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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education  
  Chinese Journal of Chemical Education--2022, 43 (19)   Published: 02 October 2022
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 0-0.
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 127-127. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022030035
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 128-129. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022070283
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Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 101-101.
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Curriculum-Teaching Materials-Assessment

Interpretation of Chemistry Curriculum Standard (2022 Edition) for Compulsory Education of China:Chemical Changes of Substances

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 1-6. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022kb0005
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This paper briefly introduces the revision key points of the learning theme of “chemical change of substances” in the Chemistry Curriculum Standard (2022 Edition) for Compulsory Education of China,expounds the design ideas of content requirements, academic requirements and teaching tips, as well as the suggestions for teachers to understand and implement the curriculum standards of the learning theme.

Contrastive Analysis of Scientific Inquiry Contents of New and Old Textbooks Published by People’s Education Press Based on Core Literacy

CHEN Yu-Wen, CHEN Hui-Min, SHI Guang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 7-12. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080240
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Based on the level division of the core literacy “scientific inquiry and innovation awareness” based on the new curriculum standards, the “scientific inquiry” column of the old textbooks is selected as the analysis unit, and the “inquiry” column of the new textbooks is used as the analysis unit. Analyze the scientific inquiry content of new and old textbooks in two dimensions of content object and open level. The analysis results show that the number of new textbooks’ inquiry activities has decreased, but the overall level of openness has increased, reducing ineffective inquiry and highlighting the structure of knowledge. It is recommended that teachers fully grasp the new features of the “inquiry” column of the new textbooks and carry out literacy-based teaching.

Comparison of Ideological and Political Education Contents in New Textbooks for Senior High School Compulsory Chemistry

HUANG Gang, XU Yan-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 13-20. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090115
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Taking the new compulsory high school chemistry textbooks of People’s Education Edition, Luke Edition and Jiangsu Education Edition as samples, based on the ideological and political education, combined with the high school ideological and political curriculum standards and the core literacy of Chinese students, this paper defines and codes the content of ideological and political elements involved in the textbooks, and makes a comparative analysis from the aspects of content dimension, presentation position, application mode and connection mode, and finds that the distribution of ideological and political elements in the new textbooks is different, the connection mode used is diversified and chemical knowledge covers multiple ideological and political elements. In the function of ideological and political teaching, the strategies of relying on the characteristics of textbook arrangement, applying various connection methods and integrating modern information technology are put forward.

School-Based Curriculum Development: From “Chemistry Legend”to“Chemistry Reading”

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 21-25. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080254
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The school-based curriculum “chemistry legend” is mainly to guide students to read articles on chemistry history. When upgraded to “chemistry reading”, the content of reading has been broadened, the form of reading has been upgraded to the video watching and the whole book reading, the reading time has been extended to extracurricular reading, and the reading term has been extended from a school-based course season to every section of high school. Students’ reading content are also upgraded from required by teachers to be selected by students themselves.
Excellent Lesson

Review Teaching of Chemical Experiment in Junior High School: Revisiting Photosynthesis from Chemical Perspective

LIU Chun-Feng, SHI Ning
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 26-30. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080016
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Every discipline does not exist in isolation, and there are certain links between disciplines. Breaking discipline boundaries and integrating disciplines can effectively promote the improvement of students’ core competences. Based on the knowledge of “photosynthesis” in biology and from the perspective of studying chemical reaction, carbon dioxide is re-explored for photosynthesis. Through the experiment exploration, promote students’ systematic understanding of the experiment, develop students’ core competences such as scientific inquiry and evidential reasoning, and cultivate the core literacy of science subjects.

Review Teaching of “Solution” Based on Evolution of the Function Value of Core Concept

Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 31-39. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090151
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Putting the “solution” into the complete discipline system, fundamental problem-driven, and retrieve the discipline theories and models of obtaining the new teaching reserve and matching the new problem situation, Integrate “core concepts, discipline tasks, cognitive perspectives, cognitive paths, ability activities, and basic chemical concepts”. With the help of discipline thinking methods, get through vertical and horizontal connection in order to find the basic laws, through the collision of thoughts, revise, perfect and develop one’s own original understanding in the aim of forming systematic thinking model of “functionalization of core concepts and thinking of problem-solving”. Under the leadership of the core literacy of the subject, implement the evolution of core concept in functional value during the teaching in the chemistry review class in junior high school.

Teaching of Periodic Table of Elements Based on Modeling Ideas

JIAO Li-Yan, ZHENG Chang-Long, LOU Yan-Guo, YAN Peng-Lin, JIA Ning
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 40-46. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021060140
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Through modeling practice activities, the historical process of scientists’ development of the periodic table of elements is reproduced, and the thinking and methods of scientists’ exploration process are revealed. Integrate the knowledge of periodic table and nuclides in the model construction and understanding, and understand the establishment of periodic table from the scientific nature.

Project-Based Teaching of “Green Chemistry”:Production Process of Oxirane

YE Jun
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 47-51. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070115
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Taking the green chemistry of oxirane preparation process as the project-based learning theme, and taking the green chemistry concept learning and the design evaluation of the green chemistry in the chemical process as the project-based learning activities, the teaching design of the green chemistry concept was explored, so as to cultivate students’ consciousness of green chemistry and improve their scientific attitude and social responsibility.
Teaching Research

Chemistry Teaching Based on the Literacy Development Value of Theme: Writing Isomers According to the Limited Conditions

ZHUANG Yan, ZHENG Chang-Long, ZHAO Hong-Jie, JIANG Xian-Guang, HUANG Nan, ZHANG Xiao-Yan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 52-58. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021070075
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This paper analyzes the development characteristics of isomers (isomerism) and extracts the cognitive perspective of understanding the diversity of organic molecular structure. Guide students to construct cognitive models based on “isomerism” and “limited conditions” to understand the diversity of organic molecular structures at different levels.

Connecting Teaching Between Junior and Senior High School Based on Chemistry Core Literacy:Chemical Properties of Metals

YAO Meng-Juan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 59-63. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080096
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The chemical properties of metals is an important content for junior and senior chemistry learning. This part of the content involves important chemistry concepts and chemistry core literacy, such as elemental view, transformation view, particle view, STS view, as well as macro identification and micro analysis, evidence reasoning and model cognitive literacy. However, the cognitive level of junior three students is limited, and they cannot go deep into the microscopic perspective of electronic transfer in teaching, and cannot fully recognize and apply models. In order to make up for this problem, this research is based on the chemistry core literacy, and conducts the teaching research on the linking of junior and senior high school on the chemical properties of metals.

Ternary Situational Teaching Practice Guided by Core Literacy of Chemistry: Decentralized System and Its Classification

YANG Zhi-Yi, WEN Ji-Huai, LI Yin-Fang, LIU Tao
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 64-70. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021080048
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Combining with the core literacy of chemistry, a three-element situational teaching model is proposed. Taking the “dispersed system and its classification” as an example, according to the main line of asking questions, analyzing problems, and solving problems, the teaching records including life situations, experimental situations, and social situations are presented, which provides a case for the cultivation of core literacy in chemistry.

Teaching of High School Chemistry Concept Transformation Based on MEL Scaffold:Dynamics of Chemical Equilibrium

YANG Xiao, ZHAN Xiao-Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 71-76. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021120017
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Based on the importance of plausibility in concept transformation, this paper introduces the MEL (model evidence link) teaching scaffolding that pays attention to the matching relationship between evidence and concept, and explains its role in supporting the reassessment of concept plausibility and promoting the effective completion of concept transformation teaching. By analyzing the constituent elements and presentation forms of MEL scaffolding, a classroom teaching mode suitable for chemical concept transformation teaching is developed. Taking the typical theme “the dynamics of chemical equilibrium” which is easy to produce alternative concept as a teaching design case, the concept transformation teaching mode based on MEL is put into practice and explained.

Development and Application of Chemistry Teaching Resources from Ancient Bencao Works WEI Zhen-Zhen

LIU Shan-Hu, ZHANG Yu, LI Miao-Miao, REN Xiao-Ran
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 77-82. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021100218
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Benefitting from profound humanistic heritage and scientific spirit of Bencao works in the past dynasties, chemistry teaching resources integrating the knowledges of Chinese herbal medicines is beneficial to realize the educational function of chemistry in middle school. This paper tried to excavate and refine the chemical knowledges of middle school from ancient Bencao works, combine the knowledges of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacology, and list some examples about inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and examination materials to explore an effective and feasible way to integrate herbal medicines into chemistry teaching of middle school.

Development of Teaching Materials Based on Silicate Materials

WU Qiang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 83-87. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021110203
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In view of the difficulties faced by teachers in designing silicate materials, three teaching materials corresponding to ceramics, glass and cement are developed: Shijiahe red pottery cup, Luoyang float glass and Baihetan dam, including 2 original experiments, 7 materials and 14 original questions. This material can be used in the new class of silicate materials or the review class of silicate materials, and can also provide a reference for the order maker of the original problem. The selection of materials follows the concept of moral education, cultivates students’ patriotism and improves their advanced thinking ability.
Teacher Education

Construction of Development Community of Chemistry Teachers in County-Level Junior High Schools

CHEN Wei-Jian
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 88-92. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022040169
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Based on Chemistry Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition) for Compulsory Education of China, the time-background of the so-called double reduction policy and the deep implementation of the plan to improve the county-level junior high schools, aiming at how to build a county-level junior high school chemistry teacher development community, practice and exploration are carried out from the five aspects of investigating and grasping the actual situation of county-level junior high school chemistry teacher development, building an urban-rural integrated junior high school chemistry teacher development community, implementing an integrated teaching and research mechanism of “curriculum, teaching and evaluation”, precise training empowerment of teachers’ professional development, strengthening of basic teaching skills. The research shows that perfecting the working mechanism, focusing on subject education and stimulating the enthusiasm of all teachers are the key links in building a community for the development of county-level junior high school chemistry teachers.
Experiment Teaching and Teaching Aid Development

Determination of Equilibrium Constants of Reversible Reaction Based on Titration Methods

WEN Li-Quan, CHEN Hao, WANG Yao-Zong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 93-98. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090073
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Taking the “Fe2++Ag+Fe3++Ag” equilibrium from the chemistry paper of 2021 Beijing academic proficiency test as an example, this article sets up an experimental method to estimate chemical equilibrium constants based on the theoretical thermodynamic analysis and titration analysis. It provides an operational case for the concept teaching of equilibrium constants in senior high school.

Improvement of Ferrous Ion Oxidation Experiment

LI Zhou-Ping
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 99-101. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090016
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Aiming at the problem that the phenomenon of Fe2+ oxidation experiment is not obvious in the textbooks, the Fe2+ oxidation experiment is improved. The zinc sheet is cut into fine zinc wires, and through the reaction of zinc wire with ferrous salt solution, after a period of reaction, the zinc wires are attracted by a magnet, the zinc wires can be attracted by the magnet, it proves that Fe2+ is reduced to iron element, which reflects the oxidizability of Fe2+.

Inquiry on Abnormal Phenomenon in Preparation of Silver Ammonia Solution

WU Qiang, YANG Hua-Gui, ZHAO Xian-Xiang, LIAO Xu-Gao, HUANG Hai-Meng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 102-104. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090166
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Silver nitrate solution was prepared by the commercially available reagents. It remained transparent while ammonia water was added dropwise, which was caused by the existence of trace impurity ammonium nitrate in the silver nitrate reagents. In the reaction of silver nitrate solution with ammonia water, the product mainly was silver ammonia complex, and a little mid-product silver oxide, by the mass determination of silver oxide precipitation in the reaction. Furthermore, the problem was also explained that the product was transparent solution or white precipitation while ammonia water being added dropwise into silver nitrate solution.

Comprehensive Experiment on the Application of Alginate Hydrogel in Food, Medicine and Environmental Protection

TONG Xin-Yang, LIU An-Dong, JIN Gu, LI Jiao, LIU Hong-Yu, ZHU Ping-Ping, YAO Qi-Zhi, LI Ling-Ling
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 105-109. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021090200
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Starting with the preparation of popping boba popular in milk tea, this paper guides students to explore the multidimensional application of alginate gel in the fields of medicine and environmental governance through exquisite experimental design. The experiment originates from life, and it is in line with the environmental and medical hot spots of public concern. Combined with the original animation video, the formation of hydrogel and drug release and other related principles are introduced in simple terms.
Discussion and Thinking of Questions

Comparison of Properties of Short Period Main Group Nonmetallic Hydrides

CHEN Jun-Jie, CHEN Hong
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 110-113. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021110073
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Taking the short period main group non-metallic element hydride as an example, this paper expounds the relationship between non-metallic property and hydrogen bond strength and the stability of non-metallic hydride; The contradiction between “perchloric acid is more acidic than nitric acid” and “hydrogen chloride cannot form typical hydrogen bond” is solved; It is found that the stability ordering and electronegativity ordering of methane, silane and ethylborane are abnormal, and the causes of the abnormality are analyzed by bonding atom radius and lone electron pair effect; The regularity of acidity and alkalinity of short period main group non-metallic element hydride in water is summarized.
Chemistry Olympiad

Ingenious Solution to the Third Question in Preliminary Competition of the 35th Chinese Chemistry Olympiad

XU Wang-Hua
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 114-120. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2022030030
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The third question in the preliminary test of the 35th Chinese Chemistry Olympiad were smartly resolved. From the beginning to the end, with the help of the structural formula, this paper firmly grasped the main line of“how does the old bond break? How does the new bond form?”, which fully demonstrated the evolution process of different reactions to different products. The answers given were also discussed at the same time, and some pieces of teaching advice were provided.
History of Chemistry and Chemical History Education

Evolution and Pedagogical Values of the Leblanc Process

PAN Xiong-Feng, WEI Zhao, DAI Pan-Yang, XU Feng
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 43 (19): 121-126. ;  doi: 10.13884/j.1003-3807hxjy.2021110046
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The new high school chemical textbook published by the People’s Education Press in China introduces that there are three processes of soda in chemical industry history: the Leblanc process, the Solvay process and the HOU’s process.Literature retrieval has found a lot of Chinese literature introducing the Solvay process and the HOU’s process, but little literature focuses on Leblanc process.The paper reviews the context of emergence of the Leblanc process in France, the maturity in England and the decline competed with the Solvay process. By tracing the rise and fall of the Leblanc soda process, the paper concludes the role of the Leblanc process in chemical industry history and its pedagogical values.
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