of iron relics, so that students can master the knowledge of electrochemical corrosion and protection of metals, feel the influence of chemistry on human beings and promote the development of students' core literacy of chemistry.
Teaching Research

Progressive Learning Design of VSEPR Theory Based on Model Cognition

XIAO Li-Jie, PAN Rui, GU Xi, JIE Wen-Jing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 74-80. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021060045
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According to the objective law of students' cognitive development and the requirement of “model cognition” of core literacy of chemistry discipline from low to high level, the design of “recognition model, understanding model, application model and construction model”, has been carried out in comparison of virtual molecular model construction and real molecular configuration by using PhET interactive simulation model platform. Concepts of bonding, lone pair and valence electrons are integrated into the intuitive and game-based advanced learning step by step, which is expected to promote students in understanding mutually exclusive behavior in depth, and avoid the over analogy of virtual visualization model for “different ideas”.

Junior High School Chemistry Teaching of “Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide” Based on “Four Times and Four Steps” Teaching Mode

LIU Qing-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 81-87. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021110077
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From the perspective of core literacy, junior high school chemistry classroom teaching needs a teaching model that goes deep into the essence of the subject. The“four times and four steps”teaching mode is based on teachers “four steps teaching” and students'“quadruple cognition” of basic cognition, essential cognition, structural cognition and value cognition,this teaching mode is achieved the development from knowledge-based teaching to chemistry core literacy. The transformation of the integration of teaching, learning and evaluation meets the requirements of discipline education.

Cultivation of Core Literacy of Middle School Chemistry in Teaching of “Composition of Water” Under the Concept of STREAM

GAO Xing-Yuan, ZHANG Li-Hong, WU Jin-Zhu, ZHAO Jing-Fang, QIU Shu-Xian, ZHANG Xiu-Lian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 88-92. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080125
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STREAM education is a typical form of interdisciplinary education. Under the background of disciplinary integration, it solves practical problems based on the perspective of STREAM concepts. It focuses on cultivating and enhancing students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in the process of practice, and enhances interdisciplinary and creative thinking, so that students become fully developed with scientific and innovative spirit. This paper integrated STREAM concepts into developing junior high school chemistry teaching cases and put them into practice “the composition of water”. In this work, the effect on teaching and students' core chemistry literacy was studied based on experimental and control class. Data collection was carried out through paper and pencil tests and questionnaire surveys. The results showed that the experimental group was significantly better than the control group in terms of knowledge mastery and literacy development, which indicated the positive effects of STREAM concepts on both teaching and learning.
Information Technology and Chemistry

Design and Application of Chemical Interactive Experiment Video of “Laboratory Preparation of Chlorine Gas”

ZHAO Yin-Tao, MA Lin, CHENG An-Ran, HU Xiao-Xiao, XU Tian-Mei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 93-98. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080040
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Based on the content analysis of “laboratory preparation of chlorine gas” in textbook, this study develops interactive experimental videos by using the video platform of bilibili, and carries out practical application research in high school chemistry classroom teaching. The analysis results show that interactive experimental video can improve students' interest in learning and academic achievement, and it is worth popularizing.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Experimental Design of Organic Functional Group Detection in Food

LI Yue, HUANG Ping, LAI Yao, RAN Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 99-101. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021030053
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In order to enrich the experiment of real problem situations from real life, four common foods (Nestle coffee mate, white rabbit toffee, Dove white chocolate and household vegetable oil) were used as substrates. The common functional groups were analyzed through the ingredient list of each substance, and the corresponding groups were tested by the reactions of newly produced copper hydroxide, alkaline hydrolysis and iodine addition. Experiments show that the inspection phenomenon is obvious, the inspection time of each functional group is less than 1 min, the dosage is small, and the process is safe and controllable.

Simple and Efficient Method for Preparing Methane Gas

ZHANG Qing, YANG Xue-Ying, BAI Yun-Shan, WEI Yan-Lin, LIU Huan-Huan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 102-104. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070014
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There are some problems in the experiment of preparing methane gas by grinding and mixing sodium acetate, sodium hydroxide and calcium oxide, such as slow reaction rate, low yield, easy cracking and difficult cleaning of test tube. Based on this, the solvent mixing method can achieve rapid and efficient preparation of methane gas and solve rupture and difficult cleaning problems for tubes. This method essentially solves the shortcomings of the preparation of methane gas, and can be effectively applied to chemical experiments.

Experiment of “Removal of Formaldehyde in the Environment” and Its Teaching Function

LI Ran, LIN Hong-Yan, SHI Yi, LIU Qiao-Ping, YAN Ru-Yue
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 105-110. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021060155
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In chemistry textbook for senior high school (Luke edition,2019), students can usually propose two sets of experimental programs for the removal of formaldehyde in the environment: using ammonia and acidic potassium permanganate solution. This paper discusses the reactants and reaction types in the two experimental schemes, and whether ammonia and acidic potassium permanganate solution can absorb formaldehyde gas in the environment, and through the analysis of the experimental teaching function, this paper puts forward some suggestions on using this material for experimental teaching.

Digital Experiment on Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration in Disinfectant by Back Titration Using Ferrous Ion Produced by Electrolysis

DU Qin-Zhi, WEN Xia, XIONG Xiao-Qing, CHEN Shi-Hong, ZHANG Ming-Xiao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 111-117. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021060105
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Redox and electrolysis are the key contents of middle school chemistry. The MXLab21 advanced digital experimental system developed by our project team was used to electrolyze Fe2(SO4)3 to generate Fe2+, which was used to determine the concentration of KMnO4 through direct titration method, and the concentration of H2O2 in the disinfectant through the back titration method. The experimental conditions for constant current electrolysis including the concentration of Fe2(SO4)3 and the magnitude of electrolysis current had been optimized. Compared with the conventional digital instrument or handheld technology, the advantage of this digital experiment system was that it had its own electrolysis, stirring and control system. It could use substances produced by electrolysis to achieve accurate determination of the substance while electrolyzing, and the determination time was short (no more than 4 min). The end point of titration was estimated automatically by presetting the end point potential value, which was not only convenient and accurate, but also presented a real-time and intuitive dynamic curve of potential and electric quantity changes with time to facilitate students to understand the microscopic nature of electrolysis and redox titration reactions. It was of great value for middle school chemistry teaching and the cultivation of chemistry discipline core literacy.
Domestic and Overseas Trends

Research on Teaching Lessons of Electrochemistry in Foreign High Schools: Literature Analysis of Journal of Chemical Education in Recent Ten Years

TAN Yu-Ling, QIAN Yang-Yi, YUAN Li-Juan, CHEN Jun-Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 118-126. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070144
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Taking electrochemistry of high school as an example, this paper selects the teaching literature of high school electrochemistry in recent ten years from the international chemical educational top journal Journal of Chemical Education, and analyzes the teaching hotspots and development trends of electrochemical topics in foreign journals from the perspectives of literature column distribution, keyword analysis, literature content analysis and representative lesson introduction, in order to make up each other's deficiencies, expand horizons, and offer reference for our country's teaching research as well as the improvement of electrochemistry teaching among the first-line teachers.
History of Chemistry and Chemical History Education

Role of Quantitative Reasoning in the Discovery of Hydrogen

HOU Yan, JIANG Xiao-Hua, HUANG Mei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (11): 127-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070230
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Quantitative reasoning is defined as the ability to apply basic mathematical knowledge to solve complex problems in an interdisciplinary context. Quantitative reasoning is a high-order thinking ability that incorporates mathematics and professional subject knowledge and skills. The developments of quantitative reasoning skills are important to the achievement of the chemistry literacy for all students. Taking discovery of hydrogen as an example, this paper expounds the importance of quantitative reasoning in the history of science.
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