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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2019, 40 (14)   Published: 18 July 2019
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 0-0.
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Basic Data Collection and Database Construction of Food and Drug Vocational Education in China

CHEN Jing, XIAO Shang-Yue, SHI Jia-Wei, HE Xiong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 61-68. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018120110
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In order to fully understand the basic situation of personnel training of the national food and drug vocational education in China, we collected, investigated and analyzed the data scattered in the "National Vocational College Professional Setting Management and Public Information Service Platform", the "Ministry of Higher Education Vocational College Personnel Training Status Data Collection and Management Platform", and the "Annual Report on the Quality of Personnel Training for Higher Vocational Education". We had found out the national background of food and drug vocational education, and had arranged the basic data of the distribution and structure of food and drug specialties in the higher vocational education, as well as the teaching conditions of various specialties, and the quality of professional personnel training, which were expected to provide the necessary data support for the optimization and improvement of the vocational education system and the formulation of the policy of personnel training and development in food and pharmaceutical industry.

Construction and Practice of Modular Teaching Mode of Bioinorganic Chemistry

SUN Huan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 69-73. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018090088
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Focusing on the core requirement to enhance students' professional abilities, we modularized the teaching content of bioinorganic chemistry considering the class teaching practical experience, which followed the concept of modularization of the specialized curriculum of "frontier guidance+thematic discussion+project practice", and took "structure-nature-activity relation" as the clue. Meanwhile, we combine problem-oriented learning with case teaching in the practical teaching. Results showed that most students thought the modular teaching mode worked better for understanding the theoretical knowledge and improving the enthusiasm to participate in project training.

Problem Oriented Knowledge Point to Whole Knowledge Teaching Methodology in Pharmaceutics Curriculum Taking Teaching of “chiral” as Example

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 74-78. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018110162
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A new teaching method is designed and practiced in order to explain and introduce the "chiral" concepts and related knowledge in the pharmaceutics curriculum. The method is summarized and named "problem oriented knowledge point to the whole knowledge teaching methodology" by the author. The "Events after thalidomide" is introduced as the problem oriented knowledge point at the beginning of the course. The whole knowledge related is expended later. The teaching goals are obtained at the end of the course. This teaching method is with value to the other teachers.

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 95-95.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 96-96.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 97-97.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 10-10.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 45-45.
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International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements

A Versatile Element: Germanium

SONG Jun-Yi, TAN Yin-Long, JIANG Yu-Ren, HU Bi-Ru, WU Wen-Jian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 1-6. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018120158
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The discovery of germanium fills the blank of the periodic table, and consolidates the status of periodic law. The germanium crystal, because of excellent properties, has been widely used in semiconductors, infrared optics, fiber optics devices and communication industry, making it a strategic resource for national defense. Recently, the unique physicochemical properties and biological effects of germanium have been gradually recognized, making it a "star element" in the field of heath care. However, much more rigorous experimental studies are needed to provide solid evidences to reveal the mechanism of its biological effects.

Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Reform and Construction of Course System of Material Chemistry Experiment

WANG Yu, YAN Yan, LI Chun-Guang, SUN Fu-Xing, LIANG Zhi-Qiang, WANG Xiao-Feng, SHI Zhan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 7-10. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018080081
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On the basis of property of material chemistry experiment course and the experience of material chemistry experiment teaching in our college, we systematically illustrate the reform thought of material chemistry experiment. The promotion of systematic construction and quality of teaching can be realized by deepening the reform in education, improving the academic level of course instructors, updating teaching content and optimizing model of instruction. Furthermore, the stimulation of enthusiasm and interest of students and training of creative ability of students can further be achieved by them.

Interstellar Chemistry:The Significance and Pattern Exploration on Its Introduction into Fundamental Chemistry Education

WANG Zhipeng, CHENG Nong-Yi, MA Xin-Yu, TIAN Jie, JIANG Zhen-Xiong, GOU Yun-Zi, YAN Hui-Juan, XU Bing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 11-17. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018060044
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Interstellar chemistry originated and developed from mid-twenties is promoting the mankind's exploration towards the origin and evolution of universe, origin of life, and earth environment. The interaction between astronomy and other disciplines including astrophysics, spectroscopy, and fundamental chemistry plays a critical role in human's cognition towards interstellar chemistry especially the novel compounds and chemical reactions. Yet there is no precedent throughout the world where interstellar chemistry is introduced into college chemistry curriculums, this paper can be treated as a novel exploration on the introduction of current exploration and previous discovery of interstellar chemistry. Based on the analysis towards concerning classic theories and cases of application, the feasibility of this manuscript is further briefly explored. Specifically, the introduction of intercellular chemistry into chemistry education is meant to effectively attract students' attention beside broadening their horizons. The manuscript aims to promote the development of creative interdisciplinary talents in the new century.

Theory Teaching

Interactive Verification of the Calculation Formulas of Entropy Difference

YIN Kai-Liang, LIU Wen-Jie
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 18-22. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018060105
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To solve the problem that the students are difficult to remember and master the calculation formulas of entropy difference in the chemical thermodynamics, this paper presents a method which can strengthen the memory of the formulas through the interactive verification of the calculation formulas. Firstly, the paper introduces the conventional deductive method which is based on the entropy definition. Then, the paper introduces another differential deductive method based on the thermodynamic basic equation and the whole differential, and verifies interactively the results of the entropy difference calculation obtained by these two deductive methods. In addition, the equation of adiabatic process of the ideal gas and the corresponding formulas of entropy difference calculation are also deduced.

Course Constitution of General Chemistry for Foreign Students Under Mode of Learning Paradigm

SHI Mei, LIU Yang, LI Xiao-Bing, ZHOU Chang-Chun, FENG Li, MIAO Zhen-Yong, ZHAO Ming, WANG Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 23-26. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018080084
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This paper analyzed the properties of teaching paradigm which concerned about teaching and learning paradigm which focused on learning, aiming at enhancing the teaching quality of general chemistry for foreign students. Furthermore, the effect of learning paradigm was investigated on the boosting efficient study and improving the levels of cognitive domain targets. Then evaluation was fulfilled to illustrate the results of leaning paradigm. The outcomes depicted that learning paradigm had great improvement on helping student study effectively and realize educational goals. Meanwhile it is beneficial for teachers on their own development and improvement.

Application of the Studies of Chinese Ancient Civilization on Teaching of Organic Chemistry in Colleges and Universities

ZHAO Yan-Ning, XU Ying-Yue, XI Ming-Wang, LIU Xiang, JIANG Da-Yu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 27-31. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018060107
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During the practical teaching of organic chemistry, unique teaching methods, that is, the studies of Chinese ancient civilization, such as poetry, scene setting, manners and customs, humanistic moral codes and so on, were used to enable students to learn independently in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, and to achieve the learning effect with a permanent memory. This is expected to provide a reference of the education methods for colleges and universities.

Experiment Teaching

Study and Practice on Flipped Classroom Teaching Mode of Organic Chemistry Experiment Based on Rain Classroom Platform

CHEN Yu, HU Jie, ZHU Yi-Xin, ZHU Yun-Ying, BAI Song, WEI Xian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 32-36. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018100021
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Based on the concept of flipped classroom and rain classroom platform, the teaching mode of organic chemistry experiment was reformed and practiced around the goal of cultivating application-oriented talents in our university. The specific implementation process of the teaching mode was elaborated with the synthesis of ethyl acetate as an example. The results show that the teaching mode can not only improve the students' pre-class preview effect and stimulate their subjective initiative in learning, but also promote the teaching efficiency by using multimedia information technology and contribute to the construction of a well-trained teacher-team.

Functional Extension of Comprehensive Chemistry Experimental Teaching System Under General Education

WANG Yu-Qin, HAN Jing, LIU Wan-Jun, DING Yi-Min
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 37-40. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018090064
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In order to increase the competitive ability of chemistry discipline under the majors distribution policy, a multi-level experimental teaching framework was built to extend the functions of comprehensive experimental teaching system under the background of enrolment of students in large category. With the help of instrument platform and scientific management of experimental courses, the construction progress of the system is upgraded. The transformations of the research achievements, all kinds of competitions and university-enterprise cooperation projects to experimental contents are also accelerated to raise the quality of experiment teaching.

Experiment Design of Extracting and Determining Total Flavones from Cereals

AN Jing, QU Xing-Yu, QIAO Jin-Suo
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 41-45. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018090041
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The experiment of extracting and determining total flavones from 5 kinds of cereals such as millet, broom corn millet, highland barley, buckwheat and sorghum was fulfilled by some college students, who were divided into different groups to participate in the experiment. Among the experiment, 3 kinds of extraction methods were used, such as solvent extraction, ultrasound extraction and microwave extraction. The results showed that the extraction rate of flavones in highland barley was the highest, among 5 kinds of cereals. This comprehensive experiment can improve the students' abilities to use all skills flexibly they have learned and raise the abilities to solve practical problems, which is suitable to be set up as a comprehensive experimental project for senior undergraduates.

Thinking on College Students' Chemistry Experiment Skill Competition

QU Xue-Jian, DONG Wei, TONG Cheng-Xia, WANG Shu-Gang, GUO Yu-Peng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 46-48. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018120150
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Aiming at the problems such as insufficient foundation of basic experiment operation, insufficient comprehensive experiment ability, insufficient connection between basic theory and basic experiment teaching in the first chemistry experiment skill competition of College of Chemistry, Jilin University, this paper puts forward some pertinent measures, such as strengthening basic experiment teaching, increasing comprehensive design experiment, and strengthening the connection between experimental teaching and theoretical teaching. This will promote the reform of experimen teaching and improve the overall quality and level of chemistry experiment teaching.

Determination of Chromium (Ⅵ) by Diphenylcarbohydrazide Spectrophotometry:Disadvantages and Improvement

ZHANG Kai-Ge, WANG Yun-He, LI Shuang-Ying, FAN Jing
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 49-52. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018090070
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The determination of toxic heavy metal chromium (Ⅵ) is an important experiment content in the majors of environment, chemistry and etc. As national standard method, the 1,5-diphenylcarbohydrazide spectrophotometry (GB/T 7467-1987) is usually used. However, this national method has some disadvantages of using volatile toxic solvent, cumbersome operation and unfriendliness to the environment and operator. In the improved method, the diphenylcarbohydrazide chromogenic agent was prepared by using ethanol instead of toxic acetone as the solvent. Moreover, hydrochloric acid was instead of the mixed acid of sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid, which was then directly added to the chromogenic agent. This improved method simplified the operation step, improved work efficiency and reduced environmental and health damage. To evaluate accuracy of the proposed method, the concentration of chromium (Ⅵ) in wastewater samples was simultaneously determined by the atomic absorption spectroscopy method. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two methods.

Teacher Education

Research on Learning Process of “Thermochemistry” in Physical Chemistry Course:Text Analysis of Knowledge Construction of Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers at Local Universities

CHEN Kai, MA Hong-Jia, LIU Guang-Xiang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 53-60. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018070078
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In order to gain a deeper understanding of the knowledge building habits and levels of pre-service chemistry teachers in local teachers colleges, to explore their learning progress in basic professional courses in universities, we have adopted the "Thermochemistry" academic case of "combination of scientific reading and scientific writing features" in physical chemistry courses. As a carrier, self-study activities are conducted under the guidance of the students in the case study, and scientific writing is performed on the basis of reading textbooks and literature. The scale tools were used to evaluate college students' self-learning effects and reflection activities. Scientific writing works were evaluated using SOLO classification, and students' scientific reading was evaluated using KWL tools. It was found that the study subject's learning motivation is not strong and they are not good at linking the existing professional curriculum knowledge in the new subject knowledge learning. The level of construction activities based on text learning was extremely low, probably because their basic knowledge in the context of the examination did not form a system. No metacognitive learning strategies have been cultivated in prerequisite courses.
Investigation Report

Preservice Chemistry Teachers' Epistemology of Model and Its Teaching

CHU Du-Jun, DENG Feng, LI Meng-Li, YU Song-Fa
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 79-83. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018090049
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With 59 preservice chemistry teachers from a normal university in Guangdong as participants, this study employed open-ended questionnaire and interviews to investigate their epistemology of chemical model and its teaching. The results indicated that participants generally lacked sophisticated understanding about the nature of model and its teaching. Implications for preservice chemistry teacher education are also discussed.
Domestic and Overseas Trends

Reform and Practice of Teaching Mode Based on International Industry-Researching Institute-University Educational Cooperation and Collaborative Training Platforms

YANG Shu-Jing, YANG Chao, LI Pei-Yao, YU Bing, CONG Hai-Lin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 84-89. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018100132
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Based on the analysis of the difficulty of internationalization encountered in the implementation of ability-oriented engineering education for current provincial engineering colleges, and the case study of the material discipline of Qingdao University, a reform of teaching mode on the basis of an international industry-researching institute-university educational cooperation and collaborative training platforms was proposed, measured and proved practical. It fully integrated overall resources of the material discipline to promote the international integration training platform of industry, researching institute and university, and constructed an efficient dynamic management mechanism of the training platform. The all-round international reform of teaching staff, teaching content, teaching model and scientific research was carried out based on the training platform. The reform practice of teaching mode based on the international industry-researching institute-university educational cooperation and collaborative training platforms has made a remarkable achievement. It has a good demonstration effect in promoting international education reform for provincial colleges and universities.

History of Chemistry and Chemical History Education

History of Elemental Carbon and Its Educational Value

YUAN Zhen-Dong, REN Zheng-Pan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 40 (14): 90-94. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2018020102
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Through the textual research on the development of the concept of carbon single substance, carbon is known as the non metal element in ancient times. By the 17-18 century,diamond and graphite were proved as elemental carbon with the rise of scientific experiments and the development of elementalism,the concept of elemental carbon was initially formed. The discovery of C60 in the 1980s and the discovery of carbon nanotubes, graphene and T-carbon later shed a new light on the concept of elemental carbon. In Chemistry Education, it is necessary to make students realize that the history of the concept of elemental carbon is the discovery history of substance, and the evolution of scientific thoughts and methods.
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