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  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2023, 44 (7)   Published: 02 April 2023
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 0-0.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 125-125. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022070157
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 126-126. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022080005
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 127-128. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022090005
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 129-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022090017
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 128-128.
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Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Comparative Analysis on Selection and Presentation of Ecological Civilization Education Content in Senior High School Compulsory Chemistry Textbooks Exercises

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 1-6. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022060176
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Chemistry textbook of senior high school is an indispensable carrier of ecological civilization education, and exercise is an important part of the textbook. The analysis text is based on the senior high school compulsory chemistry textbooks published by People's Education Edition, Phoenix Education Publishing and Shandong science and technology press, which compiled in accordance with General High School Chemistry Curriculum Standards (2017 Edition). The characteristics of ecological civilization education content in exercises of the three editions of textbooks are compared and analyzed in terms of content selection, number of exercises, types of exercises, forms of presentation and values of exercises, in order to provide reference for senior high school chemistry teachers to effectively use the textbook exercise system to carry out ecological civilization education.

Comparison of Similar Illustrations in Three Versions of Compulsory Chemistry Textbooks in Senior High School

MIAO Cheng-Lin, Gulina·Shabiti
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 7-16. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022030085
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The similar illustrations of the three versions of senior high school chemistry compulsory textbooks: People's Education Edition, Shandong Science Technology Edition and Jiangsu Phoenix Education Edition, which were prepared according to the General High School Chemistry Curriculum Standards(2017 Edition), were counted, resulting in a total of 20 similar illustrations. A comparative study of similar illustrations was conducted from four perspectives: presentation, content design, material selection, and wholeness of the illustrations, summarizing the strengths and weaknesses, and proposing design suggestions and teaching suggestions for illustrations in chemistry textbooks.

Review on Senior High School Chemistry Syllabus of the New South Wales of Australia

CAO Zhen, CHEN Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 17-21. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022040108
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This paper analyzes the New South Wales High School Chemistry Syllabus (2017 Edition) from the aspects of curriculum syllabus framework, curriculum objectives, content, implementation and evaluation. The result shows that the curriculum syllabus and our country's high school chemistry curriculum standards are consistent in the cultivation of core competence and the expression of curriculum content standards, but they are enlightening to optimize our chemistry curriculum standards in terms of interdisciplinary curriculum design, learning process evaluation, and the development of supporting resources for curriculum standards.

Research on Consistency of Chemistry Test Questions in Senior High School Entrance Examination and Curriculum Standards Based on Achieve Tool

WANG Yu-Chao, WANG Hou-Xiong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 22-27. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022100127
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Under the background of “new curriculum standard” and “new evaluation”, the consistency and integration of “teaching, learning and evaluation” is an important measure to develop students' discipline core accomplishment. The Achieve tool was used to analyze the chemistry questions of G province senior high school entrance examination in 2022. Consistency analysis was carried out from the indicators of “content centrality” “performance centrality” “scope” “balance” “challenge level” and “challenge source”, and corresponding suggestions were put forward for curriculum, teaching materials and evaluation.
Excellent Lesson

Organizational Mode and Implementation Strategies of Results Display of Project-Based Learning to Promote Students to “Learn How to Think”

JI Shuang, SHEN Jin, LI Na, PAN Cheng-Jing, WEI Rui, CHEN Ying
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 28-33. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021120127
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Project-based learning(PBL) is a way of learning and teaching that promotes the integrated development of key competences. In the results display of PBL, there are problems that need to be solved urgently in both theory and practice. As a result, combining the characteristics of PBL, this paper explores the organizational mode and implementation strategies of the results display in order to promote students to “learn how to think”. In terms of the organizational mode, the core learning activities are designed in three\|stage: before, during and after the lesson, forming a “three-stage, nine-point” organizational mode. In terms of implementation strategies, the problem-solving framework is emphasized throughout the entire results display process; effective interactive paths and guidance suggestions are proposed to encourage in-depth interaction between teachers and students, students and students.

Maker Teaching Based on Project of “Flame Test”: Making Colored Flame Candle

CAI Xing-Wen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 34-39. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022020157
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With the project theme of “making colored flame candle”, the maker teaching of “flame test” was carried out. Based on the textbook with their own doubts, students first explored the cause of flame color, chose materials, improved the effect of color flame, and finally made colored flame candle. During the process, they mastered the experimental operation of flame test, understood the cause of flame color, built a cognitive model of “guess-evidence-conclusion-use”, cultivated the ability of scientific inquiry, cooperative learning, thinking and improvement, and raised the sense of their social responsibility.

Exploratory Review Lesson Based on Life Situation: Exploring the Mystery of the Heating Bag

SUN Jia-Yin, WANG Sheng-Fu
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 40-45. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021120073
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Combined with the life situation, the heating principle of the heating bag in the self-heating food was taken as the theme of exploration, and experimental exploration activities were carried out.The purpose was to deepen students' understanding of compulsory 1 knowledge at the practical level, improve students' evidentiary reasoning literacy and scientific inquiry literacy, and promote students' new understanding of chemistry and energy, chemistry and life.

Where Does the Oxygen in the Space Station Come From:Review Course of Gas Preparation

LI De-Qian, ZHANG Yi, CHEN Li-Ming
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 46-50. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022030018
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In the review class of oxygen preparation, the traditional design pays attention to the depth of knowledge; in order to reflect that chemistry is creating matter at different levels, we should pay attention to expanding the width of knowledge; with “Shenzhou 13 astronauts stationed in the Chinese space station and where the oxygen in the space station comes from” as the main context, students will be led to explore the main methods for preparing oxygen at the production and life level, the basic principles for preparing oxygen in the chemical laboratory and the design of gas generation devices with controllable reaction, and students will be required to summarize the methods for preparing carbon dioxide in production and life after class; the whole class highlights the application value and subject thought of chemistry by creating a big situation and constructing a big concept, and enhances the intuition, interest, practicality and subjectivity of the review class.

Teaching of “Solubility” Based on Real Industrial Production

WEI Yan-Rong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 51-55. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021120138
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This paper analyzes two problems existing in the actual teaching of “solubility”: it is difficult for students to really understand the concept directly, and pure knowledge teaching is difficult to reflect the value and significance of subject knowledge. It is proposed that the integration of real industrial production and activity exploration in the “solubility” teaching can help students comprehensively and deeply establish concepts, understand concepts and application concepts, and feel the scientific essence and discipline value. With the theme of “mineral salt”, it presents the teaching record of the integration of real industrial production and activity exploration of salinization, including three links: salt mining in mining area, salt making in plant area and salt cave utilization. Through classroom generation, this paper analyzes the teaching effect, existing problems and the direction of teaching improvement.

“Three-Dimensional Symbiosis” Classroom in Junior High School Chemistry Based on Core Literacy: Burning and Fire Fighting

ZHAO Ying-He, YANGYan, XIA Xiao-Qin
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 56-64. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021120028
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With “fire” as the main line, around the development of chemistry discipline core literacy, this paper designs teaching links such as “fire awareness” “using fire” “fire fighting” and “fire prevention”, constructs the junior high school chemistry “three-dimensional symbiosis” classroom, namely “to live life this symbiosis” class, based on the real situation of the “fire awareness” knowledge of life, cultivates changing ideas and evidence reasoning,and then constructs combustion model; In the class of “pointing to the generation of interactive symbiosis”, innovative experiments are designed to modify and apply the constructed model in “using fire”, and scientific inquiry and innovation consciousness are implemented. The class of “growth, integration and symbiosis” improves students' scientific attitude and social responsibility in the process of “fire fighting” and “fire prevention”, and truly achieves “after the lesson is finished, the meaning still remains”.

Teaching Design of“Acid and Alkali”Based on Professional Situation:Let Me be a Chemistry Experimenter

YU Zhong, SHE Mei
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 65-75. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021120095
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This article is guided by the professional situation:let me be a chemical experimenter, and the students play the role of “chemical experimenter” to solve the basic work problems in the laboratory. Driven by the task, this paper creates a student-centered learning situation to experience the work of drug sorting, reagent identification, waste liquid recycling, etc. This paper uses classification, comparison, experiment, induction and sorting methods to further study the nature of acid and alkali, and improve students' understanding of chemistry; It enhances students' cognition and understanding of chemistry related occupations, enhances students' practical application ability of chemistry, and develops their interest in taking chemistry as a career orientation.
Teaching Researc

Interpretation of Exploitation of the Works of Nature from the Perspective of Chemistry Knowledge of Junior High School

ZHAO Guo-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 76-84. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022010043
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Based on chemical discipline viewpoint, this paper displays the subject interpretation for junior high school chemistry knowledge in Exploitation of the Works of Nature (conservation of ideology, safety consciousness, ceramic firing, bamboo papermaking, salt production, metal smelting, limestone burning), then carries on the complement to traditional culture of science and technology, and gives a new scientific connotation and expression. It puts forward four points for disciplinary interpretation of traditional culture, namely, eliminating the false and preserving the true to enhance the scientificity; discarding the dross and selecting the essence to highlight the relevance; exploring the origin from the outside to the inside; focusing on integration from one to the other.
Teacher Education

Innovation Research on Regional Teaching Research and Teacher Training in Junior High School Chemistry

YANG Dong-Liang, ZHANG Kai
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 85-92. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022020154
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Based on the reform and innovation of regional teaching and research and teacher training in local junior high school chemistry in recent years, this paper analyzes the main problems and their causes, and puts forward strategies for regional teaching and research and teacher training innovation, such as learning theory guidance, professional technical support, “internet+offline” hybrid, “artificial intelligence+big data” smart, advanced teaching skills rating, and big concept based teaching and research design.
Investigation Report

Relationship Between Academic Help-Seeking, Self-Efficacy and Chemistry Learning Anxiety Among Senior High School Students: Latent Profile Analysis

YANG Qing-Ping, SHEN Zi-Feng, LAI Xue-Fen
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 93-100. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021100156
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Using latent profile analysis and logistic regression analysis, this paper explored the profiles of chemistry learning anxiety in 1 092 senior high school students, and further examined the effects of the academic help-seeking and self-efficacy on the profiles. Results showed that: Three latent profiles were identified and labeled as C1(low anxiety group), C2(intermediate anxiety group), and C3(high anxiety group). Senior high school students with higher executive help-seeking and avoidance help-seeking, lower instrumental academic help-seeking and self-efficacy would be more likely to be classified to C2 or C3 group, but not to C1 group.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Self-Made Turbidimeter Based on Smart Phone and Its Application

XU Wan, CHEN Meng-Lin, LING Yi-Zhou
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 101-104. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022040158
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Based on the principle of transmission turbidimetry, a simple turbidimeter was designed based on students' experience and easy to be made by students. The data of incident light and transmitted light were obtained by using the light intensity sensor built in smart phone, and the turbidity of the sample could be quantitatively measured by using the standard curve drawn with standard solution. The self-made turbidimeter could be applied to a variety of exploratory experiments and scientific practice activities, which was not only a practical experimental tool, but also a process of deep learning for students.

Inquiry on Experimental Scheme of No Bubble Generation in Intermetallic Replacement Reaction Between Zn and FeSO4

JIANG Da-Chuan, DENG Yi-Chen, SU Lin, LI Sheng, ZHANG Yan-Hua, FU Jin-Song, LONG Du-Huo
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 105-108. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022030028
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A large number of bubbles generated in the demonstration experiment of Zn replacement of Fe in Fe2+ in junior high school chemistry textbooks interferes with students' cognitive learning of replacement reaction. The main reasons for this phenomenon are (1) the hydrogen evolution corrosion caused by the formation of Zn-Fe primary batteries after the replacement of Fe; (2) the hydrogen evolution potential of Fe is lower than that of Zn, so after Zn is displaced with Fe, the hydrogen evolution overpotential is reduced to produce a large number of bubbles. Based on this, the reaction conditions are controlled, the generation of bubbles in the reaction is inhibited, and the phenomenon of Zn displacing Fe is amplified. By adjusting the Fe2+ concentration and pH during the reaction to adjust the number of Zn-Fe primary cells and the hydrogen evolution overpotential, the conditions of this teaching demonstration experiment are explored. The results show that when the concentration of FeSO4 is 0.54 mol/L, pH=3.58, and the concentration of Fe3+ cannot be detected by KSCN, the Fe displaced by Zn can be observed to be attached to the surface of Zn and can be attracted by magnets, and the generation of bubbles cannot be observed.

Inquiry on Conditions of Fast Silver Mirror Reaction at Room Temperature

QUE Rong-Hui, WU Hong-Bo, ZHAO Ya-Lan, HAN Sha-Sha
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 109-112. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022030197
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As an important property demonstration experiment of aldehyde group in senior high school chemistry teaching, silver mirror reaction usually required water bath heating, and it took a long time to form silver mirror. In this paper, on the basis of a series of experimental exploration, it was found that a certain amount of sodium carbonate solution was added to the silver ammonia solution, and then acetaldehyde was added, silver mirror could be generated in a short time at room temperature. The reaction was simple to operate, and the silver mirror formed relatively quickly.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Calculating the Number of Valence Shell Electron Pairs of Common Molecules by “Quotient-Remainder” Method

DONG Yong-Jun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 113-118. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022040100
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In order to conduct an in-depth study of the valence shell electron pair repulsion model, this paper divides the common molecules into several categories according to the similarities and differences of the molecules: ABn(B is a non-hydrogen atom), HxA(simple hydride), HxABn(complex covalent molecules). When calculating the number of electron pairs in the valence shell of common molecules, firstly calculate the total number of valence shell electrons V, and then use the “quotient-remainder” method: V8=n…m, n as the number of octet atoms, m2 as the lone electron pair of the central atom A, x as the number of coordinating hydrogen atoms. Then according to VP=BP+LP=x+n+m2, calculate the number of valence layer electron pairs. From the calculation of the number of valence shell electron pairs of three different types of molecules, this paper concludes the thinking model of calculating the number of valence shell electron pairs of the common molecules by the “quotient remainder” method, which helps promote the construction and development of students' cognitive models.
History of Chemistry and Chemical History Education

History of Covalent Bond Theory and Its Educational

LIU Yu-Rong, CHENG Ying-Di, DOU Meng-Xue
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 44 (7): 119-124. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022010113
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Covalent bond theory is the core of chemistry. This paper analyzes the development history of covalent bond from the perspective of cognition, the formation and development of covalent bond theory can be divided into four stages, the phenomenon of phase: preliminary understanding of the way of material combination; characterization of phase: explore the particle bonding process; nature of phase: reveal the essence of covalent bond formation; development phase: explain the structure and properties of matter. The development stage of covalent bond history is in line with the arrangement of teaching materials, combine with students' cognitive development. It has the following educational values: (1) embody the thought and method of subject;(2) continue to develop students' cognitive advancement; (3) to promote the formation of students' literacy.
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